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Antibioticum   Pyrimethamine  
Orale Oplossing
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Orale Oplossing
Literatuur   Orale Oplossing   Literatuur : Pyrimethamine  
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2447 Artikel Nahata MC, Morosco RS, Hipple TF.
Stability of pyrimethamine in a liquid dosage formulation stored for three months
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1997 ; 54: 2714-2716.
4053 Artikel Lewis P, Cluck D, Huffman J, Ogle A, Brown S.
Stability of a pyrimethamine suspension compounded from bulk powder.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2017 ;74,24:2060-2064
4741 Artikel Pramar Y, Mandal T, Bostanian L, Kader C, Morris T, Graves R
Physicochemical and Microbiological Stability of Pyrimethamine in Paraben-free PCCA Base, SuspendIt.
Int J Pharm Compound 2023 ;27,2:160-168

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