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điện giải   Sodium citrate  
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CITRATE DE SODIUM AGUETTANT 3,8 % sol stérile Pháp
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Loại Nguồn
2019 Tạp chí Wazny L, Walker S, Moist L.
Visual compatibility of gentamicin sulfate and 4% sodium citrate solutions.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2005 ; 62: 1548-1550.
2221 Tạp chí Cober M.P, Johnson C.E.
Stability of 70% alcohol solutions in polypropylene syringes for use in ethanol-lock therapy.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2007 ; 64, 23: 2480-2482.
3122 Tạp chí Dotson B, Lynn S, Savakis K, Churchwell MD.
Physical compatibility of 4% sodium citrate with selected antimicrobial agents.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2010 ; 67: 1195-1198.
3186 Tạp chí Bryan Dotson B, Churchwell MD.
Physical compatibility of 4% sodium citrate with 23.4% sodium chloride, fluconazole, and micafungin.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2011 ; 68:377-378.
3327 Tạp chí LaPlante K.L, Woodmansee S, Mermel L.A.
Compatibility and stability of telavancin and vancomycin in heparin or sodium citrate lock solutions.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2012 ; 69:1405-1409
3416 Tạp chí Csaba M, Boddu,S.H.S , Churchwell M.D.
Physical compatibility of sodium citrate with alcohol and cefepime.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2013 ; 70: 932-937
3644 Thông tin của nhà sản xuất Calcium gluconate® - Summary of Product Characteristics
Hameln Pharmaceuticals 2010
3951 Tạp chí Battistella M, Walker S, law S, Lok C.
Antibiotic lock: In vitro stability of vancomycin and four percent sodium citrate stored in dialysis catheters at 37°C
Hemodial Int 2009 ; 13, 3: 322-328.
3952 Tạp chí Battistella M,. Vercaigne L.M, Cote D,. Lok C.E.
Antibiotic lock: In vitro stability of gentamicin and sodium citrate stored in dialysis catheters at 37°C.
Hemodial Int 2010 ; 14, 3 : 322-326.
4027 Tạp chí Wei Y, WonJoon Yang J, Boddu S, Jung R, Churchwell M.
Compatibility, Stability, and Efficacy of Vancomycin Combined With Gentamicin or Ethanol in Sodium Citrate as a Catheter Lock Solution.
Hosp Pharm 2017 ;52,10:685-690

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