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Equipes de recherche : Houston - M.D.Anderson Cancer Center
Auteurs : Trissel LA, Saenz CA.
Titre : Compatibility screening of bivalirudin during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
Référence : Int J Pharm Compound ; 6: 311-315. 2002

Niveau de preuve : 
Non coté
Stabilité physique : 
Stabilité chimique : 
Autres méthodes : 
Commentaires : 
Non coté : étude de compatibilité seule

Liste des molécules
injectableAlfentanil hydrochloride Antalgique
Compatible 125 µg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAlteplase Thrombolytique
Incompatible 1 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAmikacin sulfate Antibiotique
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAminophylline Divers
Compatible 2.5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAmiodarone hydrochloride Antiarythmique
Incompatible 4 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAmphotericin B Antifongique
Incompatible 0.6 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAmpicillin sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAmpicillin sodium - sulbactam sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 20/10 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAzithromycine Antibiotique
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAztreonam Antibiotique
Compatible 40 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableBivalirudin Anticoagulant
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAlfentanil hydrochloride 125 µg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAlteplase 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAmikacin sulfate 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAminophylline 2.5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAmiodarone hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAmphotericin B 0.6 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAmpicillin sodium 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAmpicillin sodium - sulbactam sodium 20/10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAzithromycine 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableAztreonam 40 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBretylium tosilate 50 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBumetanide 0.04 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableButorphanol tartrate 0.04 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCalcium gluconate 40 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCefazolin sodium 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCefepime dihydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCefoperazone sodium 40 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCefotaxime sodium 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCefoxitin sodium 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCeftazidime 40 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCeftizoxime sodium 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCeftriaxone disodium 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCefuroxime sodium 30 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableChlorpromazine hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCimetidine hydrochloride 12 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCiprofloxacin lactate 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableClindamycin phosphate 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableCo-trimoxazole 4/0.8 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDexamethasone sodium phosphate 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDiazepam 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDigoxin 250 µg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDiltiazem hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDiphenhydramine hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDobutamine hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDopamine hydrochloride 3.2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDoxycycline hyclate 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableDroperidol 2.5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableEnalaprilate 0.1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableEphedrine hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableEpinephrine hydrochloride 50 µg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableEptifibatide 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableErythromycin lactobionate 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableEsmolol hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableFamotidine 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableFentanyl citrate 50 µg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableFluconazole 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableFurosemide 3 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableGentamicin sulfate 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableHaloperidol lactate 0.2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableHeparin sodium 100 UI/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableHydrocortisone sodium succinate 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableHydromorphone hydrochloride 0.5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableIsoprenaline hydrochloride 0.02 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableLabetalol hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableLevofloxacine 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableLidocaine hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableLorazepam 0.5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableMagnesium sulfate 100 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableMannitol 150 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableMetoclopramide hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableMetronidazole 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableMidazolam hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableMilrinone lactate 0.2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableMorphine sulfate 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableNalbuphine hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableNitroglycerin 0.4 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableNitroprusside sodium 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableNorepinephrine bitartrate 0.12 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableOfloxacin 4 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectablePethidine hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectablePhenylephrine hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectablePiperacillin sodium 40 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectablePiperacillin sodium / tazobactam 40/5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectablePotassium chloride 100 mEq/l + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableProcainamide hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableProchlorperazine edysilate 0.5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectablePromethazine hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableRanitidine hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableReteplase 1 UI/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableSodium bicarbonate 84 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableStreptokinase 30000 UI/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableSufentanil citrate 0.05 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableTheophylline 4 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableThiopental sodium 25 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableTicarcillin / clavulanic acid 31 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableTirofiban 50 µg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableTobramycin sulfate 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableVerapamil hydrochloride 1.25 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableWarfarin sodium 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableBretylium tosilate Antiarythmique
Compatible 50 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableBumetanide Diurétique
Compatible 0.04 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableButorphanol tartrate Antalgique
Compatible 0.04 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCalcium gluconate électrolyte
Compatible 40 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefazolin sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefepime dihydrochloride Antibiotique
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefoperazone sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 40 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefotaxime sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefoxitin sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCeftazidime Antibiotique
Compatible 40 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCeftizoxime sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCeftriaxone disodium Antibiotique
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefuroxime sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 30 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableChlorpromazine hydrochloride Anxiolytique
Incompatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCimetidine hydrochloride Antihistaminique H2
Compatible 12 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCiprofloxacin lactate Antibiotique
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableClindamycin phosphate Antibiotique
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCo-trimoxazole Antibiotique
Compatible 4/0.8 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDexamethasone sodium phosphate Antiinflammatoire
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDiazepam Anxiolytique
Incompatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDigoxin Cardiotonique
Compatible 250 µg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDiltiazem hydrochloride Antiarythmique
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDiphenhydramine hydrochloride Antihistaminique H1
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDobutamine hydrochloride Cardiotonique
Compatible 4 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDopamine hydrochloride Cardiotonique
Compatible 3.2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDoxycycline hyclate Antibiotique
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableDroperidol Neuroleptique
Compatible 2.5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableEnalaprilate Antihypertenseur
Compatible 0.1 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableEphedrine hydrochloride Sympathomimétique
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableEpinephrine hydrochloride Sympathomimétique
Compatible 50 µg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableEptifibatide Anticoagulant
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableErythromycin lactobionate Antibiotique
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableEsmolol hydrochloride Béta-bloquant
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableFamotidine Antihistaminique H2
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableFentanyl citrate Antalgique
Compatible 50 µg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableFluconazole Antifongique
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableFurosemide Diurétique
Compatible 3 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableGentamicin sulfate Antibiotique
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableHaloperidol lactate Neuroleptique
Compatible 0.2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableHeparin sodium Anticoagulant
Compatible 100 UI/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableHydrocortisone sodium succinate Antiinflammatoire
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableHydromorphone hydrochloride Antalgique
Compatible 0.5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableIsoprenaline hydrochloride Béta-stimulant
Compatible 0.02 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableLabetalol hydrochloride Béta-bloquant
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableLevofloxacine Antibiotique
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableLidocaine hydrochloride Anesthésique local
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableLorazepam Anxiolytique
Compatible 0.5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableMagnesium sulfate électrolyte
Compatible 100 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableMannitol Divers
Compatible 150 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableMethylprednisolone sodium succinate Antiinflammatoire
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableMetoclopramide hydrochloride Antiémétique
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableMetronidazole Antiparasitaire
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableMidazolam hydrochloride Anxiolytique
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableMilrinone lactate Cardiotonique
Compatible 0.2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableMorphine sulfate Antalgique
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableNalbuphine hydrochloride Antidote
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableNitroglycerin Vasodilatateur
Compatible 0.4 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableNitroprusside sodium Vasodilatateur
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableNorepinephrine bitartrate Sympathomimétique
Compatible 0.12 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableOfloxacin Antibiotique
Compatible 4 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectablePethidine hydrochloride Antalgique
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectablePhenylephrine hydrochloride Sympathomimétique
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectablePiperacillin sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 40 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectablePiperacillin sodium / tazobactam Antibiotique
Compatible 40/5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectablePotassium chloride électrolyte
Compatible 100 mEq/l + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableProcainamide hydrochloride Antiarythmique
Compatible 10 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableProchlorperazine edysilate Neuroleptique
Incompatible 0.5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectablePromethazine hydrochloride Antihistaminique H1
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableRanitidine hydrochloride Antihistaminique H2
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableReteplase Thrombolytique
Incompatible 1 UI/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableSodium bicarbonate électrolyte
Compatible 84 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableStreptokinase Thrombolytique
Incompatible 30000 UI/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableSufentanil citrate Antalgique
Compatible 0.05 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableTheophylline Divers
Compatible 4 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableThiopental sodium Anesthésique général
Compatible 25 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableTicarcillin / clavulanic acid Antibiotique
Compatible 31 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableTirofiban Anticoagulant
Compatible 50 µg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableTobramycin sulfate Antibiotique
Compatible 5 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotique
Incompatible 10 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableVerapamil hydrochloride Antiarythmique
Compatible 1.25 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableWarfarin sodium Anticoagulant
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableBivalirudin 5 mg/ml + Glucose 5%

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