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References   References 4303  
Type : Journal
Web link : 10.3390/pharmacy3040379

Research teams : Salt Lake City - Primary children\'s hospital, department of Pharmacy
Authors : Anderson C, MacKay M.
Title : Stability of Fentanyl Citrate, Hydromorphone Hydrochloride, Ketamine Hydrochloride, Midazolam, Morphine Sulfate, and Pentobarbital Sodium in Polypropylene Syringes.
Reference : Pharmacy 3, 379-385. 2015

Level of Evidence : 
Level of evidence A
Physical stability : 
Visual examination 
Chemical stability : 
High Performance Liquid Chromatography - Diode Array detector (HPLD-DAD)
Stability defined as 95% of the initial concentration
Other methods : 
Comments : 
No comments for the degradation products

List of drugs
injectionFentanyl citrate Analgesic
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 10 µg/ml 25°C Not specified
100 Day
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe None 50 µg/ml 25°C Not specified
100 Day
injectionHydromorphone hydrochloride Analgesic
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe Sodium chloride 0,9% 0,1 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
100 Day
injectionKetamine hydrochloride General anesthetic
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe None 10 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
100 Day
injectionMidazolam hydrochloride Anxiolytic
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 5% 0,4 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
100 Day
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe None 5 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
100 Day
injectionMorphine sulfate Analgesic
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 1 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
100 Day
injectionPentobarbital sodium General anesthetic
Stability in solutions Polypropylen Syringe None 50 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
100 Day

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