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Antiinflammatoire   Hydrocortisone  
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Solution buvable
Bibliographie   Solution buvable   Bibliographie : Hydrocortisone  
Type Source
909 Revue Chong G, Decarie D, Ensom M.H.H.
Stability of hydrocortisone in extemporaneously compounded suspensions.
J Informed Pharmacother 2003 ; 13: 100-110.
2538 Revue Fawcett JP, Boulton DW, Jiang R, Woods DJ.
Stability of hydrocortisone oral suspensions prepared from tablets and powder.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 1995 ;29:987-990.
2835 Revue Das Gupta V.
Chemical Stability of Hydrocortisone in an Oral Liquid Dosage Form without Suspending Agents
Int J Pharm Compound 2007 ; 11, 3: 259-261.
3755 Revue Bourget P, Amin A, Vidal F, Pieyre M, Dosso E.O, Beauvais R, Loeuillet R.
Physicochemical and Microbiological Stabilities of Hydrocortisone in InOrpha Suspending Agent Studied Under Various Condition.
Int J Pharm Compound 2014 ; 18, 5: 427-431.
3810 Revue Geiger C M, Sorenson B, Whaley P.
Stability Assessment of 10 Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Compounded in SyrSpend SF.
Int J Pharm Compound 2015 ; 19, 5 : 420-427.
3811 Revue Nahata Milap C.
Stability of Levothyroxine, Doxycycline, Hydrocortisone, and Pravastatin in Liquid Dosage Forms Stored at Two Temperatures.
Int J Pharm Compound 2015 ; 19, 5 : 428-431.
4063 Revue Manchanda A, Laracy M, Savji T, Bogner R.
Stability of an Alcohol-free, Dye-free Hydrocortisone (2mg/mL) Compounded Oral Suspension.
Int J Pharm Compound 2018 ;22,1:66-75
4198 Revue Uriel M, Gomez-Rincon C, Marro D.
Stability of regularly prescribed oral liquids formulated with SyrSpend® SF.
Pharmazie 2018 73;196-201
4530 Revue Pramar Y, Mandal T, Bostanian L, Kader C, Morris T, Graves R.
Physicochemical and Microbiological Stability of Extemporaneously Compounded Hydrocortisone Oral Suspensions in PCCA Base, SuspendIt.
Int J Pharm Compound 2021 ;25,5:431-439

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