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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Acef Италия
Ancef Соединённые Штаты Америки
Basocef Германия
Biofazolin Польша
Brizolina Испания
Cecan Перу
Cefabiozim Италия
Cefacidal Голландия, Колумбия, Люксембург, Марокко, Мексика, чили
Cefadin Индия
Cefamezin Тунис
Cefazil Италия
Cefozin Турция
Cromezin Италия
Eqizolin Турция
Fazoplex Испания
Intrazolina Испания
Kefzol Австрия, Бельгия, Швейцария
Kurgan Испания
Nefazol Италия
Recef Италия
Sefamax Турция
Sefazol Турция
Sicef Италия
Tasep Испания
Tecfazolina Испания
Totacef Италия
Vifazolin Греция
Zepilen Таиланд
Zolicef Австрия
Zolival Испания
Библиография   Инъекция   Библиография : Cefazolin sodium  
тип публикация
3 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of amifostine with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 2208-2212.
59 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF, Kim MC.
Compatibility of remifentanil hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2192-2196.
63 Журнал Marquardt Ed, Lam SSY.
Visual compatibility of fentanyl citrate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 811-812.
73 Журнал Lor E, Takagi J.
Visual compatibility of foscarnet with other injectable drugs.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1990 ; 47: 157-159.
84 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Visual, turbidimetric, and particle-content assessment of compatibility of vinorelbine tartrate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 495-499.
91 Журнал Lober CA, Dollard PA.
Visual compatibility of gallium nitrate with selected drugs during Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 1208-1210.
99 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of aztreonam with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 1086-1090.
103 Журнал Erickson SH, Ulici D.
Incompatibility of cefotetan disodium and promethazine hydrochloride.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 1347.
111 Журнал Lee DKT, Wong CY, Wang DP.
Stability of cefazolin sodium and meperidine hydrochloride.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 1608,1610.
129 Журнал Smythe M, Malouf E.
Visual compatibility of insulin with secondary intravenous drugs in admixtures.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 125-126.
169 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Physical compatibility of melphalan with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 2359-2363.
176 Журнал Mantong ML, Marquardt ED.
Visual compatibility of midazolam hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 2567-2568.
182 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of granisetron hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 56-60.
198 Журнал Gayed AA, Kheshary PR, Hinkle RL.
Visual compatibility of diltiazem injection with various diluents and medications during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 516-520.
215 Журнал Keyi X, Gagnon N, Bisson C, Desmarais M, LeBel M.
Stability of famotidine in polyvinyl chloride minibags and polypropylene syringes and compatibility of famotidine with selected drugs.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 1993 ; 27: 422-426.
226 Журнал Walker SE, DeAngelis C, Iazzetta J.
Stability and compatibility of combinations of hydromorphone and a second drug.
Can J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 44: 289-295.
244 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of filgrastim with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 1907-1913.
249 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of thiotepa (lyophilized) with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 1041-1045.
251 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome injection with selected other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2708-2713.
256 Журнал Inagaki K, Takagi J, Lor E, Lee KJ, Nii L, Gill MA.
Stability of fluconazole in commonly used intravenous antibiotic solutions.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 1206-1208.
275 Журнал Lewis JD, El-Gendy A.
Cephalosporin-pentamidine isethionate incompatibilities.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 1461-1462.
280 Журнал Allen LV, Stiles ML, Prince SJ, Sylvestri MF.
Stability of cefpirome sulfate in the presence of commonly used intensive care drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 2427-2433.
299 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility of cisatracurium besylate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1735-1741.
300 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of propofol injectable emulsion with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1287-1292.
301 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF, Baker MB, Walter WV, Mirtallo JM.
Compatibility of parenteral nutrient solutions with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1295-1300.
307 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of allopurinol sodium with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 1792-1799.
315 Журнал Bahal SM, Lee TJ, McGinnes M, Dobler GL.
Visual compatibility of warfarin sodium injection with selected medications and solutions.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2599-2600.
317 Журнал Kershaw BP, Monnier HL, Mason JH.
Visual compatibility of premixed theophylline or heparin with selected drugs for IV administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 1360-1362.
334 Журнал Trissel LA, Tramonte SM, Grilley BJ.
Visual compatibility of ondansetron hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 988-992.
335 Журнал Trissel LA, Bready BB, Kwan JW, Santiago NM.
Visual compatibility of sargramostim with selected antineoplasic agents, anti-infectives, or other drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1992 ; 49: 402-406.
336 Журнал Forman JK, Lachs JR, Souney PF.
Visual compatibility of acyclovir sodium with commonly used intravenous drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1987 ; 44: 1408-1409.
384 Журнал Colucci RD, Cobuzzi LE, Halpern NA.
Visual compatibility of esmolol hydrochloride and various injectable drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1988 ; 45: 630-632.
385 Журнал Benedict MK, Roche VF, Banakar UV, Hilleman DE.
Visual compatibility of amiodarone hydrochloride with various antimicrobial agents during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1988 ; 45: 1117-1118.
386 Журнал Colucci RD, Cobuzzi LE, Halpern NA.
Visual compatibility of labetalol hydrochloride injection with various injectable drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1988 ; 45: 1357-1358.
397 Журнал Fong PA, Ward J.
Visual compatibility of intravenous famotidine with selected drugs.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1989 ; 46: 125-126.
402 Журнал Savitsky ME.
Visual compatibility of neuromuscular blocking agents with various injectable drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1990 ; 47: 820-821.
405 Журнал Nieves-Cordero AL, Luciw HM, Souney PF.
Compatibility of narcotic analgesic solutions with various antibiotics during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1985 ; 42: 1108-1109.
418 Журнал Bosso JA, Townsend RJ.
Stability of clindamycin phosphate and ceftizoxime sodium, cefoxitine sodium, cefamandole nafate, or cefazolin sodium in two intravenous solutions.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1985 ; 42: 2211-2214.
426 Журнал Riley CM, James MJ.
Stability of intravenous admixtures containing aztreonam and cefazolin.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1986 ; 43: 925-927.
440 Журнал Stiles ML, Tu YH, Allen LV.
Stability of cefazolin sodium, cefoxitin sodium, ceftazidime, and penicillin G sodium in portable pump reservoirs.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1989 ; 46: 1408-1412.
465 Журнал Wohlford JG, Wright JC, Wilson MR.
More information on the visual compatibility of hetastarch with injectable critical-care drugs.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1990 ; 47: 297-298.
472 Журнал Wohlford JG, Fowler MD.
Visual compatibility of hetastarch with injectable critical-care drugs.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1989 ; 46: 995-996.
479 Журнал Min DI, Brown T, HWang GC.
Visual compatibility of tacrolimus with commonly used drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1992 ; 49: 2964-2966.
491 Журнал Turowski RC, Durthaler JM.
Visual compatibility of idarubicin hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 2181-2184.
492 Журнал Trissel LA, Parks NPT, Santiago NM.
Visual compatibility of fludarabine phosphate with antineoplastic drugs, anti-infectives, and other selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 2186-2189.
496 Журнал Lor E, Sheybani T, Takagi J.
Visual compatibility of fluconazole with commonly used injectable drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 744-746.
499 Журнал Rockwell K, Burch K.
Intramuscular antibiotic preparation and administration using a 1% lidocaine diluent: policies for the pediatric patient.
Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 26: 634-635.
501 Журнал Senholzi CS, Kerns MP.
Crystal formation after reconstituting cefazolin sodium with 0.9% sodium chloride injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1985 ; 42: 129-130.
573 Журнал Dinel BA, Ayotte DL, Behme RJ, Black BL, Whitby JL.
Stability of antibiotic admixtures frozen in minibags.
Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1977 ; 11: 542-548.
574 Журнал Kleinberg ML, Stauffer GL, Prior RB, Latiolais CJ.
Stability of antibiotics frozen and stored in disposable hypodermic syringes.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1980 ; 37: 1087-1088.
576 Журнал Holmes CJ, Ausman RK, Walter CW, Kundsin RB.
Activity of antibiotic admixtures subjected to different freeze-thaw treatments.
Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1980 ; 14: 353-357.
581 Журнал Carone SM, Bornstein M, Coleman DL, Thomas PN, Boylan JC.
Stability of frozen solutions of cefazolin sodium.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1976 ; 33: 639-641.
582 Журнал Tomecko GW, Kleinberg ML, Latiolais CL, Proior RB, Pesko LJ, Jones BC.
Stability of cefazolin sodium admixtures in plastic bags after thawing by microwave radiation.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1980 ; 37: 211-215.
604 Лаборатория Stabilité des médicaments dans l'Intermate® SV50, 100, 200
Baxter 1998
630 Журнал Das Gupta V, Stewart KR.
Stability of metronidazole and ten antibiotics when mixed with magnesium sulphate solutions.
J Clin Hosp Pharm 1985 ; 10: 67-72.
631 Журнал Das Gupta V, Stewart KR.
Chemical stabilities of hydrocortisone sodium succinate and several antibiotics when mixed with metronidazole injection for intravenous infusion.
J Parenter Sci Technol 1985 ; 39: 145-148.
656 Журнал Galanti LM, Hecq JD, Vanbeckbergen D, Jamart J.
Long-term stability of cefuroxime and cefazolin sodium in intravenous infusions.
J Clin Pharm Ther 1996 ; 21: 185-189.
671 Журнал Rivers TE, McBride HA, Trang JM.
Stability of cefazolin sodium and metronidazole at 8°C for use as an IV admixture.
J Parenter Sci Technol 1993 ; 47: 135-137.
695 Журнал Zbrozek AS, Marble DA, Bosso JA.
Compatibility and stability of cefazolin sodium, clindamycin phosphate, and gentamicin sulfate in two intravenous solutions.
Drug Intell Clin Pharm 1988 ; 22: 873-875.
805 Журнал Oskroba DM, Leissing NC, Trissel LA.
An automated process for determining the physical compatibility of drugs.
Hosp Pharm 1997 ; 32: 1013-1020.
905 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Screening teniposide for Y-site physical incompatibilities.
Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 29: 1010-1017.
921 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Incompatibility and compatibility of amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex with selected other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Hosp Pharm 1998 ; 33: 284-292.
999 Журнал Watson D.
Piggyback compatibility of antibiotics with pediatric parenteral nutrition solution.
JPEN 1985 ; 9: 220-224.
1035 Журнал Bisaillon S, Sarrazin R.
Compatibility of several antibiotics or hydrocortisone when added to metronidazole solution for intravenous infusion.
J Parenter Sci Technol 1983 ; 37: 129-132.
1047 Журнал Souney PF, Colucci RD, Mariani G, Campbell D.
Compatibility of magnesium sulfate solutions with various antibiotics during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1984 ; 41: 323-324.
1055 Журнал Faragos S.
Compatibility of antibiotics and other drugs in total parenteral nutrition solutions.
Can J Hosp Pharm 1983 ; 36: 43-52.
1057 Журнал Cutie MR.
Compatibility of verapamil hydrochloride injection with commonly used additives.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1983 ; 40: 1205-1207.
1201 Журнал Yuhas EM, Lofton FT, Rosenberg HA, Mayron D, Baldinus JG.
Cimetidine hydrochloride compatibility III: Room temperature stability in drug admixtures.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1981 ; 38: 1919-1922.
1315 Журнал Halpern NA, Colucci RD, Alicea M, Greenstein R.
Visual compatibility of enalaprilat with commonly used critical care medications during simulated Y-site injection.
Int J Pharm Clin Pharmacol Ther Tox 1989 ; 27: 294-297.
1371 Журнал Bornstein M, Templeton RJ.
Crystal formation after reconstituting cefazolin sodium with 0.9% sodium chloride injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1985 ; 42: 2436.
1410 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Simmons M.
Compatibility of etoposide phosphate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
J Am Pharm Assoc 1999 ; 39: 141-145.
1415 Журнал Trissel L.A, Gilbert D.L, Martinez J.F, Baker M.B, Walter W.V, Mirtallo J.M.
Compatibility of medications with 3-in-1 parenteral nutrition admixtures.
JPEN 1999 ; 23: 67-74.
1423 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility of gemcitabine hyrochloride with 107 selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
J Am Pharm Assoc 1999 ; 39: 514-518.
1452 Журнал Muller HJ, Howe K, Frank C, Haker I.
Stability of cefazolin, cefotiam, cefuroxime, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone and ceftazidime in normal saline solutions, stored in a new IV container made of Biofine*.
Eur Hosp Pharm 2000 ; 6: 17-23.
1490 Журнал Halpern NA, Colucci RD, Alicea M, Greenstein R.
The compatibility of nicardipine hydrochloride injection with various ICU medications during simulated Y-site injection.
Int J Pharm Clin Pharmacol Ther Tox 1989 ; 27: 250-254.
1625 Журнал Trissel LA, Saenz C, Williams YW, Ingram D.
Incompatibilities of lansoprazole injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site coadministration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2001 ; 5: 314-321.
1659 Журнал Xu QA, Trissel LA, Williams KY.
Compatibility and stability of linezolid injection admixed with three cephalosporin antibiotics.
J Am Pharm Assoc 2000 ; 40: 509-514.
1674 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Concentration dependency of vancomycin hydrochloride compatibility with beta-lactam antibiotics during simulated Y-site administration.
Hosp Pharm 1998 ; 33: 1515-1522.
1712 Журнал Trissel LA, Saenz CA.
Compatibility screening of Precedex during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
Int J Pharm Compound 2002 ; 6: 230-233.
1713 Журнал Trissel LA, Saenz CA.
Compatibility screening of bivalirudin during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
Int J Pharm Compound 2002 ; 6: 311-315.
1721 Журнал Trissel LA, Williams KY, Baker MB.
Compatibility screening of Hextend during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
Int J Pharm Compound 2001 ; 5: 69-72.
1754 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Wolkin AC.
Compatibility of docetaxel with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 1999 ; 3: 241-244.
1802 Журнал Bell MS, Nolt DH.
Visual compatibility of doxapram hydrochloride with drugs commonly administered via a Y-site in the intensive care nursery.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2003 ; 60: 193-194.
1803 Журнал Trissel, LA, Saenz CA, Ogundele OB, Ingram D, Baker MB.
Compatibility of fenoldopam mesylate with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2003 ; 60: 80-85.
1805 Журнал Lin YF, Wu CC, Lin SH, Wang DP, Wang CN.
Stability of cefazolin sodium in icodextrin-containing peritoneal dialysis solution.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2002 ; 59: 2362-2364.
1814 Журнал Gupta VD.
Chemical stability of cefazolin sodium after reconstituting in 0.9% sodium chloride injection and storage in polypropylene syringes for pediatric use.
Int J Pharm Compound 2003 ; 7, 2: 152-154.
1840 Журнал Xu QA, Trissel LA, Saenz CA et al.
Stability of three cephalosporin antibiotics in autodose infusion system bags.
J Am Pharm Assoc 2002 ; 42: 428-431.
1902 Журнал Walker SE, Wyllie A, Law S.
Physical compatibility of pantoprazole with selected medications during simulated Y-site administration.
Can J Hosp Pharm 2004 ; 57, 2: 90-96.
1925 Журнал Trissel LA , Williams KY, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility screening of linezolid injection during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs and infusion solutions.
J Am Pharm Assoc 2000 ; 40: 515-519.
1951 Журнал Wang DP, Lee D, Wang CN.
Stability of sodium cefazolin and tenoxicam in 5% dextrose.
Chin Pharm J 2001 ; 53: 185-189.
1953 Журнал Trissel LA, Saenz CA, Ogundele AB, Ingram DS.
Physical compatibility of pemetrexed disodium with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2004 ; 61: 2289-2293.
1979 Журнал Wu CC, Wang DP, Wong CY, Lin YF.
Stability of cefazolin in heparinized and nonheparinized peritoneal dialysis solutions.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2002 ; 59: 1537-1538.
1982 Журнал Trissel LA, Ogundele AB.
Compatibility of anidulafungin with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2005 ; 62: 834-837.
2037 Журнал Robinson JL, Tawfik G, Saxinger L, Stang L, Etches W, Lee B.
Stability of heparin and physical compatibility of heparin/antibiotic solutions ...
J Antimicrob Chemother 2005 ; 56: 951-953.
2071 Журнал Ng HP, Koh KF.
Precipitation of protamine by cefazolin.
Anesth Analg 2002 ; 95: 785.
2087 Журнал Ferreira E, Forest JM, Hildgen P.
Compatibility of dimenhydrinate injectable by Y administration.
Pharmactuel 2004 ; 37: 17-20.
2090 Журнал Pere H, Chasse V, Forest JM, Hildgen P.
Compatibility of injectable pantoprazole in Y-site administration.
Pharmactuel 2004 ; 37: 193-196.
2109 Журнал Pelletier E, Forest JM, Hildgen P.
Compatibilité de la kétamine injectable lors de l’administration en dérivé avec d’autres médicaments usuels.
Pharmactuel 2006 ; 39: 71-75.
2214 Журнал Ben M, Trusley C,Kupiec T.C, Trissel L.A.
Palonosetron hydrochloride compatibility and stability with three beta-lactam antibiotics during simulated Y-site administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2007 ; 11, 6: 520-524.
2233 Журнал Condie C.K, Tyler L.S, Barker B, Canann D.M.
Visual compatibility of caspofungin acetate with commonly used drugs during simulated Y-site delivery
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2008 ; 65, 5: 454-457.
2247 Журнал Chan P, Heatherly K, Kupiec T.C, Trissel L.A.
Compatibility of caspofungin acetate injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site coadministration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2008 ; 12, 3: 276-278.
2355 Журнал Inagaki K, Miyamoto Y, Kurata N, Nakane S, Gill M.A, Nishida M.
Stability of ranitidine hydrochloride with cefazolin sodium, cefbuperazone sodium, cefoxitin sodium nd cephalotin sodium during simulated Y-site administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2000 ; 4, 2: 150-153.
2372 Журнал Nahata MC, Ahalt PA.
Stability of cefazolin sodium in peritoneal dialysis solutions
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 291 - 292.
3012 Журнал Sullivan T, Forrest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibility of Cloxacillin Sodium with Selected Intravenous Drugs During Simulated Y-Site Administration
Hosp Pharm 2015 ; 50, 3: 214-220.
3201 Журнал Dice JE.
Physical compatibility of alprostadil with commonly used IV solutions and medications in the neonatal intensive care unit.
J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2006 ; 11:233?6.
3216 Журнал Legris ME, Valiquette ME, Lavoie A, Forest JM, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique par évaluation visuelle du salbutamol injectable lors de son administration en Y.
Pharmactuel 2011 ; 44, 1 : 14-18
3230 Журнал Donnelly RF.
Stability of Cefazolin Sodium in Polypropylene Syringes and Polyvinylchloride Minibags
Can J Hosp Pharm 2011 ; 64, 4: 241-245.
3372 Журнал Hanci V, Ali Kiraz H, Ömür D, Ekin S, Uyan B, Yurtlu B.S.
Precipitation in Gallipoli: Sugammadex / Amiodarone & Sugammadex / Dobutamine & Sugammadex / Protamine.
Rev Bras Anestesiol 2013 ; 63, 1: 163-166.
3380 Журнал Eckle V-S, Heim E, Hahn M, Grasshoff C.
Incompatibility of Piritramide with Cephalosporins.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 2013 ;47:426-427.
3408 Журнал Tollec S, Touzin K, Pelletier E, Forest J.M.
Evaluation visuelle de la compatibilité physique de la naloxone avec d’autres médicaments intraveineux usuels.
Pharmactuel 2013 ; 46, 1 : 16-21.
3520 Лаборатория Cidomycin - Summary of product Chracteristics.
Sanofi 2011
3526 Лаборатория Clindamycin (Dalacin®) - Summary of Product Characteristics
Pharmacia 2010
3549 Лаборатория Amikacine B Braun - Résumé des caractéristiques du produit.
B Braun 2012
3564 Лаборатория Rocuronium B Braun - Résumé des caractéristiques du produit.
B Braun 2012
3594 Лаборатория Metronidazole (Flagyl®) - Summary of Product Characteristics
Zentiva 2013
3643 Лаборатория Gentamicin sulphate (Cidomycin®) - Summary of Product Characteristics
Sanofi 2015
3644 Лаборатория Calcium gluconate® - Summary of Product Characteristics
Hameln Pharmaceuticals 2010
3651 Журнал Patel R.P, Shastri M.D, Bakkari M, Wanandy T, Jose M.D.
Stability of the Combination of Ceftazidime and Cephazolin in Icodextrin or pH Neutral Peritoneal Dialysis Solution.
Perit Dial Int 2014 ; 34:212-218
3674 Лаборатория Erythromycin lactobionate - Summary of Product Characteristics
PanPharma 2016
3766 Журнал Forrest J.M, Hildgen P.
Compatibilité de l’acétylcystéine injectable lors de son administration en Y avec d’autres médicaments usuels
Pharmactuel 2014 ; 47, 3 : 161-165.
3767 Журнал Legris M.E, Lavoie A, Forrest J.M, Hildgen P.
Compatibilité par évaluation visuelle du thiopental injectable lors de son administration en Y avec des médicaments usuels.
Pharmactuel 2014 ; 47, 3 : 167-172.
3824 Журнал Boudi S, Roy H, Forest JM, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique de l'association amoxicilline-acide clavulanique en injection avec plusieurs autres médicaments lors d'une administration en Y.
Pharmactuel 2023 2023;56,3:91-98
3827 плакат Ghazi I.M, Hamada Y, Nicolau D.P.
Compatibility of tedizolid phosphate with selected intravenous drugs via simulated Y-site conditions.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3828 плакат Thabit A.K, Hamada Y, Nicolau D.P.
Ceftozolane/tazobactam physical compatibility during simulated Y-site administration.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3829 плакат So W, Kim L, Thabit A.K, Nicolau D.P, Kuti J.L.
Compatibility of isavunazonium sulfate during simulated Y-site administration.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3888 Журнал Ranganathan D, Naicker S,. Wallis S.C, Lipman J, . Ratanjee S.K, Roberts J.A
Stability of Antibiotics for Intraperitoneal Administration in Extraneal 7.5% Icodextrin Peritoneal Dialysis Bags (STAB Study).
Perit Dial Int 2016 ; 36:421-426.
3964 Журнал Audet M.A, Forest E, Friciu M, Forest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibilité du citrate de caféine injectable avec plusieurs autres médicaments.
Pharmactuel 2017 ; 50,1 : 27-33.
4055 Журнал Monogue M, Almarzoky Abuhussain S, Kuti J, Nicolau D.
Physical compatibility of fosfomycin for injection with select i.v. drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2018 , 75, 1:36-44
4145 Журнал Asempa T.E, Avery L.M, Kidd J.M, Kuti J.L, Nicolau D.P.
Physical compatibility of plazomicin with select i.v. drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2018 ;75,14:1048-1056
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Physical Compatibility of Intravenous Drugs Commonly Used in Intensive Care Units: An Observational Study and Physical Compatibility Laboratory Tests on Anti-Infective Drugs
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Physical Compatibility of Cefiderocol with Selected Intravenous Drugs During Simulated Y-site Administration.
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Stability studies of 16 Antibiotics for Continuous Infusion in Intensive Care Units and for Performing Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy.
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Y-site compatibility of intravenous medications commonly used in intensive care units : laboratory tests on 75 mixtures involving nine main drugs.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2022
4742 Журнал Macoviciuc M, Nguyen C, Forest J-M, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique de l’acétaminophène injectable avec 102 autres médicaments lors d’une administration en Y.
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Physical compatibility of sulbactam/durlobactam with select intravenous drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2024 ;51,1:

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