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Echipe de cercetare : Madera - Children’s Hospital Central, Department of Pharmacy Services
Autor : Bell MS, Nolt DH.
titlu : Visual compatibility of doxapram hydrochloride with drugs commonly administered via a Y-site in the intensive care nursery.
Référence : Am J Health-Syst Pharm ; 60: 193-194. 2003

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InjectabilAmpicillin sodium Antibiotic
Compatibil 50 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCaffeine citrate Stimulant respirator
Compatibil 20 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCalcium chloride electrolit
Compatibil 100 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCalcium gluconate electrolit
Compatibil 100 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCefazolin sodium Antibiotic
Compatibil 100 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilCeftazidime Antibiotic
Compatibil 40 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilClindamycin phosphate Antibiotic
Incompatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride Stimulant respirator
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilAmpicillin sodium 50 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilCaffeine citrate 20 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilCalcium chloride 100 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilCalcium gluconate 100 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilCefazolin sodium 100 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilCeftazidime 40 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilClindamycin phosphate 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilErythromycin lactobionate 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilFentanyl citrate 25 µg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilGentamicin sulfate 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilHeparin sodium 1 UI/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilInsulin 1 UI/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilMetoclopramide hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilMetronidazole 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilOxacillin sodium 20 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilPhenobarbital sodium 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilRanitidine hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilErythromycin lactobionate Antibiotic
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilFentanyl citrate Antialgic
Compatibil 25 µg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilGentamicin sulfate Antibiotic
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilHeparin sodium Anticoagulant
Compatibil 1 UI/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilInsulin Hipoglicemiant
Compatibil 1 UI/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMetoclopramide hydrochloride Antiemetic
Compatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMetronidazole Antiparazitar
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilOxacillin sodium Antibiotic
Compatibil 20 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilPhenobarbital sodium Antiepileptic
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilRanitidine hydrochloride Antihistaminic H2
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotic
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilDoxapram hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%

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