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抗菌薬   Temocilline  
溶媒内の安定性 混合時の安定性 安定性に影響する因子 互換性 投与経路 引用文献 PDF

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Negaban イギリス, フランス, ベルギー, ルクセンブルグ
引用文献   注射薬   引用文献 : Temocilline  
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2231 雑誌 de Jongh R, Hens R, Basma V, mouton JW, Tulkens PM, Carryn S.
Continuous versus intermittent infusion of temocillin, a directed spectrum penicillin for intensive care patients with nosocomial pneumonia: stability, compatibility, population pharmacokinetic studies and breakpoint selection.
J Antimicrob Chemother 2008 ; 61, 2: 382-388.
2275 雑誌 Craig Dyar S, Notari RE.
Hydrolysis kinetics and stability predictions for a mixture of R and S temocillin isomers.
Int J Pharm 1998 ; 173: 221-232.
2296 実験 Témocilline (Negaban®) - Résumé des caractéristiques du produit
Eumedica 2017
3154 雑誌 Carryn S, Couwenbergh N, Tulkens PM
Long-term stability of temocillin in elastomeric pumps for outpatient antibiotic therapy in cystic fibrosis patients.
J Antimicrob Chemother 2010 ; 65, 9: 2045-2046.
3255 雑誌 Rolin C, Hecq J.D, Tulkens P, Vanbeckbergen D, Jamart J, LGalanti L.
Long-term stability of temocillin in dextrose 5% and in sodium chloride 0.9% polyolefin bags at 5±3°C after freeze-thaw treatment
Ann Pharm Fr 2011 ; 69, 6 : 296-301.
3385 雑誌 Raverdi V, Ampe E, Hecq JD, Tulkens PM.
Stability and compatibility of vancomycin for administration by continuous infusion.
J Antimicrob Chemother 2013 ; 68: 1179-1182.
3520 実験 Cidomycin - Summary of product Chracteristics.
Sanofi 2011
3529 実験 Ciprofloxacin – Summary of Product Characteristics
Hospira 2013
3549 実験 Amikacine B Braun - Résumé des caractéristiques du produit.
B Braun 2012
3643 実験 Gentamicin sulphate (Cidomycin®) - Summary of Product Characteristics
Sanofi 2015
3674 実験 Erythromycin lactobionate - Summary of Product Characteristics
PanPharma 2016
4470 雑誌 Claeysoone K, Basma V, Hens R, Van Bambeke F, de Jongh R, Tulkens P.
Continuous versus intermittent infusion of temocillin in intensive care unit patient.
Critical care 2005 ; 9(Suppl 1) P37
4634 雑誌 Loeuille G, D'Huart E, Vigneron J, Nisse YE, Beiler B, Polo C, Ayari G, Sacrez M, Demoré B, Charmillon A.
Stability studies of 16 Antibiotics for Continuous Infusion in Intensive Care Units and for Performing Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy.
Antibiotics 2022 ;11,4: 458

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