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Echipe de cercetare : Gand - laboratory of Pharmaceutical technology, State University of Gent
Autor : Vermeire A, Remon JP.
titlu : Compatibility and stability of morphine in binary admixtures with haloperidol, midazolam, dexamethasone or methylprednisolone.
Référence : Int J Pharm ; 174: 157-177. 1998

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InjectabilDexamethasone sodium phosphate Antiinflamator
Incompatibil 0.5 >> 20 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 1 >> 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilHaloperidol lactate Neuroleptic
Compatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 1 >> 20 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 1 >> 10 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 3 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 1 >> 3 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 1 & 2 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 15 > 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 3 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 5 > 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 3 > 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 2 > 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate Antiinflamator
Incompatibil 0.1 >> 9 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 10 >> 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 0.1 >> 9 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride <10 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilMidazolam hydrochloride Anxiolitic
Compatibil 1 >> 3 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride 10 >> 40 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 1 >> 3 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride > 40 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil > 4 mg/ml + InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride > 30 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilMorphine hydrochloride Antialgic
Incompatibil 1 >> 50 mg/ml + InjectabilDexamethasone sodium phosphate 0.5 >> 20 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 1 >> 20 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 1 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 1 >> 10 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 2 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 1 >> 3 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 3 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 1 & 2 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 15 > 50 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 2 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 5 > 50 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 3 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 3 > 50 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 2 > 50 mg/ml + InjectabilHaloperidol lactate 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 10 >> 50 mg/ml + InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 0.1 >> 9 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil <10 mg/ml + InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 0.1 >> 9 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 10 >> 40 mg/ml + InjectabilMidazolam hydrochloride 1 >> 3 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil > 40 mg/ml + InjectabilMidazolam hydrochloride 1 >> 3 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil > 30 mg/ml + InjectabilMidazolam hydrochloride > 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%

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