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鎮痛薬   Nefopam  
溶媒内の安定性 混合時の安定性 安定性に影響する因子 互換性 投与経路 引用文献 PDF

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Acupan アイルランド, イギリス, イタリア, チュニジア, フランス, ポーランド, モロッコ, ルクセンブルグ, ルーマニア, 北アイルランド
Nefam イタリア
Nefomed チュニジア
Nefopam エジプト, ポーランド
Nephentil メキシコ
Nopain エジプト
Oxadol イタリア
Painstop サウジアラビア
引用文献   注射薬   引用文献 : Nefopam  
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2265 雑誌 Tu YH, Wang DP, Allen LV.
Nefopam hydrochloride degradation kinetics in solution.
J Pharm Sci 1990 ; 79, 1: 48-52.
2311 雑誌 Kambia N.K, Luyckx M, Dine T, Dupin-Spriet T, Gressier B, Brunet C.
Nefopam hydrochloride compatibility and stability with selected proton pump inhibitors in bionolyte G5 injection for intravenous infusion.
J Clin Pharm Ther 2009 ; 34: 25-31.
3075 雑誌 Balayssac D, Badaroux L, Rodier C, Sautou-Miranda V, Bazin JE, Chopineau J.
Compatibility and stability of parenteral analgesic admixtures for multimodal analgesia
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3728 雑誌 Correard F, Savry A, Gauthier-Villano L, Pisano P, Pourroy B.
Visual compatibility of defibrotide with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
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Étude de la compatibilité physico-chimique du phloroglucinol injectable durant les mélanges au sein des tubulures en Y.
Apifh Congress, Paris November 2014 2014
3976 雑誌 Du Repaire T, Vigne P, Guedon A, Gauthier-Villano L, Bertault Peres P, Pourroy B.
Visual compatibility of blinatumomab with selected co-administrated drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2017 ; 74,16 : 1217-1218
4254 雑誌 D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Demoré B.
Physical Compatibility of Intravenous Drugs Commonly Used in Intensive Care Units: An Observational Study and Physical Compatibility Laboratory Tests on Anti-Infective Drugs
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2019 ;4,1:29-40
4267 雑誌 D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Clarot I, Demoré B.
Physicochemical stability of nefopam and nefopam/droperidol solutions in polypropylene syringes for intensive care units.
EJHP 2019
4521 雑誌 Polo C, D’Huart E, Lesperlette G, Vigneron J, Meyer F, Demoré B.
Compatibility of injectable posaconazole with drugs commonly used in a hematology care unit.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2020
4666 雑誌 Lee C.H, Kim A.R, Lee M.K, Oh J.S, Lee D.K, Choi S.S.
Intravenous patient-controlled analgesia: in vitro stability profiles of mixtures containing fentanyl, hydromorphone, oxycodone, nefopam, ondansetron, and ramosetron.
J Anal Sci Tech 2020 ; 11: 32.
4698 雑誌 Ayari G, D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Demoré B.
Y-site compatibility of intravenous medications commonly used in intensive care units : laboratory tests on 75 mixtures involving nine main drugs.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2022

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