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Antalgique   Tramadol hydrochloride  
Solution buvable
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Solution buvable
Bibliographie   Solution buvable   Bibliographie : Tramadol hydrochloride  
Type Source
2387 Revue Wagner DS, Johnson CE, Cichon-Hensley BK, DeLoach SL.
Stability of oral liquid preparations of tramadol in strawberry syrup and a sugar-free vehicle
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2003 ; 60: 1268-1270.
2406 Revue Wagner DS, Johnson CE, Cichon-Hensley BK, DeLoach SL.
Stability of oral liquid preparations of tramadol in strawberry syrup and a sugar-free vehicle
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2003 ; 60: 1268-1270
2407 Revue Johnson CE, Wagner DS, DeLoach SL, Cichon-Hensley BK.
Stability of tramadol hydrochloride--acetaminophen (Ultracet) in strawberry syrup and in a sugar-free vehicle
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2004 ; 61: 54-57.

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