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tip : ziar

Echipe de cercetare : Toronto - Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center
Autor : Walker SE, Iazetta J, DeAngelis C, Lau DWC.
titlu : Stability and compatibility of combinations of hydromorphone and dimenhydrinate lorazepam or prochlorperazine.
Référence : Can J Hosp Pharm ; 46: 61-65. 1993

Nivelul dovezii : 
Nivel de evidență B
stabilitatea fizică : 
Examinare vizuala 
Stabilitate chimică : 
Cromatografia de lichide de inalta performanta cu detector de diode
Stabilitate definită ca si 90% din concentrația inițială
alte metode : 
Măsurarea PH-ului 
Comentarii : 

InjectabilDimenhydrinate Antihistaminic H1
Compatibil 50 mg/ml + InjectabilHydromorphone hydrochloride 2 >> 40 mg/ml + fara
InjectabilHydromorphone hydrochloride Antialgic
Compatibil 2 >> 40 mg/ml + InjectabilDimenhydrinate 50 mg/ml + fara
Compatibil 2 >> 40 mg/ml + InjectabilLorazepam 4 mg/ml + fara
Compatibil 2 >> 40 mg/ml + InjectabilProchlorperazine edysilate 5 mg/ml + fara
InjectabilLorazepam Anxiolitic
Compatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilHydromorphone hydrochloride 2 >> 40 mg/ml + fara
InjectabilProchlorperazine edysilate Neuroleptic
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilHydromorphone hydrochloride 2 >> 40 mg/ml + fara
Stabilitatea in amestec
sticla fara 23°C Neprecizat
Injectabil Hydromorphone hydrochloride 2 & 10 & 40 mg/ml
Injectabil Dimenhydrinate 50 mg/ml
24 Ora
sticla fara 37°C Neprecizat
Injectabil Hydromorphone hydrochloride 2 & 10 & 40 mg/ml
Injectabil Dimenhydrinate 50 mg/ml
24 Ora
sticla fara 4°C Ferit de lumina
Injectabil Hydromorphone hydrochloride 2 & 10 & 40 mg/ml
Injectabil Dimenhydrinate 50 mg/ml
24 Ora

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