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Béta-stimulant   Levalbuterol  
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Bibliographie   Aérosol   Bibliographie : Levalbuterol  
Type Source
2635 Revue Yamreudeewoh W, Teixeira G, Mayer GE.
Stability of levalbuterol in a mixture of levalbuterol and ipratropium nebulizer solution.
Hosp Pharm 2008 ; 43, 4: 303-306.
2774 Revue McKenzie J.E, Mario Cruz-Rivera M.
Compatibility of Budesonide Inhalation Suspension with Four Nebulizing Solutions.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 2004 ; 38: 967-972.
2803 Revue Bonasia PJ, McVicar WK, Williams B, Ong S.
Chemical and physical compatibility of levalbuterol inhalation solution concentrate mixed with budesonide, ipratropium bromide, cromolyn sodium or acetylcysteine sodium.
Respiratory Care 2008 ; 683, 12: 1716-1722.

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