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Vasodilatateur   Phentolamine mesylate  
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Bibliographie   injectable   Bibliographie : Phentolamine mesylate  
Type Source
456 Revue Tu YH, Allen LV, Wang DP.
Stability of papaverine hydrochloride and phentolamine mesylate in injectable mixtures.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1987 ; 44: 2524-2527.
1036 Revue Hasegawa GR, Eder JF.
Visual compatibility of amiodarone hydrochloride injection with other injectable drugs.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1984 ; 41: 1379-1380.
1041 Revue Hasegawa GR, Eder JF.
Visual compatibility of dobutamine hydrochloride with other injectable drugs.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1984 ; 41: 949-951.
1057 Revue Cutie MR.
Compatibility of verapamil hydrochloride injection with commonly used additives.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1983 ; 40: 1205-1207.
1899 Revue Trissel LA, Zhang Y.
Long-term stability of Trimix : a three drug injection used to treat rectile dysfunction.
Int J Pharm Compound 2004 ; 8, 3: 231-235.
2150 Revue Soli M, Bertaccini A, carparelli F, Gotti R, Cavrini V, Andrisano V, Martorana G.
Vasoactive cocktails for erectile dysfunction: chemical stability of PGE1, papaverine and phentolamine.
J Urology 1998 ; 160; 2: 551-555.
3172 Revue Xu F, Xu G, LSu L, Feng E.
Stability and compatibility of doxofylline with phentolamine mesilate in 0·9% sodium chloride or 5% dextrose injection for intravenous infusion.
J Clin Pharm Ther 2011 ; 36, 1: 99-102.
4389 Revue Côté K, Correal F, Metras M.E, Friciu M, Forest J.M, Leclair G.
Compatibilité physique des médicaments administrés en Y aux soins intensifs, en particulier la dexmédétomidine, le lévosimendan et la kétamine.
Pharmactuel 2019 ;52,4:206-213

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