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References   References 2803  
Type : Journal

Research teams : Marlborough - Sepracor Inc
Authors : Bonasia PJ, McVicar WK, Williams B, Ong S.
Title : Chemical and physical compatibility of levalbuterol inhalation solution concentrate mixed with budesonide, ipratropium bromide, cromolyn sodium or acetylcysteine sodium.
Reference : Respiratory Care ; 683, 12: 1716-1722. 2008

Level of Evidence : 
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Other methods : 
Comments : 

List of drugs
aerosolBudesonide Anti-inflammatory
aerosolCromoglycate sodium Various
aerosolIpratropium bromide Antimuscarinic
aerosolLevalbuterol Beta-stimulant
aerosolN-acetylcysteine Various
Stability of mixtures
Not specified None 
21-25°C Light
aerosol N-acetylcysteine liquid ®=? Acetylcysteine sodium Bristol Myers Squibb® 182 mg/l
aerosol Levalbuterol liquid ®=? Levalbuterol Sepracor® 0.22 mg/
0.5 Hour
Not specified None 
21-25°C Light
aerosol Levalbuterol liquid ®=? Levalbuterol Sepracor® 0.41 mg/ml
aerosol Ipratropium bromide liquid ®=? Ipratropium bromide Dey® 0.16 mg/ml
0.5 Hour
Not specified None 
21-25°C Light
aerosol Budesonide liquid ®=? Budesonide Astra Zeneca 0.2 mg/mL
aerosol Levalbuterol liquid ®=? Levalbuterol Sepracor® 0.5 mg/mL
0.5 Hour
Not specified None 
aerosol Levalbuterol liquid ®=? Levalbuterol Sepracor® 0.5 mg/ml
aerosol Cromoglycate sodium liquid ®=? Cromolyn sodium Alpharma® 8 mg/ml
0.5 Hour

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