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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Eremfat Австрия, Германия
Rif Турция
Rifa Германия
Rifadin Австралия, Великобритания, Голландия, Иран, Ирландия, Италия, новая Зеландия, Соединённые Штаты Америки, Швеция
Rifadine Бельгия, Марокко, Франция
Rifaldin Иран, Испания
Rifampicin Германия
Rifampicina Аргентина, Эквадор
Rifampin Соединённые Штаты Америки
Rifoldin Австрия
Rimactan Швейцария
Rimactane Ирландия
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198 Журнал Gayed AA, Kheshary PR, Hinkle RL.
Visual compatibility of diltiazem injection with various diluents and medications during simulated Y-site injection.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 516-520.
263 Журнал Pearson SD, Trissel LA.
Stability and compatibility of minocycline hydrochloride and rifampicin in intravenous solutions at various temperatures.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1993 ; 50: 698-702.
2139 Журнал Serrurier C, Chenot ED, Vigneron J, May I, Demor? B.
Assessment of injectable drug’s administration in two intensive care units and determination of potential physico-chemical incompatibilities.
EJHP Science 2006 ; 12,5: 96-99.
3379 Журнал Fox L.M, Wilder A.G, Foushee J.A.
Physical compatibility of various drugs with neonatal total parenteral nutrient solution during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2013 ;70:520-524.
3541 Лаборатория Rifampicin (Rifadin®) – Summary of Product Characteristics
Sanofi 2011
4405 Журнал Ezquer-Garin C, Ferriols-Lisart R, Martinez-López LM, Sangrador-Pelluz C, Nicolás-Picó J, Alós-Almiñana M.
Stability of tedizolid phosphate-sodium rifampicin and tedizolid phosphate-meropenem admixtures in intravenous infusion bags stored at different temperatures
Pharmazie 2020 ; 75: 172-176.
4543 Журнал Senarathna G, Strunk T, Petrovski M, Batty K.
Physical compatibility of pentoxifylline and intravenous medications.
Archives of Disease in Childhood 2018 ;104:292–295.

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