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Bibliographie   Bibliographie 1674  
Type : Revue

Equipes de recherche : Houston - M.D.Anderson Cancer Center
Auteurs : Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Titre : Concentration dependency of vancomycin hydrochloride compatibility with beta-lactam antibiotics during simulated Y-site administration.
Référence : Hosp Pharm ; 33: 1515-1522. 1998

Niveau de preuve : 
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Liste des molécules
injectableAmpicillin sodium Antibiotique
Incompatible 250 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 250 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 50 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableAmpicillin sodium - sulbactam sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 1/0.5 >> 50/25 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 250-125 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1/0.5 >> 250/125 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefazolin sodium Antibiotique
Incompatible 50 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 10 >> 200 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 ; 10 & 200 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefonicid sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 225 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 10 >> 225 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefotaxime sodium Antibiotique
Incompatible 50 & 200 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 & 10 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 200 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefoxitin sodium Antibiotique
Incompatible 10 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 180 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 50 & 180 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCeftazidime Antibiotique
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 10 >> 200 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 200 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCeftizoxime sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 1 >> 280 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 280 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 50 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCeftriaxone disodium Antibiotique
Incompatible 1 >> 250 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 250 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableCefuroxime sodium Antibiotique
Incompatible 10 >> 150 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 150 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableNafcillin sodium Antibiotique
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 & 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 10 >> 250 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 10 >> 250 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectablePiperacillin sodium Antibiotique
Incompatible 10 >> 250 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1 >> 200 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectablePiperacillin sodium / tazobactam Antibiotique
Incompatible 10/1.25 >> 200/25 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1/0.125 >> 200/25 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1/0.125 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableTicarcillin / clavulanic acid Antibiotique
Incompatible 1/0.034 >> 200/6.7 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 20 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 1/0.034 >> 200/6.7 mg/ml + injectableVancomycin hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
injectableVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotique
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableAmpicillin sodium 250 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableAmpicillin sodium 1 >> 50 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableAmpicillin sodium 1 >> 250 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableAmpicillin sodium - sulbactam sodium 1/0.5 >> 50/25 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableAmpicillin sodium - sulbactam sodium 250-125 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableAmpicillin sodium - sulbactam sodium 1/0.5 >> 250/125 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefazolin sodium 10 >> 200 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCefazolin sodium 1 ; 10 & 200 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCefazolin sodium 50 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefazolin sodium 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefonicid sodium 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCefonicid sodium 1 >> 225 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefonicid sodium 10 >> 225 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefotaxime sodium 1 & 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCefotaxime sodium 1 >> 200 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefotaxime sodium 50 & 200 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCefoxitin sodium 1 >> 180 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefoxitin sodium 50 & 180 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefoxitin sodium 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefoxitin sodium 10 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCeftazidime 1 >> 200 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCeftazidime 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCeftazidime 10 >> 200 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCeftizoxime sodium 1 >> 50 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCeftizoxime sodium 1 >> 280 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCeftizoxime sodium 280 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCeftriaxone disodium 1 >> 250 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCeftriaxone disodium 1 >> 250 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefuroxime sodium 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableCefuroxime sodium 1 >> 150 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableCefuroxime sodium 10 >> 150 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 & 20 mg/ml + injectableNafcillin sodium 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 2 mg/ml + injectableNafcillin sodium 10 >> 250 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableNafcillin sodium 10 >> 250 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectablePiperacillin sodium 10 >> 250 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectablePiperacillin sodium 1 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectablePiperacillin sodium 1 >> 200 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectablePiperacillin sodium / tazobactam 10/1.25 >> 200/25 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectablePiperacillin sodium / tazobactam 1/0.125 >> 200/25 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 20 mg/ml + injectablePiperacillin sodium / tazobactam 1/0.125 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Incompatible 20 mg/ml + injectableTicarcillin / clavulanic acid 1/0.034 >> 200/6.7 mg/ml + Glucose 5%
Compatible 2 mg/ml + injectableTicarcillin / clavulanic acid 1/0.034 >> 200/6.7 mg/ml + Glucose 5%

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