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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Acugesic Малайзия
Adolonta Испания
Amadol Египет
Analgon Перу
Anangor Бразилия
Autrestol Мексика
Contramal Бельгия, Венгрия, Италия, Турция, Франция
Dalarest Мексика
Dolotramine Швейцария
Dolzam Бельгия
Eufindol чили
Fortradol Италия
Fraxidol Италия
Lafedol Аргентина
Liochta Мексика
Lumidol Хорватия
Mabron Таиланд
Megadol Мексика, чили
Nobligan Дания, Мексика, Швеция
Paxilfar Португалия
Poltram Польша
Prontalgin Италия
Sylador Бразилия
Tadol Словения
Topalgic Франция
Trabilin Саудовская Аравия
Tradolan Австрия, Дания, Швеция
Tradonal Бельгия, Таиланд
Tramabene Австрия
Tramadoc Германия
Tramadolor Австрия
Tramadura Германия
Tramagetic Голландия
Tramal Австрия, Бразилия, Германия, Голландия, Польша, Португалия, Словения, Таиланд, Финляндия, Хорватия, Швейцария, Южно-Африканская Республика
Tramastad Австрия
Tramundin Германия
Zamadol Великобритания
Zamudol Франция
Zydol Великобритания
Библиография   Инъекция   Библиография : Tramadol hydrochloride  
тип публикация
365 Журнал Junfeng Gu, Wengang Qin, Fuchao Chen, Zhongyuan Xia.
Long-Term Stability of Tramadol and Ketamine Solutions for Patient-Controlled Analgesia Delivery.
Med Sci Monit 2015 ; 21:2528-2534.
1690 Журнал Müller H-J, Berg J.
Stabilitätsstudie zu tramadolhydrochlorid im PVC-infusionbeutel.
Krankenhauspharmazie 1997 ; 18: 75-79.
1892 Журнал Lebrun J, Hecq JD, Vanbeckbergen D, Jalart J, Galanti LM.
Effect of freezing, long-term storage and microwave thawing on the stability of tramadol in 5% dextrose infusion in polyvinyl chloride bags.
Int J Pharm Compound 2004 ; 8, 2: 156-159.
1971 Журнал Azuara ML, Sanchez Y, Reyes R, Barcia E.
Physical compatibility and in vivo evaluation of drug mixtures forsubcutaneous infusion to cancer patients in palliative care.
Support Care Cancer 2001
2002 Журнал Abanmy NO, Zaghloul IY, Radwan MA.
Compatibility of tramadol hydrochloride injection with selected drugs and solutions.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2005 ; 62: 1299-1302.
2024 Журнал Negro S, Martin A, Azuara ML, Sanchez Y, Barcia E.
Stability of tramadol and haloperidol for continuous infusion at home.
J Pain Symptom Manage 2005 ; 30: 192-199.
2139 Журнал Serrurier C, Chenot ED, Vigneron J, May I, Demor? B.
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EJHP Science 2006 ; 12,5: 96-99.
2176 Журнал Barcia E, Martin A, Azuara ML, Sanchez Y, Negro S.
Tramadol and hyoscine N-butyl bromide combined in infusion solutions: compatibility and stability.
Support Care Cancer 2007 ; 15: 57-62.
2211 Журнал Negro S, Salama A, S?nchez Y, AzuaraM.L, Barcia B.
Compatibility and stability of tramadol and dexamethasone in solution and its use in terminally ill patients.
J Clin Pharm Ther 2007 ; 32: 441-444.
2231 Журнал de Jongh R, Hens R, Basma V, mouton JW, Tulkens PM, Carryn S.
Continuous versus intermittent infusion of temocillin, a directed spectrum penicillin for intensive care patients with nosocomial pneumonia: stability, compatibility, population pharmacokinetic studies and breakpoint selection.
J Antimicrob Chemother 2008 ; 61, 2: 382-388.
2814 Журнал Lebitasy M, Hecq JD, Vanbeckbergen D, Jamart J, Galanti L.
Long-term stability of tramadol hydrochloride and droperidol mixture in 5% dextrose infusion polyolefin bags at 5 +/- 3°C.
Ann Pharm Fr 2009 ; 67: 272-277.
3075 Журнал Balayssac D, Badaroux L, Rodier C, Sautou-Miranda V, Bazin JE, Chopineau J.
Compatibility and stability of parenteral analgesic admixtures for multimodal analgesia
EJHP Science 2009 ; 15, 4: 78-82.
3082 Журнал Athanasopoulos A, Hecq JD, Vanbeckbergen D, Jamart J, Galanti L.
Long-term stability of tramadol chlorhydrate and metoclopramide hydrochloride in dextrose 5% polyolefin bag at 4°C.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2009 ; 15: 195-200.
3115 Журнал Athanasopoulos A, Hecq JD, Vanbeckbergen D, Jamart J, Galanti L.
Long term stability of the hydrochloride of tramadol and alizapride in dextrose 5% polyolefin bags at 5 +/- 3°C.
Ann Pharm Fr 2010 ; 68: 157-162.
3132 Журнал Negro S, Martin A, Azuara L, Sanchez Y, Barcia E.
Compatibility and stability of ternary admixtures of tramadol, haloperidol, and hyoscine.
J Palliat Med 2010 ; 13, 3: 273-277.
3159 Журнал Lin, T.-F., Lin, F.-S., Chou, W.-H., Yeh, Y.-C., Lin, C.-P., Fan, S.-Z., Sun, W.-Z.
Compatibility and stability of binary mixtures of ketorolac tromethamine and tramadol hydrochloride injection concentrate and diluted infusion solution.
Acta Anaesthesiol Taiwan 2010 ; 48, 3 : 117-121.
3296 Журнал Salmeron-Garcia A, Navas N, Martin A, Roman E, Cabeza J, Capitan-Vallvey L.F
Determination of Tramadol, Metamizole, Ropivacaine, and Bupivacaine in Analgesic Mixture Samples by HPLC with DAD Detection.
J Chromatographic Sci 2009 ; 47: 1-7.
3297 Журнал Salmeron-Garcia A, Lopez-Lopez E, Roma E, Cabeza J, Navas N, Capitan-Vallvey L.F.
Development of an LC–DAD Method for Analysis of Dexketoprofen, Tramadol, and Haloperidol. Study of the Stability of Mixtures Used for Patient-Controlled Analgesia.
Chromatographia 2008 ; 68, 9-10: 767-772.
3372 Журнал Hanci V, Ali Kiraz H, Ömür D, Ekin S, Uyan B, Yurtlu B.S.
Precipitation in Gallipoli: Sugammadex / Amiodarone & Sugammadex / Dobutamine & Sugammadex / Protamine.
Rev Bras Anestesiol 2013 ; 63, 1: 163-166.
3521 Лаборатория Tramadol® - Summary of Product Characteristics.
Beacon Pharmaceuticals 2012
4034 Журнал Chen F-C, Fang B-X, Li P, Zheng F, Shi X-Y.
Compatibility and stability of lornoxicam with morphine, tramadol or fentanyl in infusion solutions.
Afr J Pharm Pharmacol 2012 ;27,6:2055-2060
4116 Журнал Chen F, Zhu J, Li B, Yuan F, Wang K.
Stability of tramadol with three 5-HT3 receptor antagonists in polyolefin bags for patient-controlled delivery systems.
Drug Design Dev Ther 2016 ;10:1869-1875
4521 Журнал Polo C, D’Huart E, Lesperlette G, Vigneron J, Meyer F, Demoré B.
Compatibility of injectable posaconazole with drugs commonly used in a hematology care unit.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2020
4698 Журнал Ayari G, D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Demoré B.
Y-site compatibility of intravenous medications commonly used in intensive care units : laboratory tests on 75 mixtures involving nine main drugs.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2022
4842 Журнал Souha H Y, Alka G, Yunmei S, Nicole E W, Sanjay G.
Harmonising IV Oxycodone with Paediatric Perioperative Medications: A Compatibility Study Through Y-Type Connectors
Drug Design Dev Ther 2024 Drug Design, Development

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