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تحذير الأسماء التجاريه المختلفه قد تحتوي علي محتوي إضافات مختلفة حسب الدوله و المعمل

Prialt ألمانيا, أيسلندا, إسبانيا, إيطاليا, الدنمارك, السويد, النرويج, النمسا, الولايات المتحدة, اليابان, ايرلندا, بريطانيا العظمي, بولندا, رومانيا, سويسرا, فرنسا, فنلندا, لوكسمبورغ, هنغاريا, هولندا, يونان
مراجع   حقن   مراجع : Ziconotide acetate  
نوع منشور
2248 مجلة Shields D, Montenegro R.
Chemical stability of ziconotide-clonidine hydrochloride admixtures with and without morphine sulfate during simulated intrathecal administration.
Neuromodulation 2007 ; 10, 1: 6-11.
2249 مجلة Shields D, Montenegro R, Aclan J.
Chemical stability of admixtures combining ziconotide with baclofen during simulated intrathecal administration.
Neuromodulation 2007 ; 10, 1: 12-17.
2251 مجلة Shields D, Montenegro R, Ragusa M.
Chemical stability of admixtures combining ziconotide with morphine or hydromorphone during simulated intrathecal administration.
Neuromodulation 2005 ; 8, 4: 257-263.
2252 مجلة Shields D, Montenegro R, Aclan J.
Chemical stability of admixture combining ziconotide and bupivacaine during simulated intrathecal administration.
Neuromodulation 2007 ; 10, 1: 1-5.
2280 مجلة Shields DE, Aclan J, Szatkowski A.
Chemical stability of admixtures combining ziconotide with fentanyl or sufentanil during simulated intrathecal administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2008 ; 12, 5: 463-466.
2298 مجلة Shields D.E, Aclan J, Szatkowski A.
Chemical stability of admixtures containing ziconotide 25 mcg/ml and morphine sulfate 10 mg/ml or 20 mg/ml during simulated intrathecal administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 2008 ; 12, 6: 553-557.
3998 مجلة Robert J, Sorrieul J, Rossignol E, Beaussart H, Kieffer H, Folliard C, Dupoiron D, Devys C.
Chemical Stability of Morphine, Ropivacaine, and Ziconotide in Combination for Intrathecal Analgesia.
Int J Pharm Compound 2017 ; 21:4 :347-351
4473 مجلة Robert J, Sorrieul J, Andrieu A, Mounsef F, Dupoiron D, Devys C.
Study of Physicochemical Stability of Ziconotide in Medication Cassette Reservoir.
Neuromodulation 2020
4496 مجلة Sorrieul J, Robert J, Dupoiron D, Devys, C.
Stability Study of Admixtures Combining Ziconotide With Morphine or Sufentanil in Polypropylene Syringes.
Neuromodulation 2020 ; 24, 7: 1145-1156.
4503 مختبر Ziconotide (Prialt®) - Summary of Product Characteristics
RIEMSER Pharma GmbH 2018
4669 مجلة Robert J, Sorrieul J, Dupoiron D, Jubier-Hamon S, Bienfait F, Visbecq A, Devys C.
Physicochemical Stability Study of the Morphine-Ropivacaine-Ziconotide Association in Implantable Pumps for Intrathecal Administration.
Neuromodulation 2021 : 1-16.

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