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Internet legătură într- : http://www.ajhp.org/cgi/content/abstract/58/6/504

Echipe de cercetare : Cleveland - Cleveland Clinic Fundation
Autor : Chalmers JR, Bobek MB, Militello MA.
titlu : Visual compatibility of amiodarone hydrochloride injection with various intravenous drugs.
Référence : Am J Health-Syst Pharm ; 58: 504-506. 2001

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InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride Antiaritmic
Factorii care influenteaza stabilitatea Solvent NaHCO3 Provoaca Degradare
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilAmphotericin B 0,5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + NaHCO3
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilAmpicillin sodium - sulbactam sodium 30 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilAtracurium besylate 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilAtropine sulfate 0,4 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilCalcium gluconate 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilCeftazidime 40 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilCeftizoxime sodium 40 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilCeftriaxone disodium 20 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilCefuroxime sodium 30 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilCiprofloxacin lactate 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilDigoxin 250 µg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilEpinephrine hydrochloride 1000 µg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilEptifibatide 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilEptifibatide 0,75 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilFamotidine 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilFentanyl citrate 50 µg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilFluconazole 2 mg/ml + NaCl 0,45% Glucoza 2,5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilFurosemide 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilGemcitabine hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilImipenem - cilastatin sodium 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilLabetalol hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilLorazepam 1 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilMagnesium sulfate 500 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 125 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilMetronidazole 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilMidazolam hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilMilrinone lactate 0,4 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine sulfate 1 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine sulfate 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilNitroprusside sodium 0,4 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilPiperacillin sodium 60 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilPiperacillin sodium / tazobactam 60 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilPotassium phosphate 0.12 mmol/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilSodium bicarbonate 84 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilSodium Phosphate 0,12 mmol/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilTirofiban 250 µg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilTobramycin sulfate 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilVasopressin 0.2 UI/ml + NaCl 0,45% Glucoza 2,5%
Compatibil 6 mg/ml + InjectabilVecuronium bromide 1 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilAmphotericin B Antifungic
Compatibil 0,5 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilAmpicillin sodium - sulbactam sodium Antibiotic
Incompatibil 30 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
InjectabilAtracurium besylate Curarizant
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilAtropine sulfate Antimuscarinic
Compatibil 0,4 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCalcium gluconate electrolit
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCeftazidime Antibiotic
Incompatibil 40 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCeftizoxime sodium Antibiotic
Compatibil 40 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCeftriaxone disodium Antibiotic
Compatibil 20 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCefuroxime sodium Antibiotic
Compatibil 30 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCiprofloxacin lactate Antibiotic
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilDigoxin Cardiotonic
Incompatibil 250 µg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilEpinephrine hydrochloride Simpatomimetic
Compatibil 1000 µg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilEptifibatide Anticoagulant
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 0,75 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilFamotidine Antihistaminic H2
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilFentanyl citrate Antialgic
Compatibil 50 µg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilFluconazole Antifungic
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + NaCl 0,45% Glucoza 2,5%
InjectabilFurosemide Diuretic
Incompatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilGemcitabine hydrochloride Citostatic
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilImipenem - cilastatin sodium Antibiotic
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilLabetalol hydrochloride Beta-blocant
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilLorazepam Anxiolitic
Compatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMagnesium sulfate electrolit
Incompatibil 500 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate Antiinflamator
Compatibil 125 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMetronidazole Antiparazitar
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMidazolam hydrochloride Anxiolitic
Compatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMilrinone lactate Cardiotonic
Compatibil 0,4 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMorphine sulfate Antialgic
Compatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilNitroprusside sodium Vasodilatator
Compatibil 0,4 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilPiperacillin sodium Antibiotic
Incompatibil 60 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilPiperacillin sodium / tazobactam Antibiotic
Incompatibil 60 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilPotassium phosphate electrolit
Incompatibil 0.12 mmol/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilSodium bicarbonate electrolit
Incompatibil 84 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilSodium Phosphate electrolit
Incompatibil 0,12 mmol/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilTirofiban Anticoagulant
Compatibil 250 µg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilTobramycin sulfate Antibiotic
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotic
Compatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilVasopressin Hormone
Compatibil 0.2 UI/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + NaCl 0,45% Glucoza 2,5%
InjectabilVecuronium bromide Curarizant
Compatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilAmiodarone hydrochloride 6 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%

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