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Ερευνητικές ομάδες - Samford University, School of Pharmacy   pdf  
Samford University, School of Pharmacy
Βιβλιογραφία   Βιβλιογραφία   (13)  
Physical Compatibility of Micafungin With Sodium Bicarbonate Hydratation Fluids Commonly Used With High-Dose Methotrexate Chemotherapy.
Joiner L, Ynes C, Arnold J, Miller R, Gorman G. (ggorman@samford.edu)
Hosp Pharm - 2018 - ; 53, 2: 125-127.
Enzymatic Stability of Alteplase Solution for Injection: Effect of Various Methods of Thawing Frozen Solutions.
Cutshall B.T, Gorman G.S, Freeman M.K ,. Kyle J.A. (mkelly@samford.edu)
Hosp Pharm - 2016 - ; 51, 3: 246-251.
Stability of an Extemporaneously Compounded Oral Suspension of Bosentan.
Malik A, Gorman G, Coward L ,. Arnold J.J. ()
Hosp Pharm - 2016 - ; 51: 389-395.
Chiral Stability of an Extemporaneously Prepared Clopidogrel Bisulfate Oral Suspension.
Tynes C.R, Livingston B, Patel H, Arnold J.J. (jarnold@samford.edu)
J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther - 2014 - ;19,1:25–29.
Stability of lisinopril syrup (2 mg/ml) extemporaneously compounded from tablets.
Rose DJ, Webster AA, English BA. ()
Int J Pharm Compound - 2000 - : 398-399.
Stability of dobutamine hydrochloride 4 mg/ml in 5% dextrose injection at 5 and 23°C.
Webster AA, English BA, McGuire JM, Riggs RM, Lander V, Buckle T. ()
Int J Pharm Compound - 1999 - ; 3: 412-414.
Y-site stability of fosphenytoin and sodium phenobarbital.
Brett A, Riggs RM, Webster AA, Benner KW. ()
Int J Pharm Compound - 1999 - ; 3: 64-66.
Fosphenytoin Y-site stability studies with lorazepam and midazolam hydrochloride.
Riggs RM, English BA, Webster AA, McGuire JM, Riordan JM. ()
Int J Pharm Compound - 1999 - ; 3: 235-238.
The stability of lisinopril as an extemporaneous syrup.
Webster AA, English BA, Rose DJ. ()
Int J Pharm Compound - 1997 - ; 1: 352-353.
Stability of cefazolin sodium and metronidazole at 8°C for use as an IV admixture.
Rivers TE, McBride HA, Trang JM. ()
J Parenter Sci Technol - 1993 - ; 47: 135-137.
Stability of gentamicin sulfate and tobramycin sulfate in extemporaneously prepared ophthalmic solutions at 8 degrees C
McBride HA, Martinez DR, Trang JM, Lander RD, Helms HA. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1991 - ; 48: 507-509.

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