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đội nghiên cứu - Faculty of Science, Department of Analytical Chemistry   Pdf  
Tây Ban Nha
trường đại học
Faculty of Science, Department of Analytical Chemistry
Tài liệu tham khảo   Tài liệu tham khảo   (8)  
Tracking the physicochemical stability of teduglutide (Revestive®) clinical solutions over time in different storage containers.
Perez-Robles R, Hermosilla J, Navas N, Clemente-Batuista S, Jimenez-Lozano I, Cabanas-Poy MJ, Ruiz-Trave J et al. (natalia@ugr.es)
J Pharm Biomed Anal - 2022 -
Stability study over time of clinical solutions of ziv-aflibercept prepared in infusion bags using a proper combination of physicochemical and functional strategies.
Hermosilla J, Pérez-Robles R, Salmerón-García A, Casares S, Cabeza J, Navas N. (natalia@ugr.es)
J Pharm Biomed Anal - 2021 - ; 203:114209.
Use of subcutaneous tocilizumab to prepare intravenous solutions for COVID-19 emergency shortage: Comparative analytical study of physicochemical quality attributes.
Navas N, Hermosilla J, Torrente-Lopez A, Hernandez-Jimenez J, Cabeza J, Perez-Robles R, Salmeron-García A. (natalia@ugr.es )
J Pharm Anal - 2021 - ;10 532e545.
Comparative Stability Studies of Different Infliximab and Biosimilar CT-P13 Clinical Solutions by Combined Use of Physicochemical Analytical Techniques and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA).
Hermosilla J, Sanchez-Martin R, Pérez-Robles R, Salmeron-Garcia A, Casares S, Cabeza J, Cuadros-Rodriguez L, Navas N. (natalia@ugr.es)
Bio Drugs - 2019 - ; 33: 193–205.
Stability of daptomycin 5 mg/mL and heparin sodium 100 units/mL combined in lactated Ringer’s injection and stored in polypropylene syringes at 4 and -20°C.
Ortega R, Salmer?n-Garc?a A, Cabeza J, Capit?n-Vallvey L.F, Navas N. (natalia@ugr.es)
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 2014 - ; 71:956-959
Estudio de estabilidad de tiaprida en disolución para administración en perfusión intravenosa continua.
Otero F.M (francisco.mendoza2@carm.es)
Farm Hosp - 2013 - ;37,1:10-14
Determination of Tramadol, Metamizole, Ropivacaine, and Bupivacaine in Analgesic Mixture Samples by HPLC with DAD Detection.
Salmeron-Garcia A, Navas N, Martin A, Roman E, Cabeza J, Capitan-Vallvey L.F (natalia@ugr.es)
J Chromatographic Sci - 2009 - ; 47: 1-7.
Development of an LC–DAD Method for Analysis of Dexketoprofen, Tramadol, and Haloperidol. Study of the Stability of Mixtures Used for Patient-Controlled Analgesia.
Salmeron-Garcia A, Lopez-Lopez E, Roma E, Cabeza J, Navas N, Capitan-Vallvey L.F. (natalia@ugr.es)
Chromatographia - 2008 - ; 68, 9-10: 767-772.

Danh sách các chất   phân tử nghiên cứu   (12)  
thuốc trị ung thư Dạng tiêm Aflibercept
Thuốc gây tê Dạng tiêm Bupivacaine hydrochloride
Kháng sinh Dạng tiêm Daptomycin
Thuốc chống viêm Dạng tiêm Dexketoprofen
Thuốc an thần Dạng tiêm Haloperidol lactate
Thuốc chống đông Dạng tiêm Heparin sodium
Thuốc ức chế miễn dịch Dạng tiêm Infliximab
Thuốc gây tê Dạng tiêm Ropivacain hydrochloride
Khác Dạng tiêm Teduglutide
Thuốc an thần Dạng tiêm Tiapride
Thuốc ức chế miễn dịch Dạng tiêm Tocilizumab
Thuốc giảm đau Dạng tiêm Tramadol hydrochloride

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