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A new function called "Poster" has been added to the left menu of Stabilis®. This screen allows downloading posters which have been presented during Congresses. Some of them have been included in the database Stabilis® if they contain sufficient information Other posters for the database are of different types: − interesting but insufficient content for the database − content non-translatable into pictograms (e.g. details on solvent or container) − physical compatibility only − interactions between container and molecule in solution, without stability data − influence of transport on stability (pneumatic system for example) − etc Do not hesitate to send your posters after the presentation in your Congress for the publication in Stabilis®.

Datum vydání země nadpis
03/10/2024 Francie Développement d’une méthode de dosage indicatrice de stabilité et étude de la stabilité physico-chimique de l’Etoposide phosphate dans une solution de chlorure de sodium 0,9%.
Gons C, Roquefeuil L, Ratiney R, Cotteret C, Schweitzer-Chaput A.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2024.
03/10/2024 Francie Etude de stabilité microbiologique et efficacité du conservateur d’une suspension buvable d’hydrochlorothiazide à 2 mg/mL dans l’Inorpha®.
Arouba A , Muhammad S , Garrigue H, Daniel T, Bordet F, Maestroni ML.
Poster presented at GERPAC congress 2024.
03/10/2024 Francie Etude de stabilité d'une solution de cyclophosphamide à 10 mg/mL.
Gaud E, Leroy AL, Regnier L, Boivin PN, Lester MA.
Poster presented at GERPAC congress 2024.
03/10/2024 Francie Physicochemical Stability of diluted “Akynzeo®” Infusion Solutions in prefilled 0.9% Sodium Chloride Infusion Bags.
Mittmann Z, Thiesen J, Krämer I.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2024.
03/10/2024 Francie Etude de stabilité d’une formulation de nutrition parentérale standardisée destinée aux nouveau-nés prématurés.
Leyenberger L, Merienne C , Briot T.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2024.
03/10/2024 Francie Étude de stabilité d’une préparation hospitalière de bétaxolol en suspension buvable.
Dubois L, Barreau J, Curti C, Castera-Ducros C, Vannelle P.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2024.
03/10/2024 Francie Formulation et étude de stabilité physico-chimique d’une suspension de spironolactone 5 mg/mL. Intérêt de l’électrophorèse capillaire (EC) vs CLHP.
Sow M, Fanjeaux C, Vazquez R, Guerrault-Moro MN.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2024.
03/10/2024 Francie Préparation d’étoposide injectable concentrée à 10 mg/mL : intérêts et stabilité physicochimique.
Jegaden S, Boucida M, Alloh D, Claraz P, Roupret-Serzec J, Storme T, Rioblanc F.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2024.
25/09/2024 Francie Etude des compatibilités entre la nalbuphine et d'autres principes actifs pour optimiser leur administration en service de pédiatrie.
Dazan D, Aït Taleb S, Laroyenne N, Hamam Y, Conreur L, Paoli-Lombardo R, Primas N, Lamy E, Castera-Ducros C, Curti C, Vanelle P, Rathelot P.
Poster presented at CSH Congress 2024, Montpellier, France
25/09/2024 Francie Etude de la stabilité physico-chimique de solutions de 5-fluorouracile diluées en poches polyoléfine a des concentrations comprises entre 9 et 15 mg/mL.
Bataillard T, Lethier L, Mahi Maurad B, Peudepiece C, Chatelain J, Fagnoni-Legat C, André C, Guillaume Y.
Poster presented at CSH Congress 2024, Montpellier, France
13/06/2024 Francie Etude de la stabilité physicochimique de la céfoxitine en diffuseur élastomérique en silicone à 32°C.
Boutouha I, D’Huart E, Blaise F, Marquet C, Sobalak N, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
JNI Congress, 12-14 June 2024, Deauville, France
13/06/2024 Francie Etude de la stabilité physicochimique de l'amoxicilline en diffuseur élastomérique en silicone à 32°C.
Boutouha I, D’Huart E, Blaise F, Marquet C, Sobalak N, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
JNI Congress, 12-14 June 2024, Deauville, France
29/05/2024 Belgie Etude de la stabilité physico-chimique à long terme d’un mélange de chlorhydrates de morphine et de ketamine dans des seringues en polypropylène à température ambiante.
Devis L, Closset M, Bihin B, Jamart J, Soumoy L, Hubert J, Lombet L, Galanti L, Hecq JD , Colsoul ML, Catry E.
Congrès HOPIPHARM - May 2024
29/05/2024 Francie Etude de stabilité d'une solution orale d'ivabradine pédiatrique par chromatographie liquide haute performance (HPLC).
Benhamou E, Basly I, Crosio B, Morisot J, Marqué O, Battu S, Basly JP, Ratzimbazafy V.
Congrès HOPIPHARM - May 2024
29/05/2024 Belgie Stabilité physicochimique à long terme d’une préparation intraveineuse de chlorhydrate de morphine et de dropéridol dans des seringues en polypropylène.
Nobels A, Closset M, Bihin B, Jamart J, Soumoy L, Hubert J, Lombet L, Galanti L, Hecq JD , Colsoul ML, Catry E.
Congrès Hopipharm - May 2024
15/05/2024 NÏmecko Kompatibilitätsuntersuchung von 45 für Intensivpatienten relevanten Infusionsmischungen.
Mittmann Z, Kreysing L, Hayat H, Krämer I.
ADKA Congress, 14-16 May 2024, Nürnberg, Germany
15/05/2024 NÏmecko Herstellung und physikalisch-chemische Stabilität einer Lidocain-Epinephrin-Tetracain-Lösung in EDOs.
Linxweiler H, Boventer J, Walter A, Tubic-Grozdanis M, Krämer I
ADKA Congress, 14-16 May 2024, Nürnberg, Germany
15/05/2024 NÏmecko Herstellung/Prüfung einer Retinolpalmitat-Lösung 30,2 mg/ml zur Vitamin-A-Substitution bei Kindern.
Boventer J, Reichhold J, Linxweiler H, Walter A, Krämer I
ADKA Congress, 14-16 May 2024, Nürnberg, Germany
21/03/2024 Francie Stability study of clobazam liquid oral forms for pediatric patients.
Regnier L, Leroy AL, Le Potier N, Jouan G, Madigant B, Boivin PN, Lester MA
EAHP Congress, 20-22 March 2024, Bordeaux, FRANCE
21/03/2024 äpanÏlsko The effect of accelerated light (stress) and natural sunlight exposures on cetuximan (Erbitux) : evaluation of aggregate formation and functionnality.
Torres-Garcia A, Torrente-Lopez A, Hermosilla J, Aguilera-Ortega A, Cabeza J, Salmeron-Garcia A, Navas N
EAHP Congress, 20-22 March 2024, Bordeaux, FRANCE
21/03/2024 Švýcarsko Development of a stable parenteral solution of topiramate for emergency treatment of status epilepticus.
Werner S, Ott N, Deuster S
EAHP Congress, 20-22 March 2024, Bordeaux, FRANCE
21/03/2024 NÏmecko Physicochemical stability of bevacizumab 25 mg/ml concentrate (Vegzelma) in original glass vials after first opening.
Linxweiler H, Knoll L, Thiesen J, Krämer I
EAHP Congress, 20-22 March 2024, Bordeaux, FRANCE
21/03/2024 äpanÏlsko Design and stability study of an isoniazid and pyridoxine oral liquid formulation.
Gavilan Gigosos H, Tardaguila Molina P, Voyer Conde S, Heras Hidalgo I, Corrales Krohnert S, Carrasco Corral T, Miranda Del Cerro A, Codonal Demetrio A, Horta Hernandez AM
EAHP Congress, 20-22 March 2024, Bordeaux, FRANCE
21/03/2024 äpanÏlsko Stability study of standardised fluid therapy prepared by the pharmacy department to treat pediatric diabetic ketoacidosis.
Crespi Cifre MA, Sanz Munoz M, March Frontera C, De Paco Martini F, Badal Cogul MB, Vilanova Bolto M
EAHP Congress, 20-22 March 2024, Bordeaux, FRANCE
21/03/2024 Norsko Stability study of an epidural analgesic concentrate for infusion used during childbirth.
Svendsen RH, Solas M, Dogbeten TS, Fischer SM
EAHP Congress, 20-22 March 2024, Bordeaux, FRANCE
02/01/2024 Kanada Stability of Dr.Reddy’s CabazitaxelFollowing Reconstitution with Manufacturer’s Diluent & Dilution with Sodium Chloride and Dextrose 5% in non-PVC non-DEHP bags and Original Glass Vials at 25°C, 4°C and -20°C.
Nathan H Ma, Shirley Law, Scott E Walker.
02/01/2024 Kanada Stability of Voriconzaole10mg/mL in IsoptoTears 0.5% stored in Glass Vials And Low Density Polyethylene Droppers at 4°C and 25°C for 28 Days.
Bill Perks, Shirley Law and Nathan H Ma.
07/11/2023 Francie Protocole de désensibilisation de carboplatine : étude de stabilité de la préparation diluée.
Borgaaoui N, Singh S, Iwanoff A, Davoine C, Rigal M, Jacolot A, Apparuit M.
SFPO Congress, 11-13 October 2023, Nancy, FRANCE
07/11/2023 Francie Etude de stabilité physicochimique de l'azacitidine Accord Healthcare conservée dans la seringue d'administration, en pratique pharmaceutique hospitalière.
Mocquot P, Lefebvre C, Becktari K, Nielloud F, Pinguet F.
SFPO Congress, 11-13 October 2023, Nancy, FRANCE
07/11/2023 Francie Etude de stabilité physicochimique de pembrolizumab à 1 et 4 mg/mL conservées dans des poches en polyoléfine de NaCl 0,9%.
Avrillon K, Le Guyader G, Doillet H, Jaskowiec C, Paul M, Poullain S.
SFPO Congress, 11-13 October 2023, Nancy, FRANCE
11/10/2023 Francie Stabilité physicochimique étendue du cétuximab dans les flacons ouverts et les poches de perfusion conservé à 4°C et 25°C.
Vieillard V, Le Guyader G, Jallades A, Astier A.
SFPO Congress, 11-13 October 2023, Nancy, FRANCE
11/10/2023 Francie Etude de stabilité physico-chimique du pévonédistat à 50, 100 et 200 µg/mL dans du NaCl 0,9% et à 10 mg/mL dans des flacons partiellement utilisés avec un SPIKE.
Doncheva R, d'Huart E, Vigneron J, Demoré B.
SFPO Congress, 11-13 October 2023, Nancy, FRANCE
11/10/2023 Francie Développement et stabilité d'une solution de valaciclovir adaptée à la population pédiatrique.
Schweitzer-Chaput A, Boiseillier C, Du Pasquier Fediaevsky A, Gons C, Marchadour P, Fauqueur A-S, Cotteret C, Cisternino S.
SFPO Congress, 11-13 October 2023, Nancy, FRANCE
11/10/2023 Tunisko Interactions physico-chimiques en phase aigüe post greffe de moelle osseuse.
Ikram Fazaa, Imen Ben Chikha, Leila Achour, Mabahej Meftah, Asma Chraief, Bilel Bougacha, Lobna Debouba, Sarra Selima Ben Hassine, Chema Drira.
SFPO Congress, 11-13 October 2023, Nancy, FRANCE
05/10/2023 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad y biopermanecia ocular del colirio de cisteamina en envases monodosie.
Castro-Balado A, Cuartero-Martinez A, Hermelo-Vidal G, Bandin-Vilar EJ, Zarra-Ferro I, Gonzales-Barcia M, Mondelo-Garcia C, Fernandes-Feirrero A.
68th SEFH Congress, Bilbao, SPAIN, 5-7 October 2023
05/10/2023 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica de aztreonam a altas temperaturas para su administracion en programas tade.
Fernandez-Rubio B, Herrera Hidalgo ML, Gil Navarro MV, Luque Marquez R, de Alarcon Gonzalez A, Lopez Cortez LE, Guttierez Valencia A.
68th SEFH Congress, Bilbao, SPAIN, 5-7 October 2023
05/10/2023 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica de ceftolozano-tazobactam y ceftazidima-tazobactam para su utilizacion en programas tade a temperaturas extremas.
Fernandez-Rubio B, Herrera Hidalgo ML, Gil Navarro MV, Luque Marquez R, de Alarcon Gonzalez A, Lopez Cortez LE, Guttierez Valencia A.
68th SEFH Congress, Bilbao, SPAIN, 5-7 October 2023
05/10/2023 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad quimica y compatibilidad fisica de cloxacilina en infusor elastomerico para su administracion domiciliaria.
Martinez Gomez MA, Perez Rodriguez A, Ricoy Sanz I, Martinez Albaladejo P, Polo Duran J, Llopis Salvia P, Climente Marti M.
68th SEFH Congress, Bilbao, SPAIN, 5-7 October 2023
05/10/2023 äpanÏlsko Inclusion de argipresina en el manejo del shock septico : revision multidisciplinar de criterios de administracion y compatibilidad.
Amoros Roberedo P, Martinez Gonzalez ML, Garcia del Valle I, Blazquez Vidal M, VAl Prat L, Barbadillo Ansorregui S, Bosque Cebolla MD, Sanmartin Suner M.
68th SEFH Congress, Bilbao, SPAIN, 5-7 October 2023
05/10/2023 äpanÏlsko Estudio de la estabilidad fisicoquimica de furosemida en infusores mediante cromatografia liquida de alta resolucion.
Carrillo Burdallo A, Garcia Moreno FJ, Parnia Lopez MS, de Lorenzo Pinto A, Ortega Navarro C, Rioja Diez Y, Herranz Alonso A, Sanjurgo Saez M.
68th SEFH Congress, Bilbao, SPAIN, 5-7 October 2023
05/10/2023 äpanÏlsko Estudio de estabilidad fisiciquimica y microbiologica de jeringas de morfina 2 mG/mL en suero fisiologico para administracion en bomba de infusion.
Estaun Martinez C, Uriel Gallego M, Saez Perello C, Abarca Lachen E, Perello Alomar C, Gomez Rincon C, Pezo Pina D, Delgado Sanchez O.
68th SEFH Congress, Bilbao, SPAIN, 5-7 October 2023
04/10/2023 Francie Elaboration et validation d’une méthode de dosage du Tramadol et du Nefopam en solution pour l’étude de stabilité de médicaments expérimentaux.
A. Durand, F. Maillard, V. Delannoy, I. Soulairol.
GERPAC Congress, Giens, FRANCE, 2-4 October 2023.
04/10/2023 Francie Etude de stabilité physico-chimique du sufentanil citrate en poches RythmicTM et en poches polyoléfine, dans du NaCl 0,9% ou du G5% à 1 et 10 µg/mL, conservées à température ambiante à l’abri de la lumière.
R. Doncheva, E. D’Huart, J. Vigneron, B. Demoré.
GERPAC Congress, Giens, FRANCE, 2-4 October 2023.
04/10/2023 Francie Etude de stabilité d’une formulation galénique alternative à la crème au sirolimus 0.1% dans un contexte de rupture de matière première.
A. Gillette, A. Bourges, S. Vrignaud, V. Lebreton.
GERPAC Congress, Giens, FRANCE, 2-4 October 2023.
04/10/2023 Francie Étude de la stabilité du Letermovir en solution diluée dans des poches de NaCl 0,9% en polypropylène.
F. Rioblanc, P. Claraz, C. Jadoul, A. Sabri, J. Roupret-Serzec, T. Storme
GERPAC Congress, Giens, FRANCE, 2-4 October 2023.
04/10/2023 Francie Qualification d’une méthode indicatrice de stabilité pour la recherche des impuretés de l’Histidine 117,20 mg / 3 mL AP-HP.
S. Hatim, G. Boccadifuoco, F. Rosa, V. Boudy, S. Dufaÿ.
GERPAC Congress, Giens, FRANCE, 2-4 October 2023.
04/10/2023 Francie Formulation d’une suspension buvable de pyriméthamine à usage pédiatrique
S. Muhammad, S. Ahil, C. Figueiredo, M. Diakite, P. Marchadour, G. Benoit, J. Bordenave
GERPAC Congress, Giens, FRANCE, 2-4 October 2023.
04/10/2023 Francie Optimisation d’une formulation de suspension buvable de Spironolactone à 5mg/ml pour les nourrissons, assortie de son étude de stabilité.
R. Desquines, Z. Ramjaun, C. Jurado
GERPAC Congress, Giens, FRANCE, 2-4 October 2023.
04/10/2023 Francie Y-site injection compatibility of parenteral medicines with balanced salt solutions.
Z. Mittmann, J. Thiesen, I. Krämer
GERPAC Congress, Giens, FRANCE, 2-4 October 2023.
24/05/2023 Francie Mise en place d'un tableau d'aide à la décision relatif aux compatibilités électrolytes/solutés : vers la fin du casse-tête en milieu hospitalier.
Bailly M, Neeliah N, Merger D, Faber M
Hopipharm congress, Strasbourg, France, May 2023.
06/05/2023 NÏmecko Untersuchungen zur stabilität einer simvastatincreme zur therapie des CHILD syndroms und der DSAP.
Tittler R, Hackstein H, Stürner R, Seeman M, Hug M.J.
ADKA congress, Nürnberg, Germany, May 2023
06/05/2023 NÏmecko (In-)Kompatibilität parenteraler Arzneimittel mit bei Mischung im Infusionssystem.
Z. Mittmann, I. Krämer, J. Thiesen
ADKA Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, May 2023
06/05/2023 NÏmecko Physikalisch-chemische Stabilität von Daratumumab SC (DARZALEX® 1800 mg Injektionslösung) aufgezogen in Kunststoffspritzen.
Laura Knoll, Judith Thiesen, Martin Klaßen, Lars M. H. Reinders, Jochen Türk, Irene Krämer.
ADKA Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, May 2023
22/03/2023 NÏmecko Formulation and quality control of a bisoprolol fumarate 0.5 g/mL oral solution for paediatric use.
Linxweiler H, Boventer J, Walter A, Krämer I.
EAHP Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, March 22-24, 2023
22/03/2023 NÏmecko Metamorphine instead of polysubstance use ?
Trittler R, Abotaleb A, Böhlke C, Offner K, Hug M.J, Becker G.
EAHP Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, March 22-24-, 2023.
22/03/2023 Itálie Stability of nivolumab solutions after transport through pneumatic tube systems.
Selmin F, Camuffo L, Vasile F, Mangoni G, Picolli M, Rivano M, Cancanelli M, Minghetti M.
EAHP Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, March 22-24, 2023.
01/03/2023 Kanada Stability of 5-fluorouracil at 4°C, 25°C, and 33°C stored in NiproSureFuser+ Ambulatory Balloon Infusers.
Ma NH, Charbonneau LF, Law S, Walker S.
01/01/2023 Kanada Stability and Compatibility of Bupivacaine and Hydromorphone in PVC and non-DEHP bags for 30 days at 4°C and 25°C.
Shead K, Derrick H, Lyons D, Law S, Ma N.H.
Poster presented at the Sunnybrook Health care Center. 2023.
24/11/2022 äpanÏlsko Reformulacion de sirolimus topico: estabilidad quimica, fisica y microbiologica.
Cortell Fuster C, Martinez Gomez M.A, Cercos Lleti A.C, Climente marti M,
Poster presented at the 67 National Congress of SEFH, Barcelona, Spain
24/11/2022 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad de una solucion de meropenem 50 mg/mL para el tratamiento de infectionnes oculares.
Martinez MAdrid ME, Ruiz Martinez JC, Marin Andreu Y, Alonso Herrros JM, Salar Valverde I, Soler Soler MdM, Abelon Ruiz J.
Poster presented at the 67 National Congress of SEFH, Barcelona, Spain
24/11/2022 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad quimica y compatibilidad fisica de furosemida en cloruro sodico 0,9% e hipertonico para el tratamiento de la insuficiencia cardiaca.
Martinez Gomez MA, Ricoy Sanz I, Martinez Albaladejo P, Gimenez Giner S, llopis Alemany A, Bravo Crespo C, Polo Duran J, Climente Marti M.
Poster presented at the 67 National Congress of SEFH, Barcelona, Spain
10/11/2022 Švýcarsko Investigation of Leachable Compounds In water for injection used in hospital pharmacy.
William Bello, Julian Pezzatti, Serge Rudaz, Farshid Sadeghipour.
GSASA, Lucerne, Switzerland, November 2022
10/11/2022 Švýcarsko Étude de stabilité physico-chimique du Topotécan en seringues prêtes à l’emploi pour administration ophtalmique.
Hosotte Camille, Bello William, Stampfli Camille, Pierrot Antoine, Pezzatti Julian, Carrez Laurent, Sadeghipour Farshid.
GSASA, Lucerne, Switzerland, November 2022
05/10/2022 Francie Développement et stabilité d’une suspension buvable d’amiodarone à 40 mg/mL.
M. Cavelier, H. Gondé, D. Costa, F. Lamoureux, T. Pereira, R. Varin, C. Hervouët
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Développement de formulations buvables de vinorelbine à usage pédiatrique.
Macqueron L, Lucie Régnier L, Robinet P, Leroy AL , Lester MA, Boivin PN, Le Corre P.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Solution nasale d’halopéridol : formulation et contrôle.
Ressault A, Dory A, Perello L, Gheddar L, Kintz P, Ubeaud Sequier G, Gourieux B.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Étude de stabilité physico-chimique du Cabazitaxel Zentiva® en flacons après « ouverture » et en solutions diluées en poches de perfusion de 3 types.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Développement et validation d’une méthode de dosage de gélules de colchicine en vue d’une étude de stabilité.
Kervella N , Bourges A, Lebreton V.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Développement et validation d’une méthode de dosage quantitatif du baclofène 10 mg, 20 mg et de ses produits de dégradation pour l’étude de la stabilité d’un médicament expérimental.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Développement et validation d’une méthode analytique de dosage du thiopental pour la réalisation d’une étude de stabilité physico-chimique.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Suspension buvable de spironolactone : élaboration et validation d’une méthode analytique par HPLC-UV
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Validation d’une méthode de dosage d’une préparation hospitalière de gélules de riboflavine à 50 mg
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Etude de la stabilité d'un biosimilaire du Bevacizumab dans les flacons et après dilution dans du NaCl 0.9% en poche de polyoléfine.
Vieillard V, Paul M.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Rakousko Étude de stabilité de préparations de Ceftriaxone dans deux véhicules pour tests allergologiques épicutanés.
I. Belaid, T. Pereira, H. Gondé, M. Cavelier, F. Lamoureux, R. Varin, C. Hervouet
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Physicochemical stability of subcutaneous daratumumab (DARZALEX® 1800 mg injection solution) in plastic syringes over a period of 28 days stored refrigerated or at room temperature.
Laura Knoll, Judith Thiesen, Martin Klaßen , Lars M. H. Reinders, Jochen Türk, Irene Krämer.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Étude de la stabilité biologique du Durvalumab en solution diluée dans des poches de NaCl 0.9% en polyoléfine et en flacon après ouverture.
A. Acramel, G. Le Guyader, K. Avrillon, L. Guyonnet, J. Denizeau, L. Escalup, R. Desmaris, E. Piaggio, C. Guerin, C. Sedlik.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress (Hyeres, France, 2022).
05/10/2022 Francie Biological stability of Pembrolizumab after dilution and storage in 0.9% NaCl infusion polyolefin bags.
Acramel A, Le Guyader G, Avrillon K, Guyonnet L, Guerin C, Denizeau J, Piaggo E, Sedlik C.
Oral communication presented during the GERPAC congress , Giens, France, October 2022
13/09/2022 Francie Mise au point d’une suspension buvable pédiatrique de pyriméthamine : Choix de l’agent épaississant.
Sahra Muhammad, Zoé Ribier Guy Benoit, Joelle Bordenave.
Poster presented at "17ème rencontres Convergence santé hôpital", September 13-16, 2022.
13/09/2022 Francie Développement et stabilité d’une solution de Ropivacaine à 1 % formant une mousse à usage externe.
A. Schweitzer-Chaput, B. Querin, A. Wadjidou Negbane, A-S Fauqueur, C. Cotteret, S. Cisternino, J. Schlatter.
Poster presented at "17ème rencontres Convergence santé hôpital", September 13-16, 2022.
13/09/2022 Francie Etude de la nalbuphine administrée par seringue électrique en service pédiatrique : validation de la méthode de dosage, étude de dégradation forcée et stabilité en conditions réelles.
Vincent ARCANI, Missita FOFANA, Inès JACQU , Caroline CASTERA-DUCROS, Edouard LAMY, Nicolas PRIMAS, Christophe CURTI, Patrice VANELLE
Poster presented at "17ème rencontres Convergence santé hôpital", September 13-16, 2022.
13/09/2022 Francie Validation d'une méthode de dosage de gélules d'arginine 500 mg.
Ines JACQUET, Vincent ARCANI, Missita FOFANA, Thibault ESPITALIER,Caroline DUCROS, Edouard LAMY, Nicolas PRIMAS, Christophe CURTI, Patrice VANELLE.
Poster presented at "17ème rencontres Convergence santé hôpital", September 13-16, 2022.
13/09/2022 Francie Mise au point de la méthode de dosage de la biotine par chromatographie liquide haute performance.
Missita FOFANA, Inès JACQUET, Vincent ARCANI, Caroline CASTERA-DUCROS, Edouard LAMY, Nicolas PRIMAS, Christophe CURTI, Patrice VANELLE.
Poster presented at "17ème rencontres Convergence santé hôpital", September 13-16, 2022.
02/07/2022 Rakousko Extended in-use stability of the generic nab-paclitaxel medicine Pazenir®
Dr. Robert Terkola
02/07/2022 Francie Assessment of the relevance of measuring osmolality as a criterion for the stability of drug solutions.
Sacrez M, d'Huart E, Vigneron J, Demoré B.
15/06/2022 Francie Stabilité physico-chimique du céfidérocol en diffuseur pour une administration continue à domicile.
SACREZ Matthieu , D’HUART Elise , VIGNERON Jean , CHARMILLON Alexandre , DEMORE Béatrice
Poster presented at JNI Congress, Bordeaux, France.
18/05/2022 Francie Study of a statistical correlation between the pH different of two injectable solutions and the incompatibilities after mixing by using the Stabilis database.
Benoît Beiler, Jean Vigneron, Elise D'Huart, Béatrice Demoré.
18/05/2022 Francie Stability of 0.2 mg/mL mitomycin eye drops.
Marion Jobard, Mary Ravot, Manelle Khellafi, Marie-Laure Brandely-Piat, Rui Batista.
18/05/2022 Francie Stability of topotecan solutions for intravitreal objections.
Camille Hosotte, William Bello, Camille Stampfli, Antoine Pierrot, Julian Pezzatti, Laurent Carrez, Farshid Sadeghipour.
01/05/2022 Kanada Stability of Voriconazole 10mg/mL in Isopto Tears 0.5% stored in Glass Vials And Low Density Polyethylene Droppers at 4°C and 25°C for 28 Days.
Perks B, Law S, Ma N.H.
Poster of the Sunnybrook Pharmacy presented in May 2022.
23/03/2022 äpanÏlsko Impact of pH modification on the aggregation of nivolumab (Opdivo®) in clinical solutions at 1 and 5 mg/mL measured by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and size exclusion high performance liquid chromatoigraphy diode array detection (SE/HPLC DAD).
A Torrente López, J Hermosilla , M Perea López , J Cabeza , A Salmerón García, N Navas.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2022, Vienna, Austria.
23/03/2022 Slovinsko Assessing the stability of Sandoz rituximab biosimilar after exposure to out-of-fridge conditions for 21 days.
Roman Borišek, Ida Šmid.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2022, Vienna, Austria.
23/03/2022 äpanÏlsko Impact of high temperature, shaking and light on quality of the therapeutic peptids teduglutide (Revestive®) evaluated by LC/MS/MS (-liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry) (Orbitrap) peptide mapping analysis and stress
R Pérez-Robles, N Navas, S Clemente-Bautista, I Jiménez-Lozano, MJ Cabañas-Poy, J Cabeza, A Salmerón-García.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2022, Vienna, Austria.
23/03/2022 NÏmecko Physicochemical stability of diluted « Thiotepa Riemser » infusion solutions in prefilled 5% glucose infusion bags.
H Linxweiler, J Thiesen, I Krämer
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2022, Vienna, Austria.
23/03/2022 Francie Vancomycin eye drops (VED) at 50 mg/mL: physicochemical stability, impact of packaging and storage conditions.
B Gouverneur, M Roche, C Berneron, A Margolle, L Creton, C Nassar, D Lannoy, P Odou.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2022, Vienna, Austria.
23/03/2022 Francie Y-site Compatibility of Intravenous Nefopam with Medications Commonly Used in Intensive Care Units.
G Ayari, E D’Huart, J Vigneron, B Demoré
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2022, Vienna, Austria.
23/03/2022 Itálie Short-term Stability of diluted solutions of the monoclonal antibody daratumumab.
Mangoni G, Selmin F, Camuffo L, Rivano M, Cancanelli L, Piccoli M, Cervi L, Cilurzo F, Minghetti P.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2022, Vienna, Austria.
19/02/2022 Belgie Stability of injectable drugs in infusion: 40 years of litterature review.
Hecq J.D.
Poster presented at the 33th meeting of the Belgian Association of Hospital Pharmacists.
18/10/2021 äpanÏlsko Compatibility and physicochemical stability of four intravenous mixtures for multimodal analgesia
Lopez-Cabezas C, Marcé-Brianso M, Albanell Fernandez M, Ceamanos Renom S, Baguena Polo J, Ballesteros G, Broto-Puig F, Soy Muner D
Virtual SEFH Congress
18/10/2021 äpanÏlsko Physicochemical and microbiological stability of hydroxocobalamin for administration at high doses.
Castro-balado A, Mondelo-garcia C, Bandin-Vilar EJ, Hermelo-Vidal H, Fernadez-Blaci M, Zarra-Ferro I, Gonzalez-Barcia M, FernandezFerreiro A
Virtual SEFH Congress
13/10/2021 Francie Protocole de désensibilisation de carboplatine : étude de stabilité de la préparation diluée
Borgaaoui N, Singh S, Iwanoff A, Davoine C, Rigal M, Jacolot A, Apparuit.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, at Nantes(France).
13/10/2021 Francie Etude de stabilité physico-chimique de l'azacitidine Accord HealthCare conservée dans la seringue d'administration, en pratique hospitalière.
Mocquot P, Lefebvre C, Bekhtari K, Nielloud F, Pinguet F.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, at Nantes (France).
13/10/2021 Francie Etude de stabilité physicochimique de solutions diluées de pembrolizumab à 1 et 4 mg/mL conservées dans des poches en polyoléfine de NaCl 0.9%.
Avrillon K, Le Guyader G, Doillet H, Jaskowiec C, Paul M, Poullain S.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, at Nantes (France).
06/10/2021 Francie Mise au point et étude de stabilité physico-chimique d'une forme orale de letermovir destinée à la pédiatrie.
Sabri A, Bari L, Vasseur V, Le Liboux J, Benakouche S, Bourdon O, Storme T.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2021 (Hyeres, France).
06/10/2021 Francie Etude de stabilité physicochimique et microbiologique d'une suspension buvable de spironolactone sans excipient à effet notoire.
Petit M, Mitreski S, Forget J, Allouchi A, Baticle E, Bailly E, Provot S, Pourrat X.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2021 (Hyeres, France).
06/10/2021 Francie Mise au point et étude de stabilité des gélules et d'une forme orale liquide de riboflavine.
Gohier P, Dessane B, Bernadou JM, Boulestreau H, Xuereb F, Venet A, Crauste-Manciet S.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2021 (Hyeres, France).
06/10/2021 Francie Stabilité physique de collyres de digluconate de chlorhexidine 0.02% dans du glucose 5% ou du tampon phosphate à température réfrigérée et à température ambiante.
Lenglet E, Gareau M, Savio L, Wasiak M, Bouattour Y, Sautou V, Chennell P.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2021 (Hyeres, France).
06/10/2021 Francie Stabilité physicochimique de la pipéracilline/tazobactam en seringue et en diffuseur portable pour une administration continue en service de soins critiques et à domicile.
Loeuille G, Vigneron J, D'Huart E, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2021 (Hyeres, France).
06/10/2021 Francie Impact de la température sur la stabilité physico chimique des suspensions d'azacitidine Zentiva à 25 mg/mL conditionnées en seringue de polypropylène.
Vieillard V, Saeed W, Le Guyader G, Paul M.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress 2021 (Hyeres, France).
29/09/2021 Francie Problématique de la prise en charge des patients CoVid-19 : intérêt de l'étude de compatibilité physico-chimique du propofol dans des conditionnements en polypropylène.
Ramos S, Tessier A, El Kouari F , Babiard M , Tilleul P, Sadou-Yaye H
16ème Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital, Grenoble (France), 14-17 Septembre 2021
29/09/2021 Francie Mise en place d’un outil pratique pour sécuriser l’administration parentérale en Y.
Garré G., Akcora L., Da Violante C., Saurel N. , Lefrancois A., Hermelin-Jobet I.
16ème Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital, Grenoble (France), 14-17 Septembre 2021
29/09/2021 Francie Stabilité de l’Amoxicilline injectable : Un équilibre à trouver
Laval F, Le Daré B, Yosofi C, Mercerolle M, Bacle A.
16ème Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital, Grenoble (France), 14-17 Septembre 2021
29/09/2021 Francie Stabilité de gélules d'amiodarone pour une utilisation en pédiatrie et identification d'une incompatibilité.
Thevin P, Zitoun A, Zachelin L, Curti C, Vanelle P.
16ème Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital, Grenoble (France), 14-17 Septembre 2021
14/09/2021 Francie Stabilité physicochimique de la témocilline à 25 mg/mL en diffuseur portable élastomérique à 37°C pour une administration continue à domicile
Loeuille G, Vigneron J, D’Huart E, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
16ème Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital, Grenoble (France), 14-17 Septembre 2021
14/09/2021 Francie Stabilité physicochimique de la ceftazidime à 125 mg/mL en seringue polypropylène et à 25 mg/ml en diffuseur portable pour une administration continue en service de soins intensifs et à domicile
Loeuille G, Vigneron J, D’Huart E, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
16ème Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital, Grenoble (France), 14-17 Septembre 2021
14/09/2021 Francie Etude de la compatibilité de l’amiodarone, de la clonidine et du pantoprazole avec les médicaments fréquemment utilisés au sein des unités de soins intensifs.
Chevalier A, Vigneron J, D’Huart E, Demoré B.
16ème Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital, Grenoble (France), 14-17 Septembre 2021
23/06/2021 Francie Développement et validation d’une méthode de dosage HPLC dans le cadre de l’étudede stabilité d’une solution buvable d’atropine.
Chen E, Raso AL, Bordenave J, Benoit G.
Poster presented at Hopipharm Congress, at Lyon (France), juin 2021.
23/06/2021 Francie Mise au point d'une méthode de dosage par Chromatographie Liquide Haute Performance (HPLC) de préparations hospitalières d'hydrocortisone.
Villard H, Kabac T, Laeng M, Jean C, Curti C, Vanelle P.
Poster presented at Hopipharm Congress, at Lyon (France), juin 2021.
26/03/2021 Francie Physicochemical stability of cloxacillin solutions in polypropylene syringes at 125 mg/mL in 0.9% sodium chloride and dextrose 5% in water.
Polo C, D’Huart E, Vigneron J, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
EAHP virtual Congress, March 2021
26/03/2021 Francie Evaluation of compatibility of acetylsalicylic acid and atenolol with medications commonly used in Intensive Care Units (ICUs).
Lombard A, Vigneron J, D'Huart E, Demoré B.
EAHP virtual Congress, March 2021
26/03/2021 Francie Physicochemical stability of vancomycin hydrochloride solutions in elastomeric devices at 37.5 mg/mL in 0.9% sodium chloride and dextrose 5% in water.
Polo C, D’Huart E, Vigneron J, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
EAHP virtual Congress, March 2021
26/03/2021 Francie Physicochemical Stability of Ceftolozane/Tazobactam in Polypropylene Syringes and in Elastomeric Devices.
Loeuille G, Vigneron J, D’Huart E, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
EAHP virtual Congress, March 2021
26/03/2021 Francie Physicochemical stability of MEROPENEM in Polypropylene Syringes at 41.7 mg/mL for intensive care units.
Loeuille G, Vigneron J, D’Huart E, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
EAHP virtual Congress, March 2021
26/03/2021 Rakousko Incompatibilities of parenteral drugs in intensive care - Analysis and optimisation of administration schedules of central venous catheters and frequently used drug combinations.
Jeske M, Stoll J, Funder V, Bischinger S, Striessnig J.
EAHP virtual Congress, March 2021
26/03/2021 Belgie Underdosing with high dose piperacillin/tazobactam administered via continous infusion in outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy: A stability or viscosity problem ?
Quintens C, Declercq P, Neefs J, Spriet I.
EAHP virtual Congress, March 2021
26/03/2021 Itálie Formulation and stability study of extemporaneous oral liquid dosage forms containing flecainide acetate 2 mg/mL for paediatric use.
Casiraghi A, Loiacono S, Bordignon S, Puzziferri R, Cilurzo F, Minghetti P.
EAHP virtual Congress, March 2021
24/11/2020 Belgie Chemical and physical stabilities of admixture of Morphine HCl and Clonidine at high and low concentrations.
Catry E, Colsoul ML, Closset M, Bihin B, Nyssen C, Hubert J, Soumoy L, Jacques J, Hecq JD, Galanti L.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress, 2020.
00/11/2020 NÏmecko Etablierung and Validierung einer HPLC-Methode zur Messung der physikalisch-chemischen Stabilität von Remifentanil-Lösung 2 µg/mL 5 mL.
Heeb RM, Schubert S, Krämer I.
Poster presented at ADKA Congress, 2020.
30/10/2020 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica y microbiologica de dos soluciones orales de metadona 10 mg/mL.
Alonso A, Garcia L, Prieto G, Garcia I, Prado T, Pascualena R, Ros A, Rodriguez E.
Poster presented at 65th Congress of SEFH.
30/10/2020 äpanÏlsko Estudio de estabilidad en jeringas de vancomicina intravitrea 10 mg/mL
Bartoll P, Medall B, Penarrocha E, Escrig S, Clemente E, Giner C, Adzuara B, Piqueres F.
Poster presented at SEFH Congress, 2020.
07/10/2020 Francie Etude de la stabilité d’un biosimilaire du Rituximab dilué dans du NaCl 0,9% en poche de polyoléfine, avec excursion prolongée de température à 25°C.
Bregaint T, Le Guyader G, Paul M, Vieillard V.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress, 2020.
07/10/2020 Francie Stabilité de collyres de vancomycine à 50 mg/mL en flacon en polyéthylène basse densité (PEBD).
Helesbreux M, Teixeira A, Olivier E, Delaunay C, Herrenknecht C, Cormier N.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress,2020.
22/09/2020 Francie Role of a quality control laboratory in validation of an assay and in a stability study of Acetylcysteine infusion bags.
Brun D, Benech A, Mekideche T, Bornet C, Curti C, Vanelle P.
Poster presented at the SNPHPU Congress, Nantes, France
22/09/2020 Francie Physicochemical and microbiological stability study of a 25 mg/mL vancomycine eye-drops solution stored at 2-8°C in Low density PolyEthylene (LDPE) vial.
Girardet C, Le Nguyen MH, Lethier L, André C, Limat S, Clairet AL, Fagnoni-Legat C, Guillaume Y.
Poster presented at the SNPHPU Congress, Nantes, France
13/05/2020 Francie Étude de stabilité physico-chimique d’une solution de cloxacilline à 250 mg/mL en seringues polypropylène et à 50-100 mg/mL en diffuseurs portables.
Polo C, Vigneron J, D’Huart E, Charmillon A , Demoré B.
Poster presented at Synprefh Congress (Hopipharm), 2020.
13/05/2020 Francie Stabilité physicochimique de l’aztreonam à 50 mg/mL en diffuseur portable à 37°C.
Nisse Y-E, Vigneron J, Blaise F, D'Huart E, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
Poster presented at Synprefh Congress (Hopipharm),2020.
30/03/2020 Francie Physicochemical Stability of Aztreonam in Polypropylene Syringes at High Concentration for Intensive Care Units.
Nisse YE, Vigneron J, Blaise F, D'Huart E, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Francie Physicochemical stability of Cefazolin in Polypropylene Syringes and in Elastomeric Devices.
D'Huart E, Sobalak N, Vigneron J, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 USA Physicochemical Stability of the Bevacizumab Biosimilar, ABP 215, In Intravenous Bags After Preparation and Storage.
Seckute J, Castellanos I, Bane S.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Portugalsko Compounding an oral liquid formulation of diazepam alcohol-free.
Barbosa R, Capela A, Sampaio C, Fraga S, Soares T, Campos J, Ferreira D, Costa P, Bighinati L.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Gothenburg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Švýcarsko The Effects of freeze-Thaw Cyclinf on the Stability of the Adalimumab Biosimilar SB5.
Ebbers HC, Kim JH, Yun JH, Park DK, Hwang SJ, Park SJ.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Itálie Short-term stability of diluted solutions of the monoclonal antibody daratumumab.
Mangoni G, Selmin F, Camuffo L, Rivano M, Cancanelli L, Piccoli M, Cervi L, Cirlurzo F, Minghetti P.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Itálie Storage of Nivolumab Pembrolizumab and Daratumumab for 14 days after compounding in the hospital pharmacy: a microbiological stability study.
Cancanelli L, Selmin F, Camuffo L, Mangoni G, Piccoli M, Rivano M, Cilurzo F, Minghetti P.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Francie Physicochemical stability of 25 mg/mL pemetrexed diarginine in partially-used vials and 3 and 12 mg/mL diluted in dextrose 5% in polyolefin bag.
Nisse Y-E, Vigneron J, Sobalak N, Demoré B.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Itálie Stability of compounded nivolumab solution after pneumatic system transportation.
Camuffo L, Selmin F, Vasile F, Rivano M, Picolli M, Mangoni G, Cancanelli L, Fazio M, Cilurzo F, Minghetti P.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Velká Británie Intravenous medicine compatibility: an evaluation of hospital practices.
Oduyale S, Fillipidou F, Borthwick M, Patel N.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Itálie In use physicochemical stability of pembrolizumab under the dilution condition required for use in a day hospital.
Piccoli M, Camuffo L, Mangoni G, Rivano M, Cancanelli L, Jemos C, Osmedeo Sale E, Selmin F, Cilurzo F, Minghetti P.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Nizozemsko Long-term stability of a ready-to-use topical anaesthetic gel kit.
Dijkers E, Polonini H, Ferreira A, Zander C.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 äpanÏlsko Compatibility and Stability of ondansetron and midazolam mixtures used in palliative care.
Espinosa-Bosch M, Sanchez-Rojas F, Bosch-Ojeda C.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 äpanÏlsko Formulation and Galenic Characterisation of a Tacrolimus Adhesive Gel for Treatment of Ulcerative Proctitis.
Perez Almargro MF, Perello Alomar C, Santandreu Estelrich MM, Ortiz Gonzalez M, Gomez Zamora M, Rodriguez Campos E, Garcia Garcia B, Camara Aguilera FJ, Delgado Sanchez O.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 äpanÏlsko Galenic validation of a dexamethasone 0.01% mouthwash solution to prevent everolimus related stomatitis.
Vincente J, Herrero JL, Pernia MS, Herranz A, Sanjurjo M.
Poster presented at EAHP Congress 2020, Göteborg, Sweden.
30/03/2020 Francie Physicochemical stability of cefepime in Polypropylene Syringes and in Elastomeric Devices.
E. D’Huart, H. Zenier, J . Vigneron, A. Charmillon, B. Demoré.
15/02/2020 Belgie Mixture of morphine and clonidine at high and low concentrations: evaluation of physical stability.
Catry E, Colsoul ML, Closset M, Nyssen C, Hubert J, Soumoy L, Hecq JD, Galanti L.
Poster presented at "31ème Journée de l'AFPHB".
00/01/2020 Kanada Stability of 3.33 mg/mL Bicalutamide in Syringes or Amber Plastic Bottles following Reconstitution with Sterile Water or Oral Mix Sugar Free at 4°C and 25°C.
Perks W, Ma N.H,Law S, Carating H, Walker S.E.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
00/01/2020 Kanada Stability of a New Generic Formulation of Bortezomib Injection (MDA brand) In Vials and Syringes Stored at 4°C and Room Temperature (25°C).
Charbonneau L.F, Iazzetta J, Ma N.H, Shirley Law S, Walker S.E.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
00/01/2020 Kanada Stability of a New Generic Formulation of Bortezomib Injection (Apotex brand) In Vials and Syringes Stored at 4°C and Room Temperature (25°C).
Charbonneau L.F, Iazzetta J, Ma NH, Law S, Walker SE.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
00/01/2020 Kanada Chemical Stability of Epinephrine Diluted in 0.9% Sodium Chloride and Stored in Polypropylene (PP) Syringes at 4°C and 25°C.
Hook R, Riss V, Neault A, Ma N, Law S, Walker S.E.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
00/01/2020 Kanada Compatibility and Stability of Ketamine in Lactated Ringer’s at Room Temperature (25°C).
Ma N.H, Perks W, Marchesano R, Shirley Law S, Walker S.E.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
00/01/2020 Kanada Stability of Morphine Solutions of 20, 40, 100, 200 and 1,000mcg/mL In Syringes Following Dilution with 0.9% Sodium Chloride or D5W at Room Temperature (25°C).
Hook R, Riss V, Neault A, Ma N.H, Law S, Walker S.E.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
00/00/2020 Francie Stability of 2,5 mg folic acid capsules.
Fanjeaux C, Vazquez R, Guerrault-Moro MN, Lagrave AC.
05/12/2019 Švýcarsko Compatibilité de Glycophos® avec d’autres médicaments administrés en perfusion aux soins intensifs (SI).
Humbert-Delaloye V, Savet Demichelis M, Beney J.
Journées Franco-Suisse de pharmacie hospitalière, Lausanne, Suisse.
05/12/2019 Švýcarsko Compatibility studies of seven commonly used drugs for parenteral administration in palliative care.
Müller U, Haller F, Wiedemeier P, Steuer C.
Journées Franco-Suisse de pharmacie hospitalière, Lausanne, Suisse.
00/12/2019 USA Compounding of an oral suspension of clonidine hydrochloride 20 µg/mL for neonatal patients using tablets & a self-contained wet-milling technology.
D'Silva JB, Boyko WL, Elder EJ, Pugacz M, Wise TM.
00/12/2019 USA Compounding of oral liquid formulas of two hazardous drugs, tacrolimus 1 mg/mL and hydroxyurea 100 mg/mL, using unopened capsules and a safe self-contained technology.
D'Silva JB, Friciu M, Forest JM, Lebel D, Leclair G.
17/10/2019 äpanÏlsko Analisis de estabilidad de la asparaginasa pegilada.
Vina MM, Gutierrez F, Ramos R, Gonzalez J, Garcia S, Gonzalez H, Merino J, Nazco GJ.
Poster presented at SEFH Congress 2019, Sevilla (Spain).
17/10/2019 äpanÏlsko Estudio de estabilidad de una solucion de metoxaleno 1% mediante cromatografia en capa fina.
Varela-Rey I, Mondelo-Garcia C, Gonzalez-Barcia M, Fernandez-Ferreiro A, Castro-Balado A, Garcia-Quintanilla L, Bandin-Vilar EJ, Zarra-Ferro I.
Poster presented at SEFH Congress 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
17/10/2019 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica de una solucion oral de fosfara para neonates.
Rodriguez Jimenez M, Juanes Borrego E, Garcia Osuna A, Prat Riera A, Vega Hanna L, Gaso Gago I, Riera Armengol P, Mangues Bafalluy MA.
Poster presented at SEFH Congress 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
17/10/2019 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad de la administracion conjunta de las perfusiones continuas.
Nevot M, Sanmartin M, Marcos P, Val L, Baronet G, Morla G.
Poster presented at SEFH Congress 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
17/10/2019 äpanÏlsko Estudio de estabilidad de un colirio de clorhexidina digluconato 0.02%.
Garcia Matillas CN, Chica Marchal AM, Conesa N E, Nunez Bracamonte S, Juez Santamaria C, Lloret Llorca A, Perez Canadas P, Font Caja M.
Poster presented at SEFH Congress 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
17/10/2019 äpanÏlsko Estudio de estabilidad de clonazepam (medicamento peligroso) oral e intravenoso en jeringa precargada.
Ruiz Ramirez JC, Abellon Ruiz J, Alonso Herreros JM, Soler Soler M, Talsi Hamdami I, Bermudez Gazquez L.
Poster presented at SEFH Congress 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
17/10/2019 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad de Asparaginasa de Erwinia Chrysanthemi.
Vina MM, Gutierrez F, Ramos R, Gonzalez J, Gonzalez J,Garcia S, Merino J, Nazco GJ.
Poster presented at SEFH Congress 2019, Sevilla, Spain.
09/10/2019 Francie Etude de la stabilité d'un biosimilaire du Traztuzumab,après reconstitution et après dilution dans du NaCl 0.9% en poche de polyoléfine.
Le Guyader G, Vieillard V, Paul M.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, at Avignon (France).
09/10/2019 Francie Mise à disposition d'une solution buvable de morphine en oncologie pédiatrique au CHU de Treichville en Côte d'Ivoire. Développement d'une formulation et étude de stabilité.
Pourroy B, Curti C, Vanelle P, Lamy E, N'Gbesso J, Krasse I.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress 2019, Avignon (France).
09/10/2019 Francie Développement et stabilité d'une forme buvable d'un inhibiteur de tyrosine kinase : l'imatinib.
Hinterlang M, Gendron A, Fleury T, Rieutord A, Annereau M.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress 2019, Avignon (France).
09/10/2019 Francie Etude de stabilité physico-chimique de solutions de dactinomycine reconstitutées en flacon verre et diluées en seringue polypropylène.
Nisse YE, Vigneron J, Beiler B, D'Huart E, Lider P, Demoré B.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress 2019, Avignon (France).
02/10/2019 Francie Compatibilité visuelle du Vyxeos lors d'administration en Y avec une sélection de médicaments injectables.
Sicard G, Donnette M, Martin N, Gensollen S, Pourroy B, Fanciullino R.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress at Hyeres (France)
02/10/2019 Francie Développement et validation d'une méthode de dosage du citrate de clomifène pour l'étude de la stabilité d'un médicament expérimental.
Agnaoui S, Marilly E, Marchand C, Salmon D, Dhelens C, Filali S, Merienne C, Pirot F, Pivot C.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress at Hyeres (France).
02/10/2019 Francie Formulation et contrôle d'une préparation hospitalière orale pédiatrique de fumarate ferreux à 0,1%.
Marchand C, Marilly E, Bossy L, Martelin A, Filali S, Salmon D, Merienne C, Pivot C, Pirot F.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress at Hyeres (France).
02/10/2019 Francie Stabilité d'une solution injectable de kétamine, morphine et lorazépam en seringue à 5+/-3°C.
Colsoul ML, Hecq JD, Defrene L, Goderniaux N, Closset M, Soumoy L, Bihin B, Jamart J, Galanti L.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress at Hyeres (France).
02/10/2019 Francie Etude de stabilité d'un mélange de nutrition parentérale ternaire après ajout d'insuline humaine.
Henry H, Lannoy D, Simon N, Bourezg Z, Decaudin B, Odou P.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress at Hyeres (France).
02/10/2019 Francie Stabilité chimique de l'amoxicilline dans le diffuseur portable ANAPA®.
Jordy A, Binson G, Lazaro P, Dupuis A.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress at Hyeres (France).
02/10/2019 Francie Did our fabrication process impact on azacitidine stability ?
Khan A, Bernadou JM, Xyereb F, Berroneau A, Crauste-Manciet S.
Poster presented at GERPAC Congress at Hyeres (France).
20/09/2019 Francie Validation d'une préparation hospitalière d'eau boriquée utilisée dans les services de l'APHM.
Payan S, Kabac T, Pinzar I, Jean C, Curti C, Lamy E, Bertault-Peres P, Vanelle P.
Poster presented at CSH Congress, Marseille, 2019.
20/09/2019 Francie Interdiction des parabènes dans les cosmétiques : étude de la stabilité physicochimique et microbiologique d'une crème à la lidocaïne 25% avec des conservateurs de substitution.
ZimmermannP, Sadou Yayé H, Bellanger A, Tilleul P.
Poster presented at CSH Congress, France, 2019.
20/09/2019 Francie Validation d'une préparation hospitalière de sirop de betaxolol utilisée en pédiatrie.
Pinzar I, Payan S, Kabac T, Curti C, Lamy E, Vanelle P.
Poster presented at CSH Congress, France, 2019.
20/09/2019 Francie Mise à disposition d'une préparation hospitalière de clonidine 0.01 mg/mL dans notre CHU.
Zypinoglou J, Cristofol A, Antiquario M, Barberi C, Jean C, Curti C, Amirat-Combralier V, Bertault-Peres.
Poster presented at CSH Congress, France, 2019.
20/09/2019 Francie Evaluation des risques potentiels d'instabilité en amont du développement d'une nouvelle préparation hospitalière de benzoate de sodium.
Rouah S, Boccadifuoco G, Rosa F, Lanery R, Toussaint B, Wojcicki A, Boudy V, Dufay S.
Poster presented at CSH Congress, France, 2019.
20/09/2019 Francie Préparations magistrales en officine, hétérogéneité des stabilités à trois mois : exemple du captopril 2 mg.
Kabac T, Gallice S, Payan S, Pinzar I, Curti C, Lamy E, Rathelot P, Bertault-Peres P, Vanelle P.
Poster presented at CSH Congress, France, 2019.
05/06/2019 Francie Perfusion continue d’oxacilline en diffuseur portable élastomérique : quelle stabilité physico-chimique en pratique clinique ?
Dhelens C, Tall LM, Boisrame J, Boibieux A, Chidiac C, Pirot F, Pivot C.
Presentation at JNI 2019
15/05/2019 Francie Étude de stabilité physico-chimique d’une solution de néfopam et d’un mélange néfopam-dropéridol dilués en seringues polypropylène pour les services de soins intensifs.
D’Huart E, Vigneron J, Clarot I, Lider P, Demoré B.
Poster presented at 30th Hopipharm Congress at Marseille (France).
15/05/2019 Francie Étude de stabilité physico-chimique d’une solution de céfoxitine à 125 mg/mL en seringue polypropylène pour les services de soins intensifs.
Beiler B, D’Huart E, Charmillon A, Vigneron J, Demoré B.
Poster presented at 30th Hopipharm Congress at Marseille (France).
15/05/2019 Francie Étude de la stabilité physique d’un mélange de tramadol et d’alizapride dans un soluté polyionique de glucosé 5%
Hecq JD, Closset M, Soumoy L, Joly B, Tondu A, Galanti L.
Poster presented at 30th Hopipharm Congress at Marseille (France).
15/05/2019 Francie Résultats de l’étude systématique de la stabilité à long terme de médicaments injectables prêts à l’emploi produits par une unité centrale de reconstitution d’injectables (UCRI).
Hecq JD, Closset M, Soumoy L, Colsoul Ml, Goderniaux N, Thibaut B, Jamart J, Bihin B, Galanti L.
Poster presented at 30th Hopipharm Congress at Marseille (France).
13/05/2019 Francie Influence d'un ajout de L-carnitine dans les mélanges de nutrition parentérale destinés aux patients à domicile.
Sémély D, Bello W, Daupin J, Lebland C, Carrez L, Berger M, Sadeghipour F.
Poster presented at Hopipharm Congress 2019, Marseille, France.
09/05/2019 NÏmecko Stabilitätsprüfung von applikationsfertigen Adrenalin- und Noradrenalinverdünnungen
Wethmar U, Hochbrügge H, Strobel HG
Poster presented at ADKA Congress 2019, Berlin, Germany.
09/05/2019 NÏmecko Stabilitätsuntersuchung von Acetylsalicylsäure (ASS) - Kapseln in pädiatrischen Dosierungen
Shirly Lie , Claudia Langebrake, Michael Baehr, Angela Goerke , Adrin Dadkhah
Poster presented at ADKA Congress 2019, Berlin, Germany.
27/03/2019 Francie Physicochemical stability of Cefotaxime sodium in Polypropylene Syringes at High Concentrations for Intensive Care Units.
D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 Francie Physical Compatibility of Intravenous (IV) Anti Infective Drugs with Medications Commonly Used in Intensive Care Units (ICUs).
D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 Francie Physicochemical stability of Norepinephrine bitartrate in Polypropylene Syringes at High Concentrations for Intensive Care Units.
D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Demoré B.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 Francie Physicochemical stability of Vancomycin Hydrochloride in Polypropylene Syringes at High Concentrations for Intensive Care Units.
D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Charmillon A, Demoré B.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 äpanÏlsko Stability study of a 10% sodium benzoate oral solution.
Castro Balado A, Bayón Fernández A, Adán Barrientos I, Giráldez Montero J.M, Varela Rey I, Fernández Ferreiro A, González Barcia M, Zarra Ferro I.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 äpanÏlsko Stability study of chlorhexidine 0.05% eye drops compounding drug.
Berisa-Prado S, Macia-Fuentes L, García-Otero X, Otero-Espinar F.J, Fernández-Ferreiro A.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 Slovinsko Stability of 1 mg/mL and 4 mg/mL hydrocortisone sodium succinate solutions in 0.9% sodium chloride and 5% glucose.
Mihovec K, Roškar R, Temova Rakuša Z, Gaal EE.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 äpanÏlsko Physical, chemical and microbiological stability of sirolimus 0,4% in topical formulations.
Cortell C, Martinez MA, Molina C, Cercos AC, Climente M, Merino V.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 Itálie Formulation and stability study of extemporaneous oral liquid dosage forms containing flecainide acetate 2 mg/mL for paediatric use.
Casiraghi A, Loiacono S, Bordignon S, Puzziferri R, Cilurzo F, Minghetti P.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 äpanÏlsko Study of stability of two liquid formulations of oméprazole elaborated in the pharmaceutical service.
Conesa Nicolas E, Chica Marchal AM, Viney AC, Nunez Bracamonte S, Juez Santamaria C, Lloret Llorca A, Fernandez-Lobato B, Garcia Matillas CN, Martinez Penella M.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 äpanÏlsko Influence of time and storage conditions in the stability of neonatal total parenteral nutrition admixtures.
Otero Millan L, Lago Rivero N, Vazquez Lopez C, Legido Soto JL, Pineiro Corrales G, Blanco Rodicio A, Alonso Iglesias M, Lopez Gonzalez S, Costas Carrera C, Pascual Rubin MC, Perez Rego C.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 äpanÏlsko An evaluation of the pharmacist intervention in intravenous mixtures stability.
Rodriguez Molins E, Labeaga Baramundi Y, Rodriguez de Castro B, Fernandez Gonzalez B, Pampin R.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
27/03/2019 NÏmecko Stability of ceftolozane/tazobactam in solution for infusion for prolonged or continuous application
Kratzer A, Rothe U, Dorn C.
Poster presented during the 24th EAHP Congress, Barcelone (Spain).
00/00/2019 Kanada Physical Compatibility and Stability of Ascorbic acid Injection in Polyvinyl Chloride Minibags at 4ºC and Room Temperature (25ºC).
Iazetta J, Law S, Adhikari NKJ, Lamontagne F, Kanji S, Walker SE.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center.
00/00/2019 Kanada Stability of 2.5mg/mL Indocyanine Green (ICG) Solutions Stored in Syringes at 25ºC, 4ºC, -20ºC and -67ºC.
Perks W, Law S, Marchesano R, Walker SE.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
00/00/2019 Kanada Chemical Stability of Cloxacillin in Sterile Water for Injection (SWFI) Stored in Polypropylene (PP) Syringes (50 and 100 mg/mL) and Glass Vials (250 mg/mL) at 4ºC and 25ºC.
Perks W, Marchensano R, Law S, Iazetta J, Walker SE.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
00/00/2019 Kanada Stability of 1.0, 0.2 and 0.025 mg/mL Milrinone Solutions Stored in Syringes at 4ºC and at Room Temperature (25ºC).
Hook R, Riss V, Scharrer E, Robillard J, Law S, Walker SE.
Poster from the Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
20/12/2018 Švýcarsko Evaluation of incompatible co-administration of continuous intravenous infusions in a pediatric-neonatal intensive care unit.
Häni C, Vonbach P, Fonzo-Christe C, Russmann S, Cannizzaro V, Niedrig D-F.
Poster presented at the GSASA Congress (Swiss Association of Public Health Administration and Hospital Pharmacists).
29/11/2018 Francie Les méthodes chromatographiques de la pharmacopée européenne sont-elles applicables à des études de stabilité ? Exemple de la carbidopa.
Renault-Mahieux M, Ficar A, Vieillard V, Bonnot-Lours S, Do B, Paul M.
Aphif Congress, Paris, France, November 2018
28/11/2018 Švýcarsko Dégradation de N-acétyle-cystéine (NAC) en N,N-diacétyle-cystine (DAC) dans les Nutritions Parentérales Pédiatriques.
Sommera I, Schwebel H, Adamo V, Bouchoud L, Bonnabry P, Sadeghipour F.
Journées Francophones de Nutrition, Nice,France.
10/11/2018 äpanÏlsko Estudio de compatibilidad fisica y estabilidad quimica de daptomicina a concentraciones utilizadas en la pratica clinica.
Martines Gomes MA, Molina Casaban C, Porta Oltra B, Climente Marti M
Congress SEFH
10/11/2018 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad del gel de diltiazem al 2%
Ana Castro Balado, Jaime Gonzalez Lopez, Veronica Iglesias Lopez, Miguel Gonzalez Barcia, Sara Blanco Dorado, Enrique J. Bandin Vilar, Laura Garcia Quintanilla, Maria Jesus Lamas Diaz
Congress SEFH, Palma de Mallorca
10/11/2018 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisica, quimica y microbiologica de formulaciones topicas de sirolimus 0,4%.
Cortell Fuster C, Martinez Gomez MA, Molina Casaban C, Cercos Lleti AC, Climente Marti M,
Congress SEFH, Palma de Mallorca.
10/11/2018 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica y microbiologica de un preparado comercial de vitaminas pediatricas
Vega Hanna L, Casanovas Navarro MR, Eroles Baena S, Prat Riera A, Garcia Osuna A, Cardenete Ornaque J, Aretio Pousa A, Garin Escriva N
Congress SEFH, Palma de Mallorca
10/11/2018 äpanÏlsko Control del pH de ampicilina en solucion: optimizacion de su estabilidad
S.Garcia Garcia, C Alonso-Martinez, L. Betriu Sebastia, AG Arevalo Bernabe, D.Campany Herrero
Congress SEFH, Palma de Mallorc
10/11/2018 äpanÏlsko Estudio de estabilidad fisicoquimica y microbiologica de dos soluciones de isoniazida 50 mg/ml para el tratamiento en primera linea de la tuberculosis pediatrica
Merino-Bohorquez V, Delgado-Valverde M, Rodriguez-Flacon FJ, Davila-Pousa MC, Pernia S, Villaronga M, Rodriguez-Marrodan B, Camean-Fernandez M
Congress SEFH, Palma de Mallorc
10/11/2018 äpanÏlsko Estudio de estabilidad fisicoquimica y microbiologica de dos soluciones de etambutol 50 mg/ml para el tratamiento en primera linea de la tuberculosis pediatrica
Merino-Bohorquez V, Delgado-Valverde M, Leal-Aranda L, Davila-Pousa MC, Pernia S, Villaronga M, Rodriguez-Marrodan B, Camean-Fernandez M
SEFH Palma de mallorca
25/10/2018 Francie Stabilis® : New function « Research team » : A bridge between researchers and users.
E. D’Huart, J. Vigneron, I. Gindre, P. Lider, B. Demoré.
Poster presented at ECOP 4th Congress at Nantes, France 2018.
25/10/2018 Francie Physicochemical stability of etoposide diluted at range concentrations between 0.38 and 1.75 mg/mL in polyolefin bags.
E. D’Huart, J. Vigneron, P. Lider, B. Demoré.
Poster presented at ECOP 4th Congress at Nantes, France 2018.
25/10/2018 Francie Stability of sodium thiosulfate, used as a nephroprotective drug in hyperthermic intraperitoneral chemotherapy by cisplatin.
E. D’Huart, J. Vigneron, F. Ranchon, N. Vantard, C.Rioufol, B. Demoré.
Poster presented during the ECOP 4th Congress at Nantes, France 2018.
25/10/2018 Francie Development and stability of a new oral presentation of procarbazine in pediatrics.
P.Bravo, L.Bertin, T. Fleury, M.Annereau, F.Lemare.
Poster presented at the ECOP 4th Congress, Nantes, France, 2018.
25/10/2018 Francie Extended stability of the Rituximab biosimilar CT-P10 in its opened vials and after dilution and storage in polyolefin bags.
V. Vieillard, , M. Paul, T Ibrahim, A. Astier
Poster presented at the ECOP 4th Congress, Nantes, France, 2018.
25/10/2018 Francie Intrinsic stability and degradation pathways of bendamustine in injectable solution.
A. Faucheron, L. Dupont, M. Babiard, A. Bellanger, H. Sadou Yayé, P. Tilleul.
Poster presented at the ECOP 4th Congress, Nantes, France.
25/10/2018 Francie Interest of extending the physicochemical stability of temozolomide solutions in routine.
Dupont L, Sadou-Yaye H, Hassani L, Babiard M, Aouti H, Bellanger A, Tilleul P.
Poster presented at the ECOP 4th Congress, Nantes, France, 2018.
02/10/2018 Francie Stabilité physique dans le temps d’une émulsion injectable vitamino-lipidique.
Farcy Elisabeth, Bengaid Dorsaf, Guerraut-Morro Marie-Noëlle, Vasquez Raphaël, Durand Annie.
Gerpac Congress, Giens, France, October 2018.
19/09/2018 Francie Stabilité d'une suspension buvable de pyrimethamine à 5 mg/mL à usage pédiatrique dans du SYRSPEND SF PH4.
Faugier M, Goupil T, Boivin P.N, Lester M.A.
CSH Congress, Rennes, France
19/09/2018 Francie Validation d'une préparation hospitalière de suspension de décontamination digestive sélective (DDS) pour les services de réanimation.
Belliardo C , Baaziz H, Larab N, Curti C, Lamy E, Jean C, Rathelot P, Bertault P.
CSH Congress, Rennes, France
19/09/2018 Francie Rôle d'un laboratoire de contrôle de la qualité dans la validation d'une préparation hospitalière de sirop de citrate de caféine.
Belliardo C , Baaziz H, Larab N, Curti C, Lamy E, Jean C, Rathelot P, Bertault P, Vanelle P
CSH Congress, Rennes, France
05/07/2018 Francie Le phénomène de glycation est-il présent chez un analogue de l'insuline ?
Préta L-H, Henry H, Masse M, Carta N, Kouach M, Foulon C, Goossens J-F, Barthélémy C, Lannoy D, Genay S, Décaudin B, Odou P.
Poster presented during the second International Symposium on Infusion Technologies. 2018, Lille, France.
30/05/2018 NÏmecko Physikalish-chemische Stabilität von Decitabin (Dacogen®) im Originalbehältnisnach Rekonstitution und in applikationsfertigen Zubereitungen.
Kim S, Krämer I.
Poster presented at ADKA Congress 2018, Stuttgart, Germany.
30/05/2018 NÏmecko Stabilität von Ceftolozane/tazobactam in Infusionslösung für die verlängerte oder kontinuierliche Applikation.
Kratzer A, Rothe U, Dorn C.
Poster published at ADKA Congress, 2018, Stuttgart, Germany.
30/05/2018 NÏmecko Physikalisch-chemische Stabilität von rekonstituierten Mitomycin C-Lösungen (Mito Medac® mit Harnstoff).
Almasi J, Krämer I, Thiesen J.
Poster published at ADKA Congress, 2018, Stuttgart, Germany.
30/05/2018 NÏmecko Untersuchungen zur Kompatibilität von Clonidin mit häufig eingesetzten Arzneimitteln auf Intensivstationen.
Koller A, Krebs S, Dörje F.
Poster published at ADKA Congress, 2018, Stuttgart, Germany.
30/05/2018 NÏmecko Entwicklung einer Oxetacain-haltigen Formulierung zur Mucositis-Behandlung.
Hund V, Lipp H-P, Gfrörer W.
Poster published at ADKA Congress, Stuttgart 2018.
16/05/2018 Francie Etude de stabilité physico-chimique de solutions d’étoposide diluées en poches polyoléfine à des concentrations comprises entre 0,38 et 1,75 mg/mL.
D’Huart E, Vigneron J, Lider P, Demoré B.
Poster presented during Hopipharm Congress 2018, Bordeaux, France.
16/05/2018 Francie Formuler un collyre sans conservateur grâce à l'utilisation de flacons Novelia pour le conditionnement : une aubaine pour les flacons multidoses ! exemple avec le collyre à l'EDTA dosé à 0,1%
Ifrah A, Briot T, Gautier E, Lagarce F, Vrignaud S.
Hopipharm Congress, Bordeaux, France
16/05/2018 Francie Impact de la congélation-décongélation sur la stabilité de collyres fortifiés de vancomycine (50 mg/mL)
Marchand C, Lefebvre M, Merienne C, Bourghe L, Filali S, Salmon D, Diouf EH, Pivot C, Pirot F.
Poster presented during Hopipharm Congress 2018, Bordeaux, France.
16/05/2018 Francie Développement et validation d'une méthode de dosage par HPLC-DAD indicatrice de stabilité de gélules d'amoxicilline 50 et 5 mg.
Bourgue L, Merienne C, Arslan Y, Salmon D, Lenfant M, Ducarre B, Vernoux K, Diouf E, Filali S, Pivot C, Pirot F.
Poster presented during Hopipharm Congress 2018, Bordeaux, France.
16/05/2018 Francie Optimisation de la stabilité physicochimique d'une poudre hygroscopique pour soluté de rehydratation orale : importance des systèmes dessicants pour conditionnements pharmaceutiques.
Pradal P, Marchand C, Salmon D, Bourgue L Filali S, Merienne C, Diouf EH, Pivot C, Pirot F.
Poster presented during Hopipharm Congress 2018, Bordeaux, France.
01/05/2018 Kanada Stability of Azacitidine Solutions In Sterile Water For Injection.
Tyono I, Law S, Charbonneau L, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during CAPhO conferences. 2018, Canada.
23/03/2018 Finsko Stability of cefuroxime 80 mg/mL solution in ready-to-administer polypropylene syringes.
M. Helin-Tanninen, J. Mustonen, M. Lehtonen, O. Korhonen.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Göteborg, Sweden.
23/03/2018 Česká republika Formulation and stability of the extemporaneous oral solutions of cardiologic drugs for personalised therapy of newborns.
Z. Šklubalová, L. Zahálka, L. Matysová, S. Klovrzová, M. Petrželová, P. Horák, K. Kučerová, P. Solich.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Göteborg, Sweden.
23/03/2018 äpanÏlsko Stability of carboplatin infusion solutions used in desensitisation protocol.
VázquezSánchezR, Sánchez-RubioFerrándezJ, CórdobaDíazD, CórdobaDíazM, DiezFernándezR, MolinaGarciaT.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Göteborg, Sweden.
23/03/2018 NÏmecko Physicochemical stability of rocuronium bromide injection solution 10 mg/mL as bulk solution and in 10 mL ready-to-administer syringes.
R.M. Heeb, B. Stollhof, J. Reichhold, I. Krämer
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Göteborg, Sweden.
23/03/2018 NÏmecko Physicochemical stability of Carfilzomib (Kyprolis®) containing solutions after reconstitution and readyto- administer preparations.
S. Kim, I. Krämer
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Göteborg, Sweden.
08/03/2018 Švýcarsko Etude de stabilité à long terme du ganciclovir dans des contenants en polypropylène.
Guichard N, Bonnabry P, Rudaz S, Fleury-Souverain S.
Poster presented at "Journées Franco-Suisse 2018". Belfort, France.
24/02/2018 Belgie Result of a systemic long-term stability study for ready-to-use injectable drugs produced centralized Intravenous Admixture Service.
Hecq JD, Closset M, Soumoy L, Jamart J, Bihin B, Galanti L.
AFPHB, Mons Belgium
24/02/2018 Belgie Determination of the physicochemical stability of amiodarone hydrochloride in syringes for intensive care unit.
Hecq JD, Lardinois B, Dimitrio A, Bihin B, Jamart J, Soumoy L, Galanti L.
AFPHB, Mons, Belgium.
24/02/2018 Belgie Evaluation of the physical stability of ketorolac, tramadol and alizapride mixed with paracetamol 100 mL infusion.
Lardinois B, Delclave Ch, Dransart Ch, Galanti L, hecq JD.
AFPHB, Mons, Belgium.
24/02/2018 Belgie Physico-chemical stability of valproate sodium in polypropylene syringe for administration in the intensive care unit.
Lardinois B, Baltzis A, Braibant M, Godet M, Jamart J, Bihin B, Soumoy L, Galanti L, Hecq JD.
AFPHB, Mons, Belgium.
01/02/2018 Kanada Influence of Manufacturers on Cefazolin & Vancomycin Stability.
Xu Y, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2018, Canada.
01/02/2018 Kanada Stability of Generic Formulations of Bortezomib 1.0 and 2.5 mg/mL in Vials and Syringes Stored 4°C and Room Temperature (23°C).
Law S, Charbonneau L.F, Iazzetta J,Perks W , Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2018, Canada.
01/02/2018 Kanada Stability of 20, 40 and 50 mcg/mL Fentanyl Solutions Stored in Syringes at Room Temperature (23°C).
Riss V, Hook R, Neault A, Scharrer E, Law S, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2018, Canada.
01/02/2018 Kanada Stability of 4 and 10 mcg/mL Remifentanil Solutions Stored in Syringes at Room Temperature (23°C).
Hook R, Riss V, Scharrer E, Law S, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2018, Canada.
01/02/2018 Kanada Assessing the stability of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate injectable vials stored at room temperature.
Lam V, Perks B, Caku A, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2018, Canada.
01/02/2018 Kanada Stability of Extemporaneously Compounded Temozolomide 10mg/mL Oral Suspension.
Lingertat-Walsh K.H, Weilnau J, Dupuis L, Ostrenga A, Cober P, Law S, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2018, Canada.
01/02/2018 Kanada Stability of 10, 40 and 200 mcg/mL Hydromorphone Solutions Stored in Syringes at Room Temperature (23°C)
Hook R, Riss V, Scharrer E, Neault A, Law S, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2018, Canada.
00/12/2017 USA Establishing a Beyond Use Date for Compounded Haloperidol Oral Suspension Prepared from Tablets Using a Novel Automated Wet-Milling Technology.
D'Silva J.B, Jones K.J, Walton J.C, Schuelke A.C, Elder E.J.
21/10/2017 Francie Stabilité physico-chimique du Nivolumab à un mois.
Vieillard V, Bardo P, Akrout, Le Guyader G, Astier A, Paul M.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Nantes, France.
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad de fenitoina 50 mg/mL en jeringas percargadas con dispositivo de seguridad elaboradad en un servicio de farmacia.
Abellon-Ruiz J, Garcia-Sanchez C, Soler-Soler M, Alonso-Herrero J, Ruiz-Ramirez JC.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad de la mezcla Haloperidol-morfina en solucion para infusion.
Espinosa-Bosch M, Sanchez Rojas F, Bosch Ojeda C.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica y microbiologica de dos soluciones orales de fenobarbital sodico 10 mg/mL para uso pediatrico.
Morino-Bohorquez V, Lopez Rojas R, Garcia Palomo M, Davilla Possa MC, canete Ramirez C, Villaronga M, Camean M.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica y microbiologica de dos soluciones orales de cloridrato de clonidina para uso pediatrico.
Morino-Bohorquez V, Lopez Rojas R, Garcia Palomo M, Davilla Possa MC, canete Ramirez C, Villaronga M, Camean M.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad y compatibilidad de mezclas ternarias de paracetamol, dexketoprofebno trometamol y granisetron.
Lopez Navarro AA, Gras Colomer E, Martinez Gomez MA, Martinez Moreno J, Climente Marti M.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad quimica de pomada de sirolimus al 0.4% utilizando una base de fase externa oleosa como vehiculo.
Cortell Fuster C, Martinez Gomez MA, Lopez Navarro AA, Cercos Lleti AC, Martinez Benavides J, Climente Marti M.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica y microbiologica de dos soluciones orales de hydralazina 10 mg/mL para uso pediatrico.
Morino-Bohorquez V, Valverde Deglado M, Pedrazza R, Garcia Palomo M, Davila Pousa MC.Rodriguez Marrodan P, Camean M.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad a 90 dias de una solucion oftalmica de vancomicina 50 mg/mL en solucion salina balanceada, tras congelacion.
Roura Turet J, Rodriguez Reyes M, Prat Dot M, Lopez Cabezas C, Guerrero molina M, Soy Muner D, Codina Jané C.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
21/10/2017 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad a 30 dias de une mezcla analgesica de ropivacaina 3 mg/mL ketorolaco 0,3 mg/mL y adrenalina 0,005 mg/mL para uso en artroplastias.
Esteban Casado S, Martinez Simon JJ, Torrado Duran S, Martin de Rosaes Cabrera AM, Perez Encinas M.
SEFH Congress, Madrid, Spain
13/10/2017 Francie Etude de stabilité du busulfan, en pratique pharmaceutique hospitalière, dans des poches en polyoléfine et en polypropylène.
C.Peyrol, F.Malosse, K.Bekhtari, F.Pinguet.
SFPO Congress, Nantes, France, October 11-13, 2017
13/10/2017 Francie Etude de stabilité du pémétrexed Frésénius Kabi 500 mg.
Lonca N, Bekhtari K, Malosse F, Pinguet F.
11/10/2017 Francie Pénurie mondiale d'Etopophos® et conséquences pratiques : Intérêt des études de stabilité dans le choix d'un générique.
Sadou Yaye H, Rieber Z,, Hassani L, Hoffman-Martinot M, Babiard M, Aouati H, Bellenger A, Tilleul P.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Nantes, France.
23/09/2017 Kanada Stability of 1.0 and 2.5 mg/mL bortezomib in vials and syringes following reconstitution with sodium chloride at 40°C and 23°C.
Walker S.E, Law S.
Poster presented during Internation Hemato Onco Conclave. 2017.
30/07/2017 Francie Stabilité de la vancomycine à des doses méningées dans les seringues au cours d'une perfusion de 24 heures.
Masse M, Genay S, Carta N, Moreau F, Delannoy-­Rousselière C, Barthélémy C, Décaudin B, Faure k, Odou P.
Poster published at 18th JNI at Saint-Malo, France.
13/05/2017 NÏmecko Physikalisch-chemische Stabilität von Carfilzomib (Kyprolis®) im Originalbehältnis nach Erstanbruch und in applikationsfertigen Zubereitungen.
Kim S., Krämer I.
Apotheke der Universitätsmedizin Mainz. Poster presented at the ADKA Congress Würzburg, Germany, May 2017
13/05/2017 NÏmecko Einfluss der Partikelminimierung im Reinraum auf die Produktqualität?
Trittler R., Bühler M., Sutter M., Hug MJ.
University Medical Center, Pharmacy, Freiburg, Germany Poster presented at ADKA Congress Würzburg, Germany, May 2017
12/05/2017 Francie Analyse de risques : justification d'une durée de péremption de 48h d'une solution reconstituée d'hémisuccinate de méthylprednisolone dans le cadre d'un essai clinique;
Genevee T, Dufay S, Alloux C, Empana F, Dupre C, Fabreguettes JR, Lehmann B,Tibi A.
Poster presented at the Hopipharm Congress, Nancy, France May 2017
12/05/2017 Tunisko Compatibilité physique entre médicaments injectables et nutrition parentérale pédiatrique : évaluation in-vitro.
Manai M., Soussi M.A., Lazreg O., Drira C., Ben Tekaya S. et Razgallah Khrouf M.
Poster presented at the Hopipharm Congress, Nancy, france
12/05/2017 Francie Etude de stabilité de la vancomycine à 40 mg/mL au cours d'une perfusion de 24 heures.
Masse M, Genay S, Carta N, Delannoy-Rousselière C, Moreau F, Barthélémy C, Faure K, Décaudin B, Odou P
Synprefh Congress, Nancy, France
12/05/2017 Francie Etude de la stabilité de quatre mélanges ternaire de nutrition parentérale contenant une solution concentrée d'acides aminés.
Seguin E, Nouman M, Jaskiviec C, Poullain S.
Synprefh Congress, Nancy, France
12/05/2017 Francie Formulation et étude de stabilité de crèmes au sirolimus dosées à 0,1, 0,25 ou 0,50% m/m.
Vrignault S, Bougéon G, Briot T, Truffaut C, Martin L, Pailhories H, Bastiat G, Clerc MA, Lagarce F.
Synprefh Congress, Nancy, France
28/03/2017 Švýcarsko Développement et validation d’une méthode UHPLC-MS pour la détermination de la stabilité du busulfan en solution.
Guichard N, Bonnabry P, Rudaz S, Fleury-Souverain S.
Poster presented at SEP. Paris, France.
28/03/2017 äpanÏlsko Eosin with allantoin mixture for the treatment of periostomal ulcers. A stability study.
F.D. Fernandes-Gines , S. Garcia-Munoz , T.B. Rodriguez-Cuadros , F. Sierra-Garcia , E. Molina Cuadrado.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
28/03/2017 äpanÏlsko Eosin with zinc combinaison for the treatment of diaper rash. A stability study.
F.D. Fernandes-Gines , S. Garcia-Munoz , T.B. Rodriguez-Cuadros , F. Sierra-Garcia , E. Molina Cuadrado.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
28/03/2017 Belgie Long-term stability of 5-fluorouracil at standardized rounded doses in sodium chloride infusion polyolefin bags , stored at room temperature.
Hecq JD, Closset M, Onorati S, Bihin B, Decoster C, Gillet P, Gillard F, Tondu A, Galanti L.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
28/03/2017 Belgie Long-term stability of 5-fluorouracil at standardized rounded doses (SRD) in two types of portable infusion devices.
Hecq JD, Closset M, Onorati S, Bihin B, Decoster C, Gillet P, Gillard F, Tondu A, Galanti L.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
24/03/2017 äpanÏlsko Similarity assessment of reference Remicade® - Infliximab and its marketed biosimilar Inflectra® by means of aggregates profil over time and freeze/thaw stress;
Carbon G., Hernandez J., Salmeron A., Cabeza J., Navas N.
University Medical Center, Pharmacy, Granada, Spain Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France, Mars 2017
24/03/2017 Dánsko Stability study of bortezomib (Velcade®) with limit test of all degradation products.
Nissen KB, Jorgensen LB, Petersen MN, Andersen G.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France March 2017
24/03/2017 Švýcarsko Busulfan stability determination by UHPLC-MS.
Guichard N, Bonnabry P, Rudaz S, Fleury-Souverain S.
Poster presented at EAHP, Cannes, France.
24/03/2017 äpanÏlsko Stability of intravenous injection of decitabine stored in polyethylene syringes.
F.D. Fernandes-Gines , S. Garcia-Munoz , T.B. Rodriguez-Cuadros , F. Sierra-Garcia , E. Molina Cuadrado.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France.
24/03/2017 Francie Physicochemical and microbiological stability of a new paediatric oral solution of clonidine.
C Verlhac, D Lannoy, F Bourdon, M Titecat, E Frealle, C Dhorne, C Berneron, P Odou.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France.
24/03/2017 Francie Stability study of 10 mg/ml pediatric cyclosporine solu8on in olive oil.
CP. Mortier, M. Farny, PN. Boivin, MA. Lester.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France.
24/03/2017 Francie Stability of frozen 1% voriconazole eye dropss in glass and in innovative containers.
M.Roche, D.Lannoy, F.Bourdon, C.Dhorne, C.Bernaron, C.Danel, M.J.Garcia Fernandez,N.Simon, P.Odou.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
24/03/2017 Francie Stability study of 100 mg/mL paediatric pyrazinamide oral suspension in Syrspend.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
24/03/2017 Francie A stability indicating HPLC-UV method for quantification of simvastatin and detection of its impurities in oral capsules.
C. Merienne, D. Semely, E. Wolff, A. Roussiere, M. Tafani, Z. Ramjaun, L. Caturla.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
24/03/2017 Francie Stability of 50 and 100 µg/0.1 mL intraocular solutions of voriconazole at 2-8°C.
M.Roche, N.Simon, F.Bourdon, C.Dhorne, C.Berneron, D.Lannoy, P.Odou.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
24/03/2017 Švýcarsko Impact of syringes type on pH variation of drug solutions stored for intravenous continuous infusion.
Palmero D, Berger-Gryllaki M, Sadeghipour F.
EAHP Congress, Cannes, France
01/02/2017 Kanada Stability of 0.2 and 10 mg/mL Hydromorphone Solutions In CADD® reservoirs,PVC and Ethylene/Propylene Co-Polymer (PAB®) Bags at Room Temperature (23°C).
Perks W, Law S, Iazzetta J, and Walker S.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2017, Canada.
01/02/2017 Kanada Stability of 10 and 50 mcg/mL Fentanyl Solutions in CADD® Reservoirs, PVC containers and Ethylene/Propylene Co-Polymer (PAB®) Bags at Refrigerated (4ºC) and Room Temperature (23°C).
Law S, Perks W, Iazzetta J, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2017, Canada.
01/02/2017 Kanada Stability of a Simple Finasteride 0.33 mg/mL Suspension Using Tablets in Water and an Oral Mix Vehicle.
Perks W, Law S, Iazzetta J, Ma N, Walker S.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2017, Canada.
01/02/2017 Kanada Stability of 0.05 mg/mL Sufentanil Solutions In CADD® Reservoirs, PVC containers,Ethylene/Propylene Co-Polymer (PAB®) Bags and Syringes at Room Temperature (23ºC).
Law S, Perks W, Iazzetta J , Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2017, Canada.
00/00/2017 Francie Collyres renforcés de ceftazidime : alternative à la ticarcilline.
Marlène Buisson, Célia Barberi, Stéphanie Laguin, Christophe Curti, Christophe Jean, Pierre Bertault-Perès.
Poster presented at the SNPHPU Congress, France
28/09/2016 Francie Etude de stabilité d'une suspension buvable de cloxacilline à usage pédiatrique.
Barbazan C, Le Daré B, Lester M-A, Boivin P-N.
Poster presented at "11èmes Rencontres Convergences Santé Hôpital" at Avignon (France, 2016).
03/06/2016 NÏmecko Entwicklung und Stabilitätsuntersuchung oraler Clonidinhydrochlorid-Lösungen für die Neonatologie.
B. Büttner, A. Stier, C. Lehmann, P. Gärtner, H. Knoth
Klinik-Apotheke, Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus an der TU Dresden Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Aachen, Germany, 2016
03/06/2016 NÏmecko Untersuchung von ternären PCA-Reservoiren: Welchen Einfluß hat Haloperidol auf die Stabilität einer Opioid-Metamizol-Mischinfusion?
Ksenija Gorenc, Rainer Trittler, Martin J. Hug, Rolf Schubert
Apotheke des Uniklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Str. 55, 79106 Freiburg Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Aachen, Germany, 2016
03/06/2016 NÏmecko Physikalisch-chemische Stabilität von Plerixafor (Mozobil® Injektionslösung) 20 mg/ml nach Erstanbruch und in Einmalspritzen.
S. Kim, J. Thiesen, I. Krämer
Apotheke der Universitätsmedizin Mainz Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Aachen, Germany, 2016
03/06/2016 NÏmecko Fingerprints aus Polypropylen - Injektionsspritzen
Rainer Trittler, Verena Wanner, Martin J. Hug
Apotheke des Uniklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Str. 55, 79106 Freiburg Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Aachen, Germany, 2016
03/06/2016 NÏmecko Etablierung einer validierten Methodik zur Proteinanalytik unter Zuhilfenahme der Größenausschlusschromatographie.
Koller AK, Kemmer I, Busse M, Borst T, Heimke-Brinck R, Spielvogel H, Hannappel E, Atreya R, Neurath MF, Dörje F.
Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Aachen, Germany
03/06/2016 NÏmecko Etablierung von Dose-Banding für aseptisch hergestellte, applikationsfertige Ganciclovir-Zubereitungen
M. Federici, K. Filipowski-Geißelmann, C. Rechlin, I. Krämer
Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Aachen, Germany
03/06/2016 NÏmecko Entwicklung einer Kompatibilitätsdatenbank für die Palliativmedizin.
Rémi C, Bausewein C.
Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Aachen, Germany
03/06/2016 NÏmecko Arzneimittelinformationsmanagement von Inkompatibilitäten bei Patienten auf einer pädiatrischen Intensivstation.
Patricia Buchholz, Martina P. Neininger, Roberto Frontini, Wieland Kiess, Astrid Bertsche, Manuela Siekmeyer, Thilo Bertsche.
Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Aachen, Germany
21/05/2016 Japonsko Comparative evaluation of a drug website for incompatibility: Stabilis, Trissel’s Handbook and the current available tool in Japan.
Shinya Suzuki, Nobuo Mochizuki, Aya Iwamoto, Mikinori Yoshida, Akio Murakami, Kiwako Ikegawa, Shinichiro Saito, Jean Vigneron
Poster presented at the ECOP 3, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
21/05/2016 Velká Británie Compatibility of QimoHarpoon Device with Cytotoxic Drugs.
Graham Sewell, Toral Patel, Sonia Lopes.
Poster presented at ECOP 3, Dubrownik, Croatia.
20/05/2016 Tunisko Peut-on administrer le cefotaxime en Y avec d'autres médicaments injectables ?
Soussi MA, Soualah Alila R, Jenene F, Lazreg O, Razgallah Khrouf M.
Centre national de greffe de moelle osseuse, Tunis Poster presented at Hopipharm Congress, Clermont-Ferrand, France
20/05/2016 Francie Étude préliminaire de la stabilité des solutions diluées de Raltitrexed.
A. Beaufils, H. Sadou Yaye, H. Aouati, M. Babiard, P. Tilleul.
Poster presented at the Hopipharm Congress, Clermont Ferrand, France.
20/05/2016 Francie Préparation, contrôle et usage d'une solution phénolique pour application dermatologique.
Marina VADINO, Gaëlle FRUGIER, Axel VILLANI, Anne MICHEL, Virginie ADAM, Damien SALMON, Christine PIVOT,Fabrice PIROT
Poster presented at the Hopipharm Congress, France
20/05/2016 Francie Etude de stabilité physico-chimique d'un collyre fortifié d'amikacine à 25 mg/mL conditionné dans un flacon en polyéthylène basse densité (PEBD) dans deux conditions de conservation.
J.Boisrame, S.Passard, L.Tall, D.Salmon, D.Salmon , F.Pirot , C.Pivot.
Poster presented at the Hopipharm Congress, France
20/05/2016 Francie Stabilité de la noradrénaline conditionnée en poche et en seringue aux concentrations thérapeutiques usuelles.
Carine Velghe, Stéphanie Genay, Frédéric Feutry, Christine Barthélémy, Bertrand Décaudin, Pascal Odou.
Poster presented at Hopipharm Congress, Clermont-Ferrand, France
20/05/2016 Belgie Stabilité à long terme de la dexaméthasone en association avec de l'alizapride ou de l'ondansétron dans une solution de chlorure de sodium 0,9% conservée dans une poche en polyoléfine à 2-8°C.
Hecq JD, Simar J, Godet M, Gillet P, langhendries Cl, Bihin B, Jamart J, galanti L.
Poster presented at the Hopipharm Congress, Clermont Ferrand, France
20/05/2016 Francie Etude de la stabilité d'un biosimilaire de l'Infliximab dilué dans du NaCl 0.9% en poche de polyoléfine et conservé à 4°C et 25°C.
V. Vieillard, C.Sauzay, A. Astier, M. Paul.
Poster presented at Hopipharm Congress, Clermont-Ferrand, France
01/05/2016 Švýcarsko Optimisation du processus de préparation des solutions de melphalan destinées à l’administration intra-vitréenne dans le traitement du rétinoblastome et étude de leur stabilité.
Brönnimann C, Berger-Gryllaki M, Podilsky G, Sadeghipour F.
JFSPH Congress, Bern, Switzerland.
18/03/2016 Belgie Long-term stability of a generic product of piperacillin/tazobactam in glucose 5% polyolefin bags at 2-8°C after microwave freeze-thaw treatment.
Godet M, Huvelle S, Galanti M, Bihin B, Jamart J, Hecq JD.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress
18/03/2016 äpanÏlsko A novel halogenated anaesthetic solution: Physical and chemical stability study.
F.D. Fernandez-Gines, S. Garcia-Munos, T.B. Rodriguez-Cuadro, I. Alferez-Garcia.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress
18/03/2016 Portugalsko Stability of hospital pharmacy prepared heparin solutions.
David Silva Melo, Vagn Handlos.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress
18/03/2016 Itálie Evaluation of long-term biological activity of pegaspargase (Oncaspar) after dilution in 0.9% sodium chloride.
V.Borsi, F.Calderoni, A.Di Renzo, L.Scala, G.Scialino, G.La Marca, R.Ceccantini, L.Di Simone, A.M.Calvani.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress
05/03/2016 Belgie Long-term stability of dexamethasone and alizapride in sodium chloride 0.9% polyolefin bags at 2-8°C.
Hecq JD, Simar J, Godet M, Bihin B, Jamart J, Gilet P, Langhendries Cl, Galanti M.
Drug Stability research Group, CHU Mont Iodine, Belgium.
05/03/2016 Belgie Long-term stability of dexamethasone and ondansetron in sodium chloride 0.9% polyolefin bags at 2-8°C.
Hecq JD, Simar J, Godet M, Bihin B, Jamart J, Gilet P, Langhendries Cl, Galanti M.
Drug Stability research Group, CHU Mont Godinne, Belgium.
01/02/2016 Kanada Stability of 1.0 and 2.5 mg/mL Bortezomib In Vials and Syringes Following Reconstitution with Sodium Chloride at 4°C and 23°C.
Walker S.E, Charbonneau L.F, Tyono I, Law S.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2016, Canada.
00/00/2016 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad y compatibilidade de mezclas ternarias de metamizol metoclopramida y tramadol en cloruro sodico 0.9%.
Martinez Gomez MA, Lopez Navarro AA, Gras Colomer E, Martinez Moreno J, Climente Marti M.
SEFH Congress, Gijon, Spain
26/11/2015 Švýcarsko Stabilité d’un collyre de phényléphrine et tropicamide.
Jacquier P , Humbert-Delaloye V, Amos Aegerter A, Beney J.
GSASA Congress, Switzerland
25/10/2015 Francie Stability study of a hospital preparation of ketamine syrup (5mg/mL).
Boulanger C, Kreutter G, Gairard-Dory A.C, Perello L, Leveque D, Gourieux B, Ubeaud-Séquier G.
Congress AAPS, Orlando, US, October 2015.
16/10/2015 Francie Validation physico-chimique et biologique d'une méthode de transport par tube pneumatique des préparations de Cetuximab.
F. Brémont, P. Auzeloux, M-J. Galmier, N. Robin, F. Leal, S. Tarrit, H. Chabrolles, N. Vauche, R.Chevrier, M.Doly
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Nantes, France
16/10/2015 Francie Incompatibilité du busulfan avec des seringues de 1 mL Luer-­‐Lock : à propos d’un cas.
Loboda C, Lider P, VigneronJ.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Nantes, France
16/10/2015 Francie Stabilité des poches d'azacitidine pour injection intraveineuse (1,4 à 2,4 mg/mL) conservées à +4°C.
Bazoulet C, Chanat C, Jobard M, Brandely-Piat ML, Chast F.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Nantes, France
16/10/2015 Francie Evaluation de la stabilité physico-chimique et microbiologique de ganciclovir sur une année.
R. Faure, M.L. Tall, A. Roux, M. Gouma, S. Rey Di Guzer, L. Minet, M. Lenfant, B. Ducarre, E. Diouf, D. Salmon, F. Pirot, C. Pivot.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Nantes, France
16/10/2015 Francie Influence d’un stress mécanique ou thermique sur la stabilité du Cetuximab.
Wiem Akrout, Victoire Vieillard , Alain Astier, Muriel Paul.
16/10/2015 Francie Stabilité physique des anticorps monoclonaux sous conditions de stress : exemple du Rituximab.
Wiem Akrout, Victoire Vieillard , Alain Astier, Muriel Paul.
16/10/2015 Francie Etude de la stabilité de solutions de bévacizumab réparties avec la pompe BAXA REPEATER ®.
Sauzay C, Moine M, Vieillard V, Jourdan N, Astier A, Paul M.
09/10/2015 Francie A stability study of 25 mg/mL phenylephrine hydrochloride and 5 mg/mL tropicamide eye drops.
Florence Stordeur, Cédric Chanat, Marie-Laure Brandely, François Chast.
09/10/2015 Francie Stability study of an injectable hospital preparation of naloxone hydrochloride as part of a clinical trial.
Tall ML, Diouf EH, Laleye D, Dhelens C, Lenfant M, Ducarre B, Koog N, Salmon D, Pirot F, Pivot C.
01/09/2015 Francie Devlopment of a new oral suspension of morphine at 1 mg/mL for neonatal and pediatric use in a ready-to-use liquid vehicle.
Bourdon F, Simon N, Lannoy D, Fatoux J, Dhorne C, Berneron C, Odou P.
7th European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI) conference , Antwerpen, Belgium.
29/05/2015 NÏmecko Leachables – ein weltweites Problem;
Rainer Trittler, Martin J. Hug
Apotheke des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Strasse 55, 79106 Freiburg Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Mannheim, Germany, 2015
29/05/2015 NÏmecko Untersuchung von ternären PCA-Reservoiren: Welchen Einfluß hat Dexamethason auf die Stabilität einer Hydromorphon-Metamizol-Mischinfusion?
Ksenija Gorenc, Rainer Trittler, Martin J. Hug, Rolf Schubert
Apotheke des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Strasse 55, 79106 Freiburg Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Mannheim, Germany, 2015
27/03/2015 äpanÏlsko Evaluation of long-term biological activity of trastuzumab 15 mg/mL (Herceptin) by a AD HOC ELISA Method.
Inmaculada Suárez González, Natalia Navas Iglesias, Antonio Salmerón García, José Cabeza Barrera , Luis Fermín Capitán Vallvey
Presented at the EAHP Congress, Hamburg, Germany
27/03/2015 äpanÏlsko Compatibility and stability of hyoscine N-butyl bromide and furosemide admixtures for use in palliative care.
C Bosch Ojeda, M espinosa Bosch, F Sanchez Rojas.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
27/03/2015 äpanÏlsko Long term stability of diluted solutions of the monoclonal antibody infliximab.
Natalia Navas Iglesias et al.
Presented at the EAHP Congress, Hamburg, Germany
27/03/2015 äpanÏlsko Development of an Elisa Assay for the determination of the antibody infliximab in hospital conditions of use.
Natalia Navas Iglesias et al.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
25/03/2015 NÏmecko Compatibility of Irinotecan-loaded DC Bead ™ with different volumes and types of nonionic contrast media.
Sarakbi I, Krämer I.
EAHP Congress 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
25/03/2015 Itálie Complete formulae for parenteral nutrition in neonatal intensive care unit: a stability trial.
Crespini C, Bersani G, Menegatti E.
EAHP Congress 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
25/03/2015 äpanÏlsko Evaluation of long-term biological activity of cetuximab 5m mg/mL (Erbitux) by an ad hoc Elisa method.
Inmaculada Suárez González , Natalia Navas Iglesias , Antonio Salmerón García , José Cabeza Barrera , Luis Fermín Capitán Vallvey.
EAHP 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
25/03/2015 äpanÏlsko Long term stability of diluted solutions of the monoclonal antobody cetuximab.
nmaculada Suárez Gonzále, Natalia Navas Iglesias , Antonio Martinez Ortega, José Hernandez Gimenez, Antonio Salmerón García , José Cabeza Barrera.
EAHP 2015, Hamburg, Germany.
01/02/2015 Kanada Stability of 100 mg/mL Ertapenem at 4°C and 23°C.
Law S, Iazetta J, Perks B, Walker S.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2015, Canada.
01/02/2015 Kanada Stability of an Epidural Analgesic Admixture Containing Ropivacaine and Epinephrine in Cassette Reservoirs.
Perks B, Law S, Iazzetta J, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2015, Canada.
01/02/2015 Kanada Extended Stability of Sodium Phosphate Solutions in Polyvinylchloride Bags.
Perks B, Iazetta J, Cheung Chan P, Law S, Brouzas A, Walker S.E.
Poster presented during the Professional Practice Conference hosted by the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists. 2015, Canada.
00/00/2015 Japonsko 注射薬配合変化検索website system『Stabilis』の有用性に関する調査
吉田 幹宜1,2, 岩本 彩1,3, 望月 伸夫1,4, 村上 明男1,5, Mikaël Daouphars6, Jean Vigneron7, 鈴木 真也1,4 1日本Stabilis研究グループ, 2神戸低侵襲がん医療センター 薬剤部, 3兵庫県立がんセンター 薬剤部 4国立がん研究センター東病院 薬剤部, 5国立国際医療研究センター病院 薬剤部 6Rouen Hospital, France, 7Nancy Teaching Hospital, France
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Oncology.
00/00/2015 Japonsko 注射薬配合変化検索Website system 『Stabilis』 と Handbook on Injectable drugsの配合禁忌収載薬数の
注射薬配合変化検索Website system 『Stabilis』 と Handbook on Injectable drugsの配合禁忌収載薬数の
Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Japanese Society of Pharmaceutical Oncology.
00/00/2015 Belgie Stability of concentrated solution of vancomycin hydrochloride in syringes for ICU.
HecqJD, Godet M, Simar J, Braibant M, Soumoy M, Gillet P, Jamart J, Bihin B, Galanti L.
Poster presented at the AFPHB, Bruxelles, Belgium
01/12/2014 Švýcarsko Etude de la stabilité physico-chimique de solutions de prostaglandine E1 à 48 et 72h.
Palmero D, Chavan E, Berger L, Henry H, Tolsa J-F, Pannatier A, Sadeghipour F.
GSASA Congress, Switzerland
01/12/2014 Švýcarsko Développement et validation d’une méthode LC-MS pour l’étude de stabilité de solutions de prostaglandine E1.
Palmero D, Chavan E, Berger L, Henry H, Tolsa J-F, Pannatier A, Sadeghipour F.
GSASA Congress, Switzerland
25/09/2014 Francie Etude de stabilité d'une crème à la lidocaïne.
Claire Hamel, Hassane Sadou Yaye, Agnès Bellanger, Patrick Tilleul.
Poster presented at the SNPHPU Congress, France
28/06/2014 Francie New function on the Stabilis® database: Level of evidence for stability studies of anticancer drugs.
P.Lider, J.Vigneron, I. Gindre, I May, B.Demoré
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Nancy, France Poster presented at ECOP Congress, Krakow, Poland, 2014
28/06/2014 Francie Influence of freezing on physical stability of Rituximab.
V. Vieillard1, K.Ly1, O.Nicolson1, A. Astier1*, M. Paul1.
Department of pharmacy, Henri Mondor Hospital Group and * UMR 7054, school of medicine, Paris 12, University Créteil, France Poster presented at ECOP Congress, Krakow, Poland, 2014
28/06/2014 Francie Long-term physico-chemical stability of ipilimumab in opened commercial vial.
Pascale BARDO, Victoire VIEILLARD, Alain ASTIER, Muriel PAUL
Department of pharmacy, Henri Mondor Hospital, Créteil, France Poster presented at ECOP Congress, Krakow, Poland, 2014
28/06/2014 NÏmecko Loading, release and stability of epirubicin-loaded drug-eluting beads used for transarterial chemoembolization
K.C. Spindeldreier J. Thiesen I. Krämer
Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center Poster presented at ECOP Congress, Krakow, Poland, 2014
28/06/2014 NÏmecko Compatibility of Epirubicin-loaded DC Bead™ with different contrast media
I. Sarakbi J.Thiesen I.Krämer
Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center Poster presented at ECOP Congress, Krakow, Poland, 2014
28/06/2014 Francie Stability of 2 mg/mL melphalan in 0.9% sodium chloride under sequential storage conditions
J. Vigneron, H Zenier, I. May, A Nicolas.
University Hospital Brabois, Vandoeuvre, France Poster presented at ECOP Congress, Krakow, Poland, 2014
28/06/2014 Francie Pneumatic conveying systems and physical stability of monoclonal antibodies: Example of rituximab.
V. Vieillard, K. Rilcy, C. Magneux , A. Bellanger, A. Astier, M. Paul.
Poster presented at ECOP Congress, Krakow, Poland, 2014
28/06/2014 Francie Pneumatic conveying systems and physical stability of monoclonal antibodies: The example of trastuzumab.
V. Vieillard, M.Bechrouri, O.Nicolson, A. Bellanger, A. Astier, M. Paul.
Poster presented at the ECOP 2, Krakow, Poland.
16/05/2014 Francie Etude de stabilité d’une solution stérile de glycérol 10% – fructose 5% utilisée dans la résection endoscopique.
Filali S; Tall ML; Salmon D; Diouf E; Abbassi N; Gruat B; LenfantM; Koog N; Ducarre B; Pivot C; Pirot F
Poster presented at the Hopipharm Congress, la Rochelle, France
28/03/2014 NÏmecko Physico-chemical stability of cabazitaxel containing premix solution and ready-to-administer solutions.
K.C. Spindeldreier J. Thiesen I. Krämer.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Barcelona, Spain.
27/03/2014 NÏmecko Stability studies with levosimendan-syringes
Rainer Trittler, Martin J. Hug
1 Apotheke des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Strasse 55, 79106 Freiburg 2 Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Hermann-Herder Strasse 9, 79104 Freiburg Poster presented at EAHP Congress, Barcelona, Spain, 2014
26/03/2014 Švýcarsko Development of ready-to-use adrenaline syringes for emergency use.
Fleury Souverain S, SigrisT, Gschwind L, Bouchoud L, Sadeghipour F, Bonnabry P.
EAHP Congress, Barcelona, Spain
00/00/2014 NÏmecko Pharmacy based preparation and stability of ready-to-administer epinephrine injection solution (0.02 mg/mL, 50 mL).
J. Reichhold R. M. Heeb I. Krämer.
Poster presented at the ASHP Midyear meeting, Anaheim, United States
00/00/2014 Francie Stabilité d'une suspension buvable d'hydrochlorothiazide.
Laure Napoly, Joëlle Bordenave, Guy Benoit.
Poster presented at the APHIF Congress, Paris, France.
00/00/2014 Francie Etude de la stabilité physicochimique du phloroglucinol injectable durant les mélanges au sein des tubulures en Y.
Hassane Sadou Yaye, Edouard Burtet, Claire Hamel, Rania Aljhni, Claudine Gard, Patrick Tilleul.
Poster presented the APHIF congress, Paris, France.
00/00/2014 NÏmecko Dose-banding of chemotherapy agents and its implications for hematology-oncology practice.
H. Reinhardt, R. Trittler, S. Wöhrl, B. Groß, M. Kleber, S. Kaiser, M. Buck, S. Kaiser, D. Jonas, J. Duyster, M.J. Hug, M. Jung, M. Engelhardt.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
00/00/2014 NÏmecko Chemisch – physikalische Stabilität einer konservierten Sotalolhydrochlorid – Lösung 20mg/ml.
C. Metze, D. Fenske
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
00/00/2014 NÏmecko Stabilität von Ampicillin und Sulbactam in Perfusor®Spritzen
Blassmann U, Vetter-Kerkhoff C, Röhr A, Frey O.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
00/00/2014 NÏmecko Stabilität von applikationsfertigen Glyceroltrinitrat-Spritzen
Matthias Höpfner, Stephanie Stareprawo, Ralf Harnisch.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Hamburg, Germany.
00/00/2014 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisico-quimica del acido 5-aminolevulinico para administration intralesional.
Rodrihuez Lage C, Ortega valin L, Molina de la Torre AJ, Rofriguez Prieto RA, Valadares Narganes LM, Prieto fernandez J.
SEFH Congress, Valladolid, Spain
00/00/2014 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad fisicoquimica de una mescla intravenosa alcalina de L-acetilcisteina para la prevencion de la nefropatia inducida por contraste iodado.
Merino-Bohorquez V, Caracuel F, Gimenez Guerero L, Castaneda Macias I, Fernandez Riejos P, Camean Fernandez M, .
SEFH Congress, Valladolid, Spain
00/00/2014 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad y compatibilidad de mezclas ternarias antiemeticas intravenosas para el paciente con quimiotherapia.
Moya Gil A, Martinez Gomze MA, Porta Oltra B, Frias Ruiz P, Lopez Navar A, Climente Marti M.
SEFH Congress, Valladolid, Spain
00/00/2014 äpanÏlsko Estabilidad de una formulacion de linezolid en colirio.
Perez Huertas P, Company Albir MJ, Vila Clerigues M, Lopez Briz E, Poveda Andres JL.
SEFH Congress, Valladolid, Spain.
18/10/2013 Francie Stabilité physico-chimique d’un mélange intradermique de Bléomycine– Lidocaïne– Adrénaline intradermique dilué en poche de Nacl 0,9 %. dilué en poche de Nacl 0,9 %
Michael Chaussard, Christelle Elias, Antoine Petit, Patrice Bellenger, Nathalie Jourdan, Pierre Faure, Nabil El Kateb.
Oral communication presented at the Hopipharm Congress, Lyon, France.
18/10/2013 Francie Stabilité physicochimique du bévacizumab à 25 mg/mL conservé à 4°C en seringue polypropylène.
V.Vieillard, A. Cauvin, E. Roumi, MC. Despiau, M. Laurent, S. Voytenko, A. Astier, M. Paul.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Mandelieu, France.
18/10/2013 Francie L'épirubicine concentrée à 8,33 mg/mL conditionnée en seringue pour chimio-embolisation est stable 72 h à +4°C et à l'abri de la lumière.
Savry Amandine, Bennis Youssef, Correard Florian, Favier Thibaut, Revire Julien, Montana Marc, Gauthier-Villano Laurence, Pisano Pascale, Pourroy Bertrand.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Mandelieu, France
18/10/2013 Francie Docetaxel 20mg/mL: stabilité physico-chimique en conditions pratiques
B. Bertrand, M. Dell’Ova, K. Bekhtari, F. Malosse, F. Pinguet.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Mandelieu, France
18/10/2013 Francie Evaluation de la compatibilité et de la stabilité du mélange paracétamol/kétamine, paracétamol/néfopam.
Mélodie Dell’Ova, Benjamin Bertrand, Khedidja Bekhtari, Françoise Malosse, Frédéric Pinguet.
18/10/2013 Francie Evaluation de la compatibilité et de la stabilité du mélange paracétamol/ketoprofène.
Mélodie Dell’Ova, Benjamin Bertrand, Khedidja Bekhtari, Françoise Malosse, Frédéric Pinguet.
18/10/2013 Francie Evolution de la base de données Stabilis® : Création d’un système de cotation des publications relatives aux études de stabilité de médicaments anticancéreux injectables.
P. Lider, J. Vigneron, I. Gindre, I. May, B. Demoré.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congres, Mandelieu, France.
17/10/2013 Francie Etude de la stabilité d’une solution de bortézomib à 2,5 mg/mL conditionné en seringue à tuberculine en polypropylène par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à un détecteur à barrettes de diodes et à un détecteur évaporatif à diffusion de lumière.
Giovanelli M, Vigneron J, Nicolas A, May I.
SFPO Congress, Mandelieu, France.
16/10/2013 Francie Physico-chemical and microbiological stability studies of melatonin oral suspension for pediatric use.
Zerbit J, Bordenave I, Benoit G.
ESCP Congress, Prague, Czech Republic.
01/10/2013 Francie Pneumatic conveying systems and physical stability of monoclonal antibodies: example of Cetuximab.
V.Vieillard, A.Ramssamy, K.Rilcy ,A. Bellanger, A. Astier, M. Paul.
Poster presented at the ECCO Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
20/09/2013 Francie Validation physico-chimique de la conservation d'un collyre à la ceftazidime (20 mg/mL) après la première ouverture.
Mamadou Lamine TALL, Valentine LAMBERT, Damien SALMON, Nicole KOOG, Brigitte DUCARRE, Michèle BADOR, Mélanie LENFANT, Elhadji DIOUF, Christine PIVOT, Fabrice PIROT.
Poster presented at tyhe SNPHPU Congress, Marseille, France
20/09/2013 Francie Validation d'une méthode de dosage d'un collyre de ciclosporine à 2% par chromatographie Liquide haute Performance.
Julie RENAUD, Mamadou Lamine TALL, Damien SALMON, Amandine BAUDOUIN, Alexia MALRIQ, Nicole KOOG, Brigitte DUCARRE, Mélanie LENFANT, Elhadji DIOUF, Christine PIVOT, Fabrice PIROT.
Poster presented at the SNPHPU Congress, Marseille, France
31/05/2013 NÏmecko Aliquotierte Levosimendanlösungen – stabil ?
Rainer Trittler, Jeannine Hecklinger, Martin J. Hug.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Dresden, Germany.
31/05/2013 NÏmecko Physikalische-chemische Stabilität einer Lidocain-Adrenalin-Tetracain Lösung
R. M. Heeb M. Tubic Grozdanis I. Krämer.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Dresden, Germany.
31/05/2013 NÏmecko Physikalisch-chemische Stabilität einer Metoprolol-Injektionszubereitung 1 mg/ml, 50 ml.
T. Gilcher R. M. Heeb I. Krämer.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Dresden, Germany.
01/05/2013 Švýcarsko Stabilité et produits de dégradation des perfusions de ceftazidime chez les patients pédiatriques avec mucoviscidose.
Ahmed J, Berger M, Di Paolo E, Hafen G, Pannatier A.
JFSPH Congress
30/04/2013 Francie Stability of frozen ceftazidime in polypropylene syringes for intravitreal injection
A.DAUL, J.Vigneron, H. Zenier, I. May, B. Demoré
Pharmacie CHU Nancy - Hôpital Brabois, allée du Morvan, 54511 Vandoeuvre‐lès-Nancy Poster presented at EAHP Congress, Paris, France, 2013
02/03/2013 Belgie Stability and compatibility of vancomycin for administration by continuous infusion.
Raverdi V, Ampe E, Hecq,JD, Tulkens PM.
Poster presented at the AFPHB Congress
00/00/2013 NÏmecko Physicochemical stability of ready-to-administer epinephrine injection solutions 20 μg/ml, 50 ml.
R. M. Heeb I. Krämer.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Paris, france.
14/11/2012 Švýcarsko Stabilité de la ceftazidime administrée à l’aide d’un diffuseur portable chez les enfants atteints de mucoviscidose.
Rossire C, Berger L, Di Paolo ER, Lamon S, Hafen G, Pannatier A.
GSASA Congress, Switzerland
29/09/2012 äpanÏlsko Chemical stability of bortezomib solutions in original manufacturer vials.
C. Bosch Ojeda , M.F. Sánchez Rojas , M. Espinosa Bosch C. Bosch Ojeda , M.F. Sánchez Rojas , M. Espinosa Bosch
Poster presented at the ECOP Congress, Budapest, Hungary.
29/09/2012 Francie Stability of bendamustine reconstituted with water for injection at 2.5 mg/mL and diluted with 0.9% or 1.5% sodium chloride at 0.25 and 0.60 mg/mL.
Vigneron J, Sobalak N, May I, Demoré B.
Poster presented at the ECOP 1, Budapest, Hungary.
19/09/2012 Francie Etude de stabilité de deux formulations de captopril 1mg/ml dans un véhicule innovant : InOrpha®.
LambertS, Millot-Lustig M, Aujoulat O.
Congress SNPHPU, Ajaccio, France, September 2012
19/09/2012 Francie Stabilité d'un collyre à la cocaïne 4%
Luans C, Gicquel T, Lepage S, javaudin L, Dollo G, morel I.
CSH Congress, Ajaccio, France 2012
30/04/2012 äpanÏlsko Evaluation of long-term activity of bevacizumab 25.0 mgmL (Avastin®) by an Ad Hoc Elisa method.
Inmaculada Suárez González 1, Natalia Navas Iglesias 2, Antonio Salmerón García 3, José Cabeza Barrera 3, Luis Fermín Capitán Vallvey1
1 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n ,18071, Spain. 2 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Facultad of Sciences, Biomedical Research Institute ibs. Granada,University of Granada, Avda. Fuentenueva s/n,18071, Spain. 3 Hospital Pharmacy Unit, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Granada, Biomedical Research Institute ibs. Granada, E-18012, Spain. Poster presented at EAHP Congress, Hamburg, Germany, 2015
30/04/2012 NÏmecko Kompatibilitätsanalytik für die Entwicklung eines Infusionsregimes für Intensivpatienten.
Knudsen L.1,2, Eisend S.2, Kunze T.1
1Pharmazeutisches Institut, Universität Kiel; 2UK-SH, Campus Kiel, Apotheke Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Mainz, Germany, 2012
30/04/2012 NÏmecko Stabilitätsuntersuchung einer oralen Metoprololtartratlösung zur Anwendung in der Pädiatrie.
Juliane Nachtwey, Caroline Metze, Dominic Fenske
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress.
30/04/2012 NÏmecko Physikalisch- chemische Stabilität einer applikationsfertigen Adrenalin- Injektionszubereitung 20 μg/ml.
R. M. Heeb J. Roer I. Krämer.
Poster presented at the ADKA congress, Mainz, Germany.
30/04/2012 NÏmecko Stabilität von Colistimethate zur Verneblung in hypertoner 5,85% NaCl-Lösung.
H.Walz- Jung I. Krämer.
Poster presented at the ADKA congress, Mainz, Germany.
30/04/2012 NÏmecko Entwicklung eines Antibiotika-Nasenspray für Mukoviszidose Patienten.
Böing A, Schurtz M, Meyle E, Hoppe-Tichy T.
Poster presented at the ADKA congress, Mainz, Germany.
30/04/2012 NÏmecko Zytostatikahaltige orale Liquida in der Pädiatrie – Entwicklung, Herstellung und Analytik einer Trofosfamid-Orallösung.
B. Franz, D. Maywald, H. Knoth.
Poster presented at the ADKA congress, Mainz, Germany.
21/03/2012 Francie Stability of bortezomib 1mg/mL solution in polypropylene syringes Application to the daily practice of a centralized unit
M. Perissutti, J. Vigneron, H. Zenier, I. May, B. Demoré
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Milan, March 2012.
00/00/2012 Francie Physicochemical stability of diluted trastuzumab solutions stored 6 months at 4°C.
V. Vieillard, R.Da Silva, A. Astier,L. Escalup, M. Paul.
Poster presented at ECOP Budapest, Hungary.
00/00/2012 äpanÏlsko Development and validation of a method to study the mixture daptomycin/heparin in ringer lactate by High Performance liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
Antonio Salmeron Garcia, Raquel Ortega Lopez, Natalia Navas Iglesias, Jose Cabeza Barrera, Luis Fermin Capitan Vallvey
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Mylan, Italy
00/00/2012 Velká Británie Extended stability study of oxaliplatin infusions for ‘dose-banding.
Xiaoqing Liu , Prof. Graham Sewell.
Poster presented at the ECOP congress, Budapest, hungary.
01/12/2011 Švýcarsko CIVAS : Formulation et stabilité de l’amiodarone 12.5 mg/ml dans du glucose 5%.
Berthouzoz S, Berger M, Grouzman MC, Pannatier A.
GSASA Congress, Interlaken, Switzerland
18/11/2011 Švýcarsko Etude de stabilité de deux solutions pour spray nasal de midazolam à 10 mg/ml et 20 mg/ml.
Fleury-Souverain S, Zaugg C, Sadeghipour F, Bonnabry P
Poster presented at JFSPH 2010, Sion, Switzerland.
14/10/2011 Francie Stabilité chimique et microbiologistes d'une suspension de mercaptopurine à 5 g/mL.
C. Sutra , C. Guillemot , S. Monnier , F. Puisset , J. M. Canonge
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Mandelieu, France.
13/10/2011 Francie Etude de la stabilité d’une solution de bortézomib à 1 mg/mL conditionnée en seringue de polypropylène.
M. Perissutti, J. Vigneron, H. Zenier, I. May, B. Demoré.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Mandelieu, France.
15/05/2011 NÏmecko Stabilität von Argatroban-Dauerinjektionslösungen in applikationsfertigen Konzentrationen.
Klemmer A, Krämer I.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Berlin, Germany.
15/05/2011 NÏmecko Stabilität und kompatibilität von meropenem und vancomycin in Perfusor spritzen.
A.D. Stumpf, O.R. Frey, A. Köberer.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress 2011
15/05/2011 NÏmecko Stabilität von Adrenalin und Noradrenalin Notfallspritzen.
C Casajuana Kögel, Eymard F, Störzinger F, Hoppe-Tichy T.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Berlin, Germany.
15/05/2011 NÏmecko Physikalisch-Chemiche Stabilität von Trastuzumab Infusionlösungen.
J. Kaiser I. Krämer.
Poster presented at the ADKA Congress, Berlin, Germany.
01/04/2011 Francie Stability of 25 mg/mL azacytidine
Duriez A, Vigneron J, Zenier H, May I, Demoré B.
University Hospital of Nancy, France Poster printed at the EAHP Congress, Vienna, Austria
00/00/2011 Francie Stability of diluted L-asparaginase in normal saline solution.
O. Nicolson, B. d’Hayer, V. Vieillard, S. Dollet, A. Astier and M. Paul
Poster presented at the ECCO Congress
00/00/2011 Francie Physicochemical and biological stability of diluted rituximab solutions stored 6 months at 4°C.
M.Paul, V.Vieillard, E.Jaccoulet, A.Astier.
Poster presented at the ECCO Congress
00/00/2011 Francie Physical stability of diluted azacytidine suspensions stored at 4°C and -20°C: Preliminary results.
V. Vieillard, M. Paul, H. Lim, A. Astier.
Poster presented at the ECCO Congress
00/00/2011 Francie Nalbuphine stability at 1 mg/mL concentration.
C. Hammer, L. Perello, A. Dory, D.Levêque, G.Ubeaud-Sequier.
Poster presented at the AAPS 2011
00/00/2011 Francie Etude de stabilité de gélules de captopril à usage pédiatrique.
Veran N, Vigneron J, Zenier H, Ménétré S, May I, Demoré B.
SNPHPU Congress, France
04/11/2010 Švýcarsko Physical compatibility of the propofol emulsion with 33 drugs used in anaesthesiology.
Stucki C, Sautter AM, Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at ESCP 2009. Geneve, Switzerland.
23/10/2010 Francie Stability and compatibility of paracetamol and ketoprofen in a fail-safe administration set.
Bernard, L, Sautou V, Bourdeaux D, Chopineau J.
Poster presented at ESCP Congress, Lyon, France
23/10/2010 Francie Stability of a parenteral admixture for epidural analgesia in labour.
Bonville E, Sautou V, Bourdeaux D, Bernard L, Chopineau J.
Poster Presented at ESCP Congress, Lyon, France.
21/10/2010 Francie Stability of amiodarone in capsules for paediatric patients using a HPLC method.
L. Rughoo, J. Vigneron, N. Véran, H. Zénier, N. Sobalak, I. May, B. Demoré.
Poster presented at the ESCP Congress, Lyon, France, 2010.
17/09/2010 Francie Etude de stabilité physicochimique du collyre de tétracaïne à 1%.
Michaël CHAUSSARD, Véronique Bouche, Laurence Labat, Marie-Laure Brandely, Rui Batista, François Chast.
Poster presented at the SNPHPU Congress, Lille, France.
18/05/2010 Francie Stabilité physicochimique de la voncristine sans conservateur diluée en poche de NaCl 0,9%.
T. Henriet, N. El Kateb, N. Jourdan, P. Faure, P. Bellenger.
HOPIPHARM 2010, Vittel, France.
00/00/2010 NÏmecko Physikalisch--chemische Stabilität von Clofarabin-Zubereitungen
J. Kaiser, I. Krämer
Apotheke der Universitätsmedizin, Mainz Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Freiburg, Germany, 2010
00/00/2010 NÏmecko Hydromorphon-Metamizol-Mischungen - Cocktails mit Überraschungen !
Rainer Trittler1 , Simone Müller1 , Klaus Offner2 , Sebastian Dresen3 , Wolfgang Weinmann3 , Egid Strehl1
1 Apotheke des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Strasse 55, 79106 Freiburg 2 Abteilung Anaesthesiologie und Intensivtherapie des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg 3 Institut für Rechtsmedizin der Universität Freiburg, Albertstrasse 9, 79104 Freiburg Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Freiburg, Germany, 2010
00/00/2010 Francie Etude de stabilité de solutions intravitréennes de vancomycine à 10 mg/mL.
Maillot-Pyszczek V, Bourdeaux D, Sautou V, Chopineau J.
Oral communication, Hopipharm Congress, Vittel, France
18/11/2009 Francie Stabilité de l'infliximab en solution diluée.
Guirao S, Paul M, Jaccoulet E, Morand K, Astier A.
Poster presented at the APHIF Congress, Paris, France, November 2009
15/10/2009 Francie Etude de la stabilité de la solution commerciale d'irinotécan (Campto®) après prélèvements réitérés dans le même flacon.
E. Huet, S. Roy, C. Hochart, A. Bellanger, R. Farinotti, C. Fernandez.
Poster presented at the SFPO Congress, Mandelieu, France
28/08/2009 Švýcarsko Influence of temperature, light and plastic material on vitamin C stability in total parenteral nutrition administration sets.
Benzakour G, Fathi M, Bonnabry P, Dupertuis Y.M, Pichard C.
Poster presented at ESPEN 2009. Vienne, Austria.
09/06/2009 NÏmecko Hydromorphone and Dipyrone in PCA-devices: Is this still a therapy with Hydromorphone?
Simone Müller1, Rainer Trittler1, Rolf Schubert2, Egid Strehl1
1 University Hospital Freiburg, Department of Pharmacy, Hugstetter Strasse 55, 79106 Freiburg, Germany 2 Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chair in Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, Hermann-Herder Strasse 9, 79104 Freiburg, Germany Poster presented at 2nd PharmSciFair, Nice, France , 2009
05/05/2009 NÏmecko Oxycodon-Metamizol in PCAPumpen - Kompatibel?
Simone Müller1, Rainer Trittler1, Rolf Schubert2
1 Apotheke des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Strasse 55, 79106 Freiburg 2 Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Hermann-Herder Strasse 9, 79104 Freiburg Poster presented at ADKA Congress, Darmstadt, Germany, 2009
00/00/2009 Itálie Anticorpi monoclonali - Valutazione della stabilità microbiologica e chimico - fisica di preparazioni utilizzate in ambito ospedaliero.
Bellante L, Gasparini F, Guglielmi G, Proli EM, Sabene L, Simone P, Viora G.
Sapienza University of Roma
00/00/2009 Francie Ketamine : Etude de stabilité d'une solution aqueuse buvable dosée à 1 mg/ mL.
Duchene ML, Daurenjou M, Lavrut T, Carles D, Alberge MC.
Poster presented at the Hopipharm Congress, Marseille, france.
00/00/2009 Francie Etude de stabilité d'une solution de cefuroxime pour injection intracamérulaire.
Bontemps A, Châtaignier C, Sautou-Miranda V, Chopineau J.
Poster presented at Hopipharm Congress, Marseille, France.
28/11/2008 Francie Etude de stabilité d'Alprostadyl en solution diluée ou concentrée.
Kacem B, Carvalho M, Lahlou A, Gaudoin A, Yiou R, Astier A, Paul M.
Poster presented at the APHIF Congress, Paris, November 2008.
24/10/2008 Francie Stability of cyclosporine eye drops.
Bontemps C, Rougeron A, Sautou-Mirand V, Boyer A, Chopineau J.
University Hospital Gabriel Montpied, Clermont-Ferrand, france poster presented at the ESCOP Congress, Dubrownik, Croatia
12/03/2008 NÏmecko Schmerzmittelreservoire- Stabilität binärer Opioid-Metamizol-Mischungen.
Simone Müller1, Rainer Trittler1, Herbert Bochow2, Rolf Schubert2, Egid Strehl1
1 Apotheke des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Strasse 55, 79106 Freiburg 2 Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Hermann-Herder Strasse 9, 79104 Freiburg Poster presented at ADKA Kongress, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, March 8, 2008
27/02/2008 äpanÏlsko Cytotoxic drugs prediluted in normal saline in polypropylene infusion bags FLEBOFLEX®. Stability at several storage conditions.
Jané S, Menéndez J, Girbau J, Clopés A, Muñoz C, Narváez S.
EAHP February 2008, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
06/02/2008 Francie Etude de stabilité du cefuroxime dans une solution d'irrigation oculaire.
Peynaud D, Poy L, Goujon R, Jolivet A, Leboucher G.
Poster presented at the ESCP congress, Saint Malo, France
00/00/2008 Švýcarsko Long term physico-chemical stability of standard parenteral nutrition for neonates.
Bouchoud Bertholet L, Sadeghipour F, Fonzo-Christe C, Pfister R, Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at 30th ESPEN Congress 2008. Florence, Italy.
16/11/2007 Švýcarsko Stabilité des formulations injectables de lidocaïne en présence de bicarbonate de sodium: mise en place d'une procédure pour les unités de soins.
Fleury Souverain S, De Giorgi I, Evard T, Bonnabry P
Poster presented at Congress GSASA and '14èmes JFSPH;2007". Lausanne, Switzerland.
19/05/2007 Francie Compatibility and stability of analgesic admixtures for parenteral use: paracetamol, ketoprofen and tramadol
Lise Badaroux1, Céline Rodier1, David Balayssac1, Valérie Sautou-Miranda2, Jean Chopineau2
1 Pharmacy, CHU Gabriel Montpied, Clermont-Ferrand, France; 2 Laboratory of Clinical Pharamcy and Biotechnics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Clermont-Ferrand, France Poster presented at the ESCP Congress, Edinburgh, UK
23/03/2007 Francie Chemical and physical stability od dexrazoxane diluted in ringer Lactate in polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene container.
Kaiser JD, Rondelot G, Zenier H, Vigneron J, May I, Demoré B.
Poster presented at the EAHP Congress, Bordeaux, France
23/03/2007 Švýcarsko Stability of ophtalmic injections of ceftazidime, vancomycin and dexamethasone in aqueous humor after freezing, storage and thawing.
Dobrinas M, Fleury-Souverain S, F. Sadeghipour F Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at Congress EAHP 2007. Bordeaux, France.
00/00/2007 Francie Release of a plasticizer tri-ethylhexyl trimellitate from polyvinyl chloride tubing.
Trevis S, Sautou-Miranda V, Bagel-Boithias S, Balayssac D, Chopineau J.
Poster presented at the ESCP Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland
02/11/2006 Francie Etude de stabilité des seringues de vancomycine et de ceftazidime destinées à la voie intravitréenne.
Yousfi M.A, Morand K, Brandely M.L, Chast F.
APHIF Congress, Paris
12/05/2006 NÏmecko Morphin-Metamizol-Mischungen zur kontinuierlichen parenteralen Applikation: Sind sie immer inkompatibel?
Simone Müller1, Rainer Trittler1, Rolf Schubert2, Wilhelm Freiherr von Hornstein3, Egid Strehl1
1 Apotheke des Universitätsklinikums Freiburg, Hugstetter Strasse 55, 79106 Freiburg 2 Lehrstuhl für Pharmazeutische Technologie und Biopharmazie der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Hermann-Herder Strasse 9, 79104 Freiburg 3 Klinik für Tumorbiologie an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Abteilung Schmerztherapie, Breisacher Strasse 117, 79106 Freiburg Poster presented at ADKA Kongress, Trier, Germany, May 2006
00/05/2006 Francie Stabilité du mélange antiémétique ondansétron + methylprednisolone + clorazépate dipotassique dans des poches de glucose 5%.
Peyro Saint Paul L, Leroyer R, Gourio C, Albessard F, Debruyne D, Chedru-Legros V.
Hopipharm Congress, France
00/05/2006 Francie Etude de stabilité de la mitomycine C dans le cadre d'une chimio hyperthermie intrapéritonéale.
Khalfallah K, Barbault-Foucher S, Laville I, Dagher I, Carloni A, Préaux N.
Hopipharm Congress, France
24/03/2006 Švýcarsko The stability of ready-to-use (RTU) insulin in polypropylene syringes for use in intensive care units.
Fleury-Souverain S, Ing H, Griffiths W, Sadeghipour F, Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at Congress EAHP 2006. Geneva, Switzerland.
22/03/2006 Francie Stability of pemetrexed 25 mg/mL in glass vial and 5 mg/mL diluted in 0.9% sodium chloride and stored in PVC containers.
Rondelot G, Serrurier C, Zenier H, Vigneron J, I. May I.
Poster presented at Congress EAHP 2006. Geneva, Switzerland.
22/03/2006 Francie Assessment of injectable drugs administration in two intensive care units and determination of potential physico-chemical incompatibilities.
C. Serrurier, J. Vigneron, I. May
Poster presented at Congress EAHP 2006. Geneva, Switzerland.
22/03/2006 Francie Stability of ketamine and remifentanil hydrochloride mixture in 0.9% sodium chloride in polypropylene syringe during 24 hours.
Serrurier C, Rondelot G, Zenier H, Vigneron J, May I.
Poster presented at Congress EAHP 2006. Geneva, Switzerland.
22/03/2006 äpanÏlsko Stability of cytotoxic drugs diluted in polypropylene infusion bags FLEBOFLEX®.
Jané S, Menéndez J, Girbau J, Clopés A, Muñoz C, Narváez S.
EAHP 32006, Geneva
16/03/2006 Švýcarsko Stabilité physico-chimique d'un mélange de trois antituberculeux injectables : rifampicine, isoniazide et ethambutol.
Bouchoud L, Fleury-Souverain S, Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at "13èmes Journées franco-suisses de Pharmacie hospitalière, 2006".Châlon, France.
16/03/2005 äpanÏlsko Comparative of different intravenous infusion containers.
Jané S, Menéndez J, Girbau J.
EAHP 2005, Lisboa, Portugal
00/00/2005 Francie Release of di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate from polyvinylchloride bags during docetaxel infusions.
Bourlon S, Sautou-Miranda V, Dalle M, Balayssac B, Chopineau J.
Poster presented at the ESCP Congress, Stockholm, May 2005
00/00/2005 Švýcarsko The stability of ready-to-use (TRU) ephedrine hydrochloride in polypropylene syringes for use in maternal hypotension.
Griffiths W, Ing H, Kern C, Matthey B, Sadeghipour F, Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at 10th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists Congress 2005. Lisbonne, Portugal.
17/11/2004 Švýcarsko Stabilité et compatibilité de solutions injectables d'amiodarone (Cordarone®).
Marcoz N, Ing H, Sautter AM, Saadi JF, Roulin MJ, Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at Congress GSASA and "Journées franco-suisses 2004", Interlaken, Switzerland
00/00/2004 Švýcarsko Development, stability and flavour acceptability of two oral liquid formulations of phenobarbital for use in paediatrics.
Simon C, Griffiths W, Ing H, Sadeghipour F, Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at 9th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists Congress 2004. Séville, Spain.
00/00/2003 Švýcarsko "Ready-to-use" intravenous vancomycin to avoid dilution errors in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU): chemical stability and microbiological potency.
Griffiths W, Favet J, Ing H, Vassant C, Pfister R, Sadeghipour F, Bonnabry P.
Poster presented at 8th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Pharmacists Congress 2003. Florence, Italy.
00/00/0000 NÏmecko Stabilitätsuntersuchung von Acetylsalicylsäure (ASS) - Kapseln in pädiatrischen Dosierungen
Shirly Lie , Claudia Langebrake, Michael Baehr, Angela Goerke , Adrin Dadkhah
ADKA, Berlin 2019
00/00/0000 NÏmecko Stabilitätsuntersuchung von Acetylsalicylsäure (ASS) - Kapseln in pädiatrischen Dosierungen
Shirly Lie , Claudia Langebrake, Michael Baehr, Angela Goerke , Adrin Dadkhah
Poster presented at ADKA Congress 2019, Berlin, Germany

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