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Internet legătură într- : http://www.ajhp.org/cgi/content/abstract/66/8/727

Echipe de cercetare : Salt Lake City - University of Utah Health Care, Department of Pharmacy Services
Autor : Canann D, Tyler L.S, Barker B, Condie C.
titlu : Visual compatibility of i.v. medications routinely used in bone marrow transplant recipients
Référence : Am J Health-Syst Pharm ; 66, 8: 727-729 2009

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Numai studii de compatibilitate.

InjectabilAciclovir sodium Antiviral
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilCiclosporin 1 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilDexamethasone sodium phosphate 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilDiphenhydramine hydrochloride 50 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilDroperidol 2,5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilFentanyl citrate 50 µg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilGentamicin sulfate 30 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilGranisetron hydrochloride 1 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilHeparin sodium 100 UI/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilMetoclopramide hydrochloride 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride 10 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilCiclosporin Imunosupresor
Incompatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilMeropenem 10 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
InjectabilDexamethasone sodium phosphate Antiinflamator
Compatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilDiphenhydramine hydrochloride Antihistaminic H1
Incompatibil 50 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilDroperidol Neuroleptic
Compatibil 2,5 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilFentanyl citrate Antialgic
Compatibil 50 µg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilGentamicin sulfate Antibiotic
Incompatibil 30 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 30 mg/ml + InjectabilMeropenem 10 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
Compatibil 30 mg/ml + InjectabilPotassium chloride 20 mEq/l + NaCl 0,45% Glucoza 5%
InjectabilGranisetron hydrochloride Antiemetic
Incompatibil 1 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilHeparin sodium Anticoagulant
Compatibil 100 UI/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilHydromorphone hydrochloride Antialgic
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilLevofloxacine 5 mg/ml + fara
Compatibil 2 mg/ml + InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride 4 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilLevofloxacine Antibiotic
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilHydromorphone hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + fara
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilMagnesium sulfate 20 mg/ml + fara
Compatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilPotassium chloride 40 mEq/l + fara
InjectabilMagnesium sulfate electrolit
Compatibil 20 mg/ml + InjectabilLevofloxacine 5 mg/ml + fara
InjectabilMeropenem Antibiotic
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilCiclosporin 1 mg/ml + Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilGentamicin sulfate 30 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilMetoclopramide hydrochloride Antiemetic
Incompatibil 5 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilNalbuphine hydrochloride Antidot
Compatibil 10 mg/ml + InjectabilAciclovir sodium 5 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%
InjectabilPotassium chloride electrolit
Compatibil 20 mEq/l + InjectabilGentamicin sulfate 30 mg/ml + NaCl 0,45% Glucoza 5%
Compatibil 40 mEq/l + InjectabilLevofloxacine 5 mg/ml + fara
InjectabilVancomycin hydrochloride Antibiotic
Compatibil 4 mg/ml + InjectabilHydromorphone hydrochloride 2 mg/ml + clorura de sodiu 0,9%

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