viimane versioon :
ingredientide nimekiri
Sobivus otsing
Y-liini sobivuse tabel
Viited 4528
tüüp :
uurimisrühmad :
Oklaoma City - Analytical Research Laboratories (T.C.K.)
Autor :
Lu J, Liu Q, Kupiec T, Vail H, Lunch L, Fam D, Vu N.
pealkiri :
Physical Compatibility of Cefiderocol with Selected Intravenous Drugs During Simulated Y-site Administration.
publikatsioon :
Int J Pharm Compound ;25,1:52-61 2021
Tõendite tase :
füüsikaline stabiilsus :
Keemiline püsivus :
Muud meetodid :
Kommentaarid :
ingredientide nimekiri
Aciclovir sodium
7 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Amikacin sulfate
5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Amphotericin B
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
0.77 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
20 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
0.25 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Calcium gluconate
20 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Caspofungin acetate
0.5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Cefazolin sodium
20 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Cefepime dihydrochloride
40 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Aciclovir sodium
7 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Amikacin sulfate
5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Amphotericin B
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
0.77 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
20 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
0.25 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Calcium gluconate
20 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Caspofungin acetate
0.5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Cefazolin sodium
20 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Cefepime dihydrochloride
40 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Ceftaroline fosamil
12 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Ceftazidime Avibactam
40 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Ceftolozane / tazobactam
15 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Ciprofloxacin lactate
2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Ciprofloxacin lactate
2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Cisatracurium besylate
0.4 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Clindamycin phosphate
10 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Colistin mesilate sodium
4.5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
20 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
4 µg/ml
20 mg/mL
250 µg/ml
20 mg/mL
Diltiazem hydrochloride
5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
50 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Dobutamine hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Doxycycline hyclate
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Epinephrine hydrochloride
16 µg/ml
20 mg/mL
20 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Esomeprazole sodium
0.8 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
4 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Fentanyl citrate
50 µg/ml
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
3 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Gentamicin sulfate
5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Heparin sodium
1000 UI/ml
20 mg/mL
Human albumin
250 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Hydrocortisone sodium succinate
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Hydromorphone hydrochloride
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Imipenem - cilastatin sodium
10 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
1 UI/ml
20 mg/mL
Iron dextran
25 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Labetalol hydrochloride
5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Lidocaine hydrochloride
8 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Magnesium sulfate
100 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
200 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
10 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Meropenem Vaborbactam
8 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Methylprednisolone acetate
20 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Metoclopramide hydrochloride
0.2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
4 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Midazolam hydrochloride
2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Milrinone lactate
0,2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Morphine sulfate
100 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Mycophenolate mofetil
6 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Naloxone hydrochloride
0.04 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Nicardipine hydrochloride
0.1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
0.4 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Nitroprusside sodium
0.4 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Norepinephrine bitartrate
0.128 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Octreotide acetate
0.004 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Ondansetron hydrochloride
0,16 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Pantoprazole sodium
0.4 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Phenylephrine hydrochloride
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Phenytoin sodium
10 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Polymyxine B
0.125 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Potassium chloride
0,00133 mEq/l
20 mg/mL
Potassium phosphate
0,3 mmol/ml
20 mg/mL
10 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Ranitidine hydrochloride
2,5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Rocuronium bromide
5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Sodium bicarbonate
84 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Sodium Phosphate
0,5 mmol/ml
20 mg/mL
Suxamethonium chloride
2 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Tedizolid phosphate
0,8 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Tobramycin sulfate
10 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
Vancomycin hydrochloride
5 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
1 UI/ml
20 mg/mL
Vecuronium bromide
1 mg/ml
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
Ceftaroline fosamil
12 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Ceftazidime Avibactam
40 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Ceftolozane / tazobactam
15 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Ciprofloxacin lactate
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Cisatracurium besylate
0.4 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Clindamycin phosphate
10 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Colistin mesilate sodium
4.5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
20 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
4 µg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
250 µg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Diltiazem hydrochloride
5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride
50 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Dobutamine hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Doxycycline hyclate
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Epinephrine hydrochloride
16 µg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
20 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Esomeprazole sodium
0.8 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
4 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Fentanyl citrate
50 µg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
3 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Gentamicin sulfate
5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Heparin sodium
1000 UI/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Human albumin
250 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Hydrocortisone sodium succinate
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Hydromorphone hydrochloride
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Imipenem - cilastatin sodium
10 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
1 UI/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Iron dextran
25 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Labetalol hydrochloride
5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Lidocaine hydrochloride
8 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Magnesium sulfate
100 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
200 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
10 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Meropenem Vaborbactam
8 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Methylprednisolone acetate
20 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Metoclopramide hydrochloride
0.2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
4 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Midazolam hydrochloride
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Milrinone lactate
0,2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Morphine sulfate
100 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Mycophenolate mofetil
6 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Naloxone hydrochloride
0.04 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Nicardipine hydrochloride
0.1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
0.4 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Nitroprusside sodium
0.4 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Norepinephrine bitartrate
0.128 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Octreotide acetate
0.004 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Ondansetron hydrochloride
0,16 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Pantoprazole sodium
0.4 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Phenylephrine hydrochloride
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Phenytoin sodium
10 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Polymyxine B
0.125 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Potassium chloride
0,00133 mEq/l
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Potassium phosphate
0,3 mmol/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
10 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Ranitidine hydrochloride
2,5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Rocuronium bromide
5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Sodium bicarbonate
84 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Sodium Phosphate
0,5 mmol/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Suxamethonium chloride
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Tedizolid phosphate
0,8 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Tobramycin sulfate
10 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Vancomycin hydrochloride
5 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
1 UI/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Vecuronium bromide
1 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
2 mg/ml
Cefiderocol sulfate tosylate
20 mg/mL
Mentions Légales