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Internet legătură într- : http://www.ajhp.org/cgi/content/abstract/54/2/181

Echipe de cercetare : Salt Lake City - University of Utah Health Care, Department of Pharmacy Services
Autor : Najari Z, Rusho WJ.
titlu : Compatibility of commonly used bone marrow transplant drugs during Y-site delivery.
Référence : Am J Health-Syst Pharm ; 54: 181-184. 1997

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InjectabilAciclovir sodium Antiviral
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilPethidine hydrochloride 100 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
InjectabilAmikacin sulfate Antibiotic
Incompatibil 50 mg/ml + Nutriție parenterală (cu lipide)
Compatibil 50 mg/ml + InjectabilDexamethasone sodium phosphate 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,45%
Compatibil 50 mg/ml + InjectabilPethidine hydrochloride 100 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,45%
InjectabilCalcium gluconate electrolit
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilProchlorperazine edysilate 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilCytarabine Citostatic
Compatibil 16 mg/ml + InjectabilGentamicin sulfate 15 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 16 mg/ml + InjectabilHydrocortisone sodium succinate 125 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 16 mg/ml + InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 5 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
InjectabilDexamethasone sodium phosphate Antiinflamator
Compatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilAmikacin sulfate 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,45%
InjectabilDopamine hydrochloride Cardiotonic
Compatibil 0.8 mg/ml + InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 0.8 mg/ml + InjectabilMetronidazole 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 0.8 mg/ml + InjectabilOndansetron hydrochloride 0.32 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
InjectabilFoscarnet sodium Antiviral
Compatibil 24 mg/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilGentamicin sulfate Antibiotic
Compatibil 15 mg/ml + InjectabilCytarabine 16 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilHeparin sodium Anticoagulant
Incompatibil 100 UI/ml + Nutritie parenterala (amestec binar)
Compatibil 100 UI/ml + InjectabilHydrocortisone sodium succinate 125 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 100 UI/ml + InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 5 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
Incompatibil 100 UI/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + Nutritie parenterala (amestec binar)
InjectabilHydrocortisone sodium succinate Antiinflamator
Compatibil 125 mg/ml + InjectabilCytarabine 16 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 125 mg/ml + InjectabilHeparin sodium 100 UI/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate Antiinflamator
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilCytarabine 16 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilDopamine hydrochloride 0.8 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilHeparin sodium 100 UI/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilMetronidazole 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilMetronidazole Antiparazitar
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilDopamine hydrochloride 0.8 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilMethylprednisolone sodium succinate 5 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilOndansetron hydrochloride Antiemetic
Compatibil 0.32 mg/ml + InjectabilDopamine hydrochloride 0.8 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
InjectabilPethidine hydrochloride Antialgic
Compatibil 100 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + NaCl 0,9% sau Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 100 mg/ml + InjectabilAmikacin sulfate 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,45%
InjectabilProchlorperazine edysilate Neuroleptic
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilCalcium gluconate 10 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotic
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilFoscarnet sodium 24 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilHeparin sodium 100 UI/ml + Nutritie parenterala (amestec binar)

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