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Analgetikum   Alfentanil hydrochloride  
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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Alfenta Írán, Peru, USA
Alfentanil Chile, Írán, Kanada, Kolumbie, NÏmecko, USA, Velká Británie
Alfiject Írán
Limifen äpanÏlsko
Rapifen Austrálie, Belgie, Chile, Dánsko, Finsko, Francie, Irsko, Lucembursko, Malajsie, MaÔarsko, NÏmecko, Nizozemsko, Norsko, nový Zéland, Polsko, Portugalsko, Rakousko, Saúdská Arábie, Švédsko, Švýcarsko, Tunisko, Velká Británie, ÿecko
Odkazy   injekce   Odkazy : Alfentanil hydrochloride  
typ uveřejnění
59 noviny Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Martinez JF, Kim MC.
Compatibility of remifentanil hydrochloride with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2192-2196.
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1625 noviny Trissel LA, Saenz C, Williams YW, Ingram D.
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Compatibility of fenoldopam mesylate with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2003 ; 60: 80-85.
1861 noviny Levadoux E, Sautou V, Bazin JE, Schoeffler P, Chopineau J.
Medical plastics: compatibility of alfentanil and propofol alone or mixed. Stability of the alfentanil-propofol mixture.
Int J Pharm 1996 ; 127: 255-259.
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J Am Pharm Assoc 2000 ; 40: 515-519.
2086 noviny Sharley NA, Burgess NG.
Stability and compatibility of alfentanil hydrochloride and morphine sulfate in poypropylene syringes.
J Pharm Pract and Res 2003 ; 33: 279-281.
3380 noviny Eckle V-S, Heim E, Hahn M, Grasshoff C.
Incompatibility of Piritramide with Cephalosporins.
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3502 Laboratoř Propofol (Diprivan®) - Summary of Products Characteristics
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3601 Laboratoř Cisatracurium Actavis - Résumé des Caractéristiques du Produit
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