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Type : Journal
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Research teams : Lansing - Sparrow Hospital, Department of Pharmacy
Authors : Hunt-Fugate AK, Hennessey CK, Kazarian CM.
Title : Stability of fluconazole in injectable solutions.
Reference : Am J Hosp Pharm ; 50: 1186-1187. 1993

Level of Evidence : 
Level of evidence D
Physical stability : 
Chemical stability : 
Gas chromatography
Stability defined as 90% of the initial concentration
Other methods : 
Comments : 
No visual inspection

List of drugs
injectionFluconazole Antifungal
Stability in solutions Glass Glucose 5% 1 mg/ml 25°C Light
24 Hour
Stability in solutions Glass Ringer’s lactate solution 1 mg/ml 25°C Light
24 Hour
injectionHeparin sodium Anticoagulant
injectionMorphine sulfate Analgesic
injectionTheophylline Various
Stability of mixtures
Glass Glucose 5% 25°C Light
injection Fluconazole 1 mg/ml
injection Heparin sodium 100 UI/ml
24 Hour
Glass Glucose 5% 25°C Light
injection Morphine sulfate 0,5 mg/ml
injection Fluconazole 1 mg/ml
24 Hour
Glass Glucose 5% 25°C Light
injection Fluconazole 1 mg/ml
injection Theophylline 0,8 mg/ml
72 Hour

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