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Bibliografía 385
tipo :
As equipas de investigação :
Omaha - Creighton University, School of Pharmacy
Autores :
Benedict MK, Roche VF, Banakar UV, Hilleman DE.
título :
Visual compatibility of amiodarone hydrochloride with various antimicrobial agents during simulated Y-site injection.
número :
Am J Hosp Pharm ; 45: 1117-1118. 1988
Nível de evidência :
estabilidade física :
Estabilidade Química :
outros métodos :
comentários :
Lista de compostos
Amikacin sulfate
5 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Amikacin sulfate
5 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Cefamandole nafate
20 & 40 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Cefazolin sodium
20 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Cefazolin sodium
20 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Clindamycin phosphate
6 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Doxycycline hyclate
0.25 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Erythromycin lactobionate
2 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Gentamicin sulfate
0.8 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
5 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Penicillin G potassium
0.1 MUI/ml
4 mg/ml
Tobramycin sulfate
0.8 mg/ml
4 mg/ml
Vancomycin hydrochloride
5 mg/ml
Cefamandole nafate
20 & 40 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Cefazolin sodium
20 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
20 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Clindamycin phosphate
6 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Doxycycline hyclate
0.25 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Erythromycin lactobionate
2 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Gentamicin sulfate
0.8 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
5 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Penicillin G potassium
0.1 MUI/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Tobramycin sulfate
0.8 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
Vancomycin hydrochloride
5 mg/ml
Amiodarone hydrochloride
4 mg/ml
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