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Mokslinių tyrimų Komandos - University Hospital Gabriel Monpied, Department of Pharmacy   pdf  
University Hospital Gabriel Monpied, Department of Pharmacy
Bibliografija   Bibliografija   (25)  
Development and Stability of a New Formulation of Pentobarbital Suppositories for Paediatric Procedural Sedation.
Lebrat M, Bouattour Y, Gaudet C, Yessaad M, Jouannet M, Wasiak M, Dhifallah I, Beyssac E, Garrait G, Chennell P, Sautou V. (pchennell@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Pharmaceutics - 2023 - ,15, 755.
Stability of Ophthalmic Atropine Solutions for Child Myopia Control.
Berton B, Chennell P, Yessaad M, Bouattour Y, Jouannet M, Wasiak M, Sautou V. (pchennell@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Pharmaceutics - 2020 - ;12, 781
Do Ophthalmic Solutions of Amphotericin B Solubilised in 2-Hydroxypropyl- -Cyclodextrins Possess an Extended Physicochemical Stability?
Chennell P, Yessaad M, Abd El Kader F, Jouannet M, Wasiak M, Bouattour Y, Sautou V. (pchennell@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Pharmaceutics - 2020 - ; 12, 786.
Stability of infliximab solutions in different temperature and dilution conditions.
Tokhadze N, Chennell P, Le Basle Y, Sautou V. (pchennell@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
J Pharm Biomed Anal - 2018 - ; 150 : 386-395
Stabilité physico-chimique des solutions injectables de bésilate de cisatracurium dans les conditions cliniques d'utilisation
Pignard J, Bourdeaux D, Kauffmann S, Constantin J.M, Sautou V. (vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Ann Fr Anesth Réanim - 2014 - ; 33, 5: 304-309.
Etude de stabilité de solutions intravitréennes de vancomycine à 10 mg/ml.
Maillot-Pyszczek V, Bourdeaux D, Sautou V, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Congrès HOPIPHARM - 2010 -
Compatibility and stability of parenteral analgesic admixtures for multimodal analgesia
Balayssac D, Badaroux L, Rodier C, Sautou-Miranda V, Bazin JE, Chopineau J. (dbalayssac@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
EJHP Science - 2009 - ; 15, 4: 78-82.
Peut-on conditionner les solutions de docétaxel dans des poches en PVC ?
Dalle M, Sautou-Miranda V, Balayssac D, Bourlon S, Bagel S, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
J Pharm Clin - 2006 - ; 25, 3: 147-152.
Leaching of diethylhexyl phtalate from multilayer tubing into etoposide infusion solutions.
Bagel-Boithias S, Sautou-Miranda V, Bourdeaux D, Tramier V, Boyer A, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 2005 - ; 62: 182-188.
Analysis by liquid chromatography and infrared spectrometry of di(2-ethylhexyl)phtalate released by multilayer infusion tubing.
Bourdeaux D, Sautou-Miranda V, Bagel-Boithias S, Boyer A, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
J Pharm Biomed Anal - 2004 - ; 35: 57-64.
Compatibility of etoposide solution with polyvinyl chloride and low density polyethylene containers and its stability in different storage conditions.
Gras C, Sautou-Miranda V, Bagel-Boithias S, Brigas F, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
EJHP - 2002 - ; 2: 33-40.
Impact of deep freezing on the stability of 25 mg/ml vancomycin ophtalmic solutions.
Sautou-Miranda V, Libert F, Grand-Boyer A, Gellis C, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Int J Pharm - 2002 - ; 234: 205-212.
Impact of deep freezing on the stability of 25 mg/ml vancomycin ophtalmic solutions.
Sautou-Miranda V, Libert F, Grand-Boyer A, Gellis C, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Int J Pharm - 2002 - ; 234, 1-2: 205-212.
Compatibility of doxorubicin, daunorubicin and epirubicin with low-density polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride, and stability in various conditions of storage.
Sautou-Miranda V, Brigas F, Thibault M, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
EJHP - 2001 - ; 7, 3: 108-115.
Compatibility of paclitaxel in 5% glucose solution with ECOFLAC® low-density polyethylene containers - Stability under different storage conditions.
Sautou-Miranda V, Brigas F, Vanheerswinghels S, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Int J Pharm - 1999 - ; 178: 77-82.
Impact of deep-freezing on pefloxacin eye drops stability.
Gellis C, Sautou-Miranda V, Arvouet A. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
J Pharm Clin - 1999 - ; 18: 179-182.
Compatibility of tropisetron with glass and plastics. Stability under different storage conditions.
Brigas F, Sautou-Miranda V, Normand B, Geneve S, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
J Pharm Pharmacol - 1998 - ; 50: 407-411.
Compatibility of granisetron towards glass and plastics and its stability under various storage conditions.
Hourcade F, Sautou-Miranda V, Normand B, Laugier M, Picq F, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Int J Pharm - 1997 - ; 154: 95-102.
Stability of dopamine hydrochloride and of dobutamine hydrochloride in plastic syringes and administration sets.
Sautou-Miranda V, Gremeau I, Chamard I, Cassagnes J, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 1996 - ; 53: 186.
Compatibility of propofol diluted in 5% glucose with glass and plastics (polypropylene, molyvinylchloride) containers.
Sautou-Miranda V, Levadoux E, Groueix MT, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Int J Pharm - 1996 - ; 130: 251-255.
Medical plastics: compatibility of alfentanil and propofol alone or mixed. Stability of the alfentanil-propofol mixture.
Levadoux E, Sautou V, Bazin JE, Schoeffler P, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Int J Pharm - 1996 - ; 127: 255-259.
Stability and compatibility of a mixture of the anti-cancer drugs etoposide, cytarabine and daunorubicine for infusion.
Chevrier R, Sautou V, Pinon V, Demecop F, Chopineau J. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Pharm Acta Helv - 1995 - ; 70: 141-148.
Compatibility with medical plastics and stability of continuously and simultaneously infused isosorbide dinitrate and heparin.
Sautou V, Chopineau J, Gremeau I, Chevrier R, Bruneaux F. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Int J Pharm - 1994 - ; 107: 111-119.
Release of di(2-ethylhexyl)phtalate from polyvinylchloride bags during docetaxel infusions
Bourlon S, Sautou-Miranda V, Dalle M. (Vsautou@chu-clermontferrand.fr)
Poster ESCP Stockholm May 2005 - -

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