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tip : ziar
Internet legătură într- : https://doi.org/10.1691/ph.2008.8161

Echipe de cercetare : Graz - University of Graz, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Autor : Nemec K, Germ E, Schulz-Siegmund M, Ortner A.
titlu : The effect of nimodipine, fentanyl and remifentanil intravenous products on the stability of propofol emulsions.
Référence : Pharmazie ; 64, 2: 94-97. 2009

Nivelul dovezii : 
stabilitatea fizică : 
Stabilitate chimică : 
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Comentarii : 

InjectabilFentanyl citrate Antialgic
Compatibil 10 & 50 µg/ml + InjectabilPropofol 10 & 20 mg/ml + fara
InjectabilNimodipine Antihipertensiv
Incompatibil 0.2 mg/ml + InjectabilPropofol 10 et 20 mg/ml + fara
InjectabilPropofol Anestezic general
Compatibil 10 & 20 mg/ml + InjectabilFentanyl citrate 10 & 50 µg/ml + fara
Incompatibil 10 et 20 mg/ml + InjectabilNimodipine 0.2 mg/ml + fara
Incompatibil 10 et 20 mg/ml + InjectabilRemifentanil hydrochloride 50 et 100 µg/ml + fara
InjectabilRemifentanil hydrochloride Antialgic
Incompatibil 50 et 100 µg/ml + InjectabilPropofol 10 et 20 mg/ml + fara

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