آخر تحديث :
موسع الشرايين   Papaverine hydrochloride  
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تحذير الأسماء التجاريه المختلفه قد تحتوي علي محتوي إضافات مختلفة حسب الدوله و المعمل

DBL papaverine hydrochloride زيلاندا الجديدة
Papaverin Recip السويد
Papaverine chlorhydrate فرنسا, ماليزيا
مراجع   حقن   مراجع : Papaverine hydrochloride  
نوع منشور
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Visual compatibility of total parenteral nutrition solution (Synthamin 17 Premix*) with selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
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Incompatibility of contrast agents with intravascular medications.
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Long-term stability of Trimix : a three drug injection used to treat rectile dysfunction.
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2150 مجلة Soli M, Bertaccini A, carparelli F, Gotti R, Cavrini V, Andrisano V, Martorana G.
Vasoactive cocktails for erectile dysfunction: chemical stability of PGE1, papaverine and phentolamine.
J Urology 1998 ; 160; 2: 551-555.
3448 مجلة Vieillard V, Eychenne N, Astier A, Yiou R, Deffaux C, Paul M.
Physicochemical stability study of a new Trimix formulation for treatment of erectile dysfunction.
Ann Pharm Fr 2013 ; 71, 5: 358-363.

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