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Противорвотный   Ondansetron hydrochloride  
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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Amal Мексика
Ansentron Бразилия
Antivon Мексика, чили
Atossa Польша
Avessaron Бельгия
Axisetron Германия
Bryterol Колумбия, Эквадор
Cellondan Германия
Chemoset Марокко
Danac Мексика
Danofran Египет
Danset Египет
Dantron Марокко, Южно-Африканская Республика
Dasentron Аргентина, Саудовская Аравия
Dismolan Аргентина, Венесуэла
Donset Индия
Emeset Индия, Румыния, Турция
Emetron Венгрия, Польша
Emistop Мексика, Перу
Indansen Мексика
Nausetron Южно-Африканская Республика
Ondansan Австрия
Ondatron Германия
Setronon Хорватия
Vomiz Южно-Африканская Республика
Yatrox Испания
Zofer Турция
Zofran Австрия, Аргентина, Бельгия, Великобритания, Венгрия, Германия, Голландия, Дания, Египет, Ирландия, Исландия, Италия, Канада, Колумбия, Люксембург, Малайзия, Марокко, новая Зеландия, Норвегия, Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Перу, Польша, Португалия, Саудовская Аравия, Соединённые Штаты Америки, Турция, Финляндия, Швейцария, Швеция, Эквадор
Zofron Греция
Zontron Турция
Zophren Тунис, Франция
Zotrix Швеция
Библиография   Инъекция   Библиография : Ondansetron hydrochloride  
тип публикация
3 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of amifostine with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 2208-2212.
6 Журнал Trissel LA, Xu QA, Martinez JF, Fox JL.
Compatibility and stability of ondansetron hydrochloride with morphine sulfate and with hydromorphone hydrochloride in 0.9% sodium chloride injection at 4, 22 and 32°C.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 2138-2142.
16 Журнал Chung KC, Moon YSK, Chin A, Ulrich WU, Gill MA.
Compatibility of ondansetron hydrochloride and piperacillin sodium-tazobactam sodium during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 1554-1556.
18 Журнал Pompilio FM, Fox JL, Inagaki K, Burm JP, Jhee S, Gill MA.
Stability of ranitidine hydrochloride with ondansetron hydrochloride or fluconazole during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 391-394.
23 Журнал Evrard B, Ceccato A, Gaspard O, Delattre L, Delporte JP.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride and dexamethasone sodium phosphate in 0.9% sodium chloride and in 5% dextrose injection.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1065-1068.
25 Журнал McGuire TR, Narducci WA, Fox JL.
Compatibility and stability of ondansetron hydrochloride, dexamethasone, and lorazepam in injectable solutions.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 1410-1414.
26 Журнал Stewart JT, Warren FW, King DT, Venkateshwaran TG, Ponder GW, Fox JL.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride, doxorubicin hydrochloride, and dacarbazine or vincristine sulfate in elastomeric portable infusion devices and polyvinyl chloride bags.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 915-920.
30 Журнал Hagan RL, Mallett MS, Fox JL.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride and dexamethasone sodium phosphate in infusion bags and syringes for 32 days.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 1431-1435.
36 Журнал Alex S, Gupta SL, Minor JR, Turcovski-Corrales S, Gallelli JF, Taub D, Piscitelli SC.
Compatibility and activity of aldesleukin (recombinant interleukin-2) in presence of selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration: Evaluation of three methods.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 2423-2426.
47 Журнал Burm JP, Jhee SS, Chin A, Moon YSK.
Stability of paclitaxel with ondansetron or ranitidine hydrochloride during simulated Y site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 1201-1204.
50 Журнал Fleming RA, Olsen DJ, Savage PD, Fox JL.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride and cyclophosphamide in injectable solutions.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 514-516.
52 Журнал Kirkham JC, Rutherford ET, Cumingham GN, Daneshmand KA, Falls AL.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride in a total parenteral nutrient admixture.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 1557-1558.
53 Журнал Henry DW, Marshall JL, Nazzar OD, Fox JL, Leff RD.
Stability of cisplatin and ondansetron hydrochloride in admixtures for continuous infusion.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 2570-2573.
59 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF, Kim MC.
Compatibility of remifentanil hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2192-2196.
81 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of piperacillin sodium plus tazobactam with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 672-678.
84 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Visual, turbidimetric, and particle-content assessment of compatibility of vinorelbine tartrate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 495-499.
91 Журнал Lober CA, Dollard PA.
Visual compatibility of gallium nitrate with selected drugs during Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 1208-1210.
93 Журнал Hutchings SR, Rusho WJ, Tyler LS.
Compatibility of cefmetazole sodium with commonly used drugs during Y-site delivery.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 2185-2188.
99 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of aztreonam with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 1086-1090.
113 Журнал Jhee SS, Jeong EW, Chin A, Inagaki K, Fox JL, Gill MA.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride stored in a disposable, elastomeric infusion device at 4°C.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 1918-1920.
132 Журнал Najari Z, Rusho WJ.
Compatibility of commonly used bone marrow transplant drugs during Y-site delivery.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 181-184.
150 Журнал Aujoulat P, Coze C, Braguer D, Raybaud C.
Physicochemical compatibility of methotrexate with co-administered drugs during cancer chemotherapy regimens.
J Pharm Clin 1993 ; 12: 31-35.
169 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Physical compatibility of melphalan with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 2359-2363.
179 Журнал Stiles ML, Allen LV Jr, Fox JL.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride in portable infusion-pump reservoirs.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1992 ; 49: 1471-1473.
183 Журнал Bosso JA, Prince RA, Fox JL.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride in injectable solutions at -20, 5, and 25°C.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1992 ; 49: 2223-2225.
184 Журнал Stewart JT, Warren FW, King DT, Fox JL.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride and five antineoplasic medications.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 1297-1300.
244 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of filgrastim with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 1907-1913.
248 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Turbidimetric assessment of the compatibility of taxol with 42 other drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 300-304.
249 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of thiotepa (lyophilized) with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 1041-1045.
251 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of doxorubicin hydrochloride liposome injection with selected other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2708-2713.
266 Журнал Patel PR.
Compatibility of meropenem with commonly used injectable drugs.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1996 ; 53: 2853-2855.
299 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility of cisatracurium besylate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1735-1741.
301 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF, Baker MB, Walter WV, Mirtallo JM.
Compatibility of parenteral nutrient solutions with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 1295-1300.
307 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Compatibility of allopurinol sodium with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 51: 1792-1799.
332 Журнал Xu QA, Trissel LA, Fox JL.
Compatibility of ondansetron hydrochloride with meperidine hydrochloride for combined administration.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 1995 ; 29: 1106-1109.
333 Журнал Graham CL, Dukes GE, Kao CF, Bertch JM, Hak LJ.
Stability of ondansetron in large-volume parenteral solutions.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 1992 ; 26: 768-771.
334 Журнал Trissel LA, Tramonte SM, Grilley BJ.
Visual compatibility of ondansetron hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 988-992.
335 Журнал Trissel LA, Bready BB, Kwan JW, Santiago NM.
Visual compatibility of sargramostim with selected antineoplasic agents, anti-infectives, or other drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1992 ; 49: 402-406.
492 Журнал Trissel LA, Parks NPT, Santiago NM.
Visual compatibility of fludarabine phosphate with antineoplastic drugs, anti-infectives, and other selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 2186-2189.
815 Журнал Stewart JT, Warren FW, King DT, Venkateshwaran TG, Fox JL.
Stability of ondansetron hydrochloride and 12 medications in plastic syringes.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1998 ; 55: 2630-2634.
905 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Screening teniposide for Y-site physical incompatibilities.
Hosp Pharm 1994 ; 29: 1010-1017.
915 Журнал Casto DT.
Stability of ondansetron stored in polypropylene syringes.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 1994 ; 28: 712-714.
917 Журнал Blaise N, Vigneron J, Perrin A, Noirez V, Hoffman MA, Hoffman M.
Stability of refrigerated and frozen solutions of ondansetron hydrochloride.
EJHP 1994 ; 4: 12-13.
921 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF.
Incompatibility and compatibility of amphotericin B cholesteryl sulfate complex with selected other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Hosp Pharm 1998 ; 33: 284-292.
969 Журнал Jarosinski PF, Hirschfeld S.
Precipitation of ondansetron in alkaline solutions.
N Engl J Med 1991 ; 325: 1315-1316.
979 Журнал D'Arcy PF.
In vitro compatibility of granisetron with selected alkaline drugs.
Int Pharm J 1995 ; 9: 57.
992 Журнал Beijnen JH, Koks CHW.
Visual compatibility of ondansetron and dexamethasone.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 1991 ; 25: 869.
1026 Журнал Mayron D, Gennaro AR.
Stability and compatibility of topotecan hydrochloride with selected drugs.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1999 ; 56: 875-881.
1396 Журнал Hauser AR, Trissel LA, Martinez JF.
Ondansetron compatible with sodium acetate.
J Clin Oncol 1993 ; 11: 197.
1410 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Simmons M.
Compatibility of etoposide phosphate with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
J Am Pharm Assoc 1999 ; 39: 141-145.
1415 Журнал Trissel L.A, Gilbert D.L, Martinez J.F, Baker M.B, Walter W.V, Mirtallo J.M.
Compatibility of medications with 3-in-1 parenteral nutrition admixtures.
JPEN 1999 ; 23: 67-74.
1423 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility of gemcitabine hyrochloride with 107 selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
J Am Pharm Assoc 1999 ; 39: 514-518.
1496 Журнал Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Screening cladribine for Y-site physical compatibility with selected drugs.
Hosp Pharm 1996 ; 31: 1425-1428.
1625 Журнал Trissel LA, Saenz C, Williams YW, Ingram D.
Incompatibilities of lansoprazole injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site coadministration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2001 ; 5: 314-321.
1662 Журнал Trissel LA, Saenz CA, Ingram DS, Ogundele AB.
Compatibility screening of oxaliplatin during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2002 ; 8: 33-37.
1699 Журнал Plaas S, Heck C, Kubrich M.
Mischbarkeit von serotonin-antagonisten mit dexamethason und heparin.
Krankenhauspharmazie 2000 ; 21: 107-109.
1712 Журнал Trissel LA, Saenz CA.
Compatibility screening of Precedex during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
Int J Pharm Compound 2002 ; 6: 230-233.
1721 Журнал Trissel LA, Williams KY, Baker MB.
Compatibility screening of Hextend during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs.
Int J Pharm Compound 2001 ; 5: 69-72.
1754 Журнал Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Wolkin AC.
Compatibility of docetaxel with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 1999 ; 3: 241-244.
1800 Журнал Voytilla KL, Tyler LS, Rusho WJ.
Visual compatibility of azithromycin with 24 commonly used drugs during simulated Y-site delivery.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2002 ; 59: 853-855.
1803 Журнал Trissel, LA, Saenz CA, Ogundele OB, Ingram D, Baker MB.
Compatibility of fenoldopam mesylate with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2003 ; 60: 80-85.
1868 Журнал Husson E, Crauste-Manciet S, Hadj-Salah E, ,Segier JC, Broissard D.
Stabilité galénique de mélanges commercialisés de nutrition parentérale en présence de médicaments: médicaments dans le mélange.
Nutr Clin Metab 2003 ; 17: 8-14.
1925 Журнал Trissel LA , Williams KY, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility screening of linezolid injection during simulated Y-site administration with other drugs and infusion solutions.
J Am Pharm Assoc 2000 ; 40: 515-519.
1953 Журнал Trissel LA, Saenz CA, Ogundele AB, Ingram DS.
Physical compatibility of pemetrexed disodium with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2004 ; 61: 2289-2293.
2002 Журнал Abanmy NO, Zaghloul IY, Radwan MA.
Compatibility of tramadol hydrochloride injection with selected drugs and solutions.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2005 ; 62: 1299-1302.
2012 Журнал Bougouin C, Thelcide C, Crespin-Maillard F, Maillard C, Kinowski JM, Favier M.
Compatibility of ondansetron hydrochloride and methylprednisolone sodium succinate in multilayer polyolefin containers.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2005 ; 62: 2001-2005.
2108 Журнал Trusley C, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA.
Compatibility of micafungin injection with other drugs during simulated Y-site co-administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2006 ; 10: 230-232.
2202 Журнал Acin Lazaro MP, bono Arino C, martinez Bazan R, manzanares Marin I, Faci Bouthelier A, Velamazan Blocona MJ, Facorro Gaspar E,
Estabilidad de parecoxib en dilucion con ostros farmacos y administrado en perfusion continua IV para el control del dolor postoperatorio.
Investig Clin Farm 2005 ; 2, 4: 195-203.
2233 Журнал Condie C.K, Tyler L.S, Barker B, Canann D.M.
Visual compatibility of caspofungin acetate with commonly used drugs during simulated Y-site delivery
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2008 ; 65, 5: 454-457.
2261 Журнал Fernandez C, Pelloquin A, Berthoume M, Bellanger A, Farinotti R.
Stabilité et compatibilité de l'association ondansétron-méthylprednisolone en solution.
Can J Hosp Pharm 2008 ; 61, 3: 191-195.
2262 Журнал Brammer MK, Chan P, Heatherly K, Trusley C, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA, Psathas PA, Gilmor T, Schaufelberger D.
Compatibility of doripenem with other drugs during simulated Y-site administratioN
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2008 ; 65: 1261-1265.
2269 Журнал Chan P, Bishop A, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA, Gole D, Jimidar IM, Vermeersch H.
Compatibility of ceftobiprole medocaril with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2008 ; 65, 16: 1545-1551.
2328 Лаборатория Sugammadex (Bridion®) – Résumé des caractéristiques du produits
Organon 2009
2841 Журнал Gonzalves Navaro M, Carril Aviles M, Borras Almenar C, Romero Crespo I, Jimenez Torres NV.
Estudio de estabilidad de la mezcla ondansetron-dexametasona en cloruro sodico 0,9%.
Atencion Pharmaceutica 2009 ; 11, 3: 161-166.
3012 Журнал Sullivan T, Forrest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibility of Cloxacillin Sodium with Selected Intravenous Drugs During Simulated Y-Site Administration
Hosp Pharm 2015 ; 50, 3: 214-220.
3174 Журнал Rolin C, Hecq JD, Vanbeckbergen DF, Jamart J, Galanti LM.
Stability of Ondansetron and Dexamethasone Infusion upon Refrigeration.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 2011 ; 45: 130-131.
3249 Журнал Singh BM, Dedhiya MG, Dinunzio J, Chan P, Kupiec TC, Trissel LA, Laudano JB.
Compatibility of ceftaroline fosamil for injection with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2011 ; 68: 2163-2169.
3254 Журнал Housman S.T, Tessier P.R, Nicolau D.P, Kuti J.L.
Physical compatibility of telavancin hydrochloride with select i.v. drugs during simulated Y-site administration
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2011 ; 68: 2265-2270.
3408 Журнал Tollec S, Touzin K, Pelletier E, Forest J.M.
Evaluation visuelle de la compatibilité physique de la naloxone avec d’autres médicaments intraveineux usuels.
Pharmactuel 2013 ; 46, 1 : 16-21.
3459 Журнал Sun S, Schaller J, Placek J, Duersch B.
Compatibility of intravenous fosaprepitant with intravenous 5-HT3 antagonists and corticosteroids.
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2013 ; 72: 509-513.
3474 Лаборатория Fluorouracil - Summary of Product Characteristics
Accord Healthcare Limited 2009
3571 Журнал Anderson C, Boehme S, Ouellette J, Stidham C, MacKay M.
Physical and Chemical Compatibility of Injectable Acetaminophen During Simulated Y-Site Administration.
Hosp Pharm 2014 ; 49, 1: 42-47.
3574 Лаборатория Ondansetron - Résumé des caractéristiques du produit
Accord Healthcare France SAS 2013
3595 Лаборатория Aciclovir - Summary of Product Characteristics
Hospira 2009
3728 Журнал Correard F, Savry A, Gauthier-Villano L, Pisano P, Pourroy B.
Visual compatibility of defibrotide with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2014 ; 71: 1288-1291.
3791 плакат Sadou Yaye H, Burtet E, Hamel C, Aljhni R, Gard C, Tilleul P.
Étude de la compatibilité physico-chimique du phloroglucinol injectable durant les mélanges au sein des tubulures en Y.
Apifh Congress, Paris November 2014 2014
3824 Журнал Boudi S, Roy H, Forest JM, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique de l'association amoxicilline-acide clavulanique en injection avec plusieurs autres médicaments lors d'une administration en Y.
Pharmactuel 2023 2023;56,3:91-98
3827 плакат Ghazi I.M, Hamada Y, Nicolau D.P.
Compatibility of tedizolid phosphate with selected intravenous drugs via simulated Y-site conditions.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3828 плакат Thabit A.K, Hamada Y, Nicolau D.P.
Ceftozolane/tazobactam physical compatibility during simulated Y-site administration.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3829 плакат So W, Kim L, Thabit A.K, Nicolau D.P, Kuti J.L.
Compatibility of isavunazonium sulfate during simulated Y-site administration.
ASHP Midyear 2015
3925 Журнал Simar J, Godet M, Hecq J.-D, Closset M, Gillet P, Langhendries C, Bihin B, Jamart J, Galanti L.
Long-term stability of dexamethasone and alizapride or ondansetron in sodium chloride 0.9% polyolefin bag at 5±3 C.
Ann Pharm Fr 2016 ; 75, 1 : 30-39.
3948 Журнал Bouchoud L, Fonzo-Christe C, Klingm?ller M, Bonnabry P .
Compatibility of Intravenous Medications With Parenteral Nutrition - In Vitro Evaluation.
JPEN 2012 ;30. 416?424.
3964 Журнал Audet M.A, Forest E, Friciu M, Forest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibilité du citrate de caféine injectable avec plusieurs autres médicaments.
Pharmactuel 2017 ; 50,1 : 27-33.
3967 Журнал Staven V, Herra I, Wang S, Grönlie I,Tho I.
Physical compatibility of total parenteral nutrition and drugs in Y-site administration to children from neonates to adolescents.
J Pharm Pharmacol 2017 ;69,7:448-462
3976 Журнал Du Repaire T, Vigne P, Guedon A, Gauthier-Villano L, Bertault Peres P, Pourroy B.
Visual compatibility of blinatumomab with selected co-administrated drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2017 ; 74,16 : 1217-1218
3981 Журнал He G, Zeng F, Lei K, Xia S, Deng L, Zhang C, Liu D.
Compatibility of dexamethasone sodium phosphate with 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in infusion solutions: a comprehensive study
EJHP 2017 ;24:162?166
4036 Журнал Estan-Cerezo G, Matoses-Chirivella C, Soriano-Iriga L, Murcia-Lopez A.C, Rodrguez-Lucena F.J, Navarro-Ruiz A.
Stability and compatibility of ondansetron with haloperidol in parenteral admixtures.
EJHP 2017 ;25,4: 200-203.
4055 Журнал Monogue M, Almarzoky Abuhussain S, Kuti J, Nicolau D.
Physical compatibility of fosfomycin for injection with select i.v. drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2018 , 75, 1:36-44
4082 Журнал Espinosa-Bosch M, Sanchez-Rojas F, Bosche-Ojeda C.
Stability of mixtures of ondansetron and haloperidol stored in infusors at different temperatures.
EJHP 2018 ; 25, e2
4116 Журнал Chen F, Zhu J, Li B, Yuan F, Wang K.
Stability of tramadol with three 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in polyolefin bags for patient-controlled delivery systems.
Drug Design Dev Ther 2016 ;10:1869-1875
4145 Журнал Asempa T.E, Avery L.M, Kidd J.M, Kuti J.L, Nicolau D.P.
Physical compatibility of plazomicin with select i.v. drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2018 ;75,14:1048-1056
4319 Журнал Lessard J-J, Caron E, Schérer H, Forest J-M, Leclair G.
Compatibility of Y-site Injection of Meropenem Trihydrate With 101 Other Injectable Drugs.
Hosp Pharm 2020 ; 55, 5: 332-337.
4389 Журнал Côté K, Correal F, Metras M.E, Friciu M, Forest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique des médicaments administrés en Y aux soins intensifs, en particulier la dexmédétomidine, le lévosimendan et la kétamine.
Pharmactuel 2019 ;52,4:206-213
4429 Журнал Fang B-X, Li P, Shi X-Y, Chen F.C, Wang L.H.
Incompatibilities of lornoxicam with 4 antiemetic medications in polyolefin bags during simulated intravenous administration.
Medicine 2016 ; 95:25(e3824)
4433 Журнал Ghazi I.M, El Nekidy W.S, Sood A, Dulku A, Patel R, Patel K.
Y-site Administration of Imipenem/Cilastatin/ Relebactam With Common Intravenous Medications
Clin Ther 2020 ; 42, 3: 475-485.
4479 Журнал Closset M, Goderniaux N, Colsoul M-L, Soumoy L, Bihin B, Jamart J, Odou P, Hecq J-D, galanti L.
Long term stability of an admixture of alizapride and ondansetron in 0.9% sodium chloride solution polyolefin bags stored at 5 +/- 3°C.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2020 ;27,6:1328-1332
4507 Журнал Ross E, Salinas A, Petty K, Her C, Carpenter J.
Compatibility of medications with intravenous lipid emulsions: Effects of simulated Y-site mixing.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2020 ;77,23:1980-1985
4521 Журнал Polo C, D’Huart E, Lesperlette G, Vigneron J, Meyer F, Demoré B.
Compatibility of injectable posaconazole with drugs commonly used in a hematology care unit.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2020
4528 Журнал Lu J, Liu Q, Kupiec T, Vail H, Lunch L, Fam D, Vu N.
Physical Compatibility of Cefiderocol with Selected Intravenous Drugs During Simulated Y-site Administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2021 ;25,1:52-61
4579 Журнал Tomczak S, Radwan V, Jelinska A, Stawny M.
Application of the HPLC Method in Parenteral Nutrition Assessment: Stability Studies of Ondansetron
Processes 2021 , 9, 453.
4650 Лаборатория Ceftobiprole (Zevtera 500 mg powder for concentrate for solution for infusion.) Summary of Product Characteristics, Advanz Pharma updated 4 aug 2021.
Advanz Pharma 2021
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Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia: in vitro stability profiles of mixtures containing fentanyl, hydromorphone, oxycodone, nefopam, ondansetron, and ramosetron.
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Compatibilité physique de l’acétaminophène injectable avec 102 autres médicaments lors d’une administration en Y.
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Antiemetic Drugs Compatibility Evaluation with Paediatric Parenteral Nutrition Admixtures.
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Physical compatibility of sulbactam/durlobactam with select intravenous drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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