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Beta-blokker   Propranolol hydrochloride  
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Orale Oplossing
Literatuur   Orale Oplossing   Literatuur : Propranolol hydrochloride  
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2477 Artikel Henry DW, Repta AJ, Smith FM, White SJ.
Stability of propranolol hydrochloride suspension compounded from tablets
Am J Hosp Pharm 1986 ; 43: 1492-1495.
2504 Artikel Rooney M, Creurer I.
Stability of propranolol hydrochloride suspension and solution
Am J Hosp Pharm 1988 ; 45: 530-531.
2513 Artikel Das Gupta V, Stewart KR.
Stability of propranolol hydrochloride suspension and solution compounded from injection or tablets
Am J Hosp Pharm 1987 ; 44: 360-361.
3356 Artikel Geiger C M, Voudrie M A, Sorenson B.
Stability of Propranolol Hydrochloride in SyrSpend SF.
Int J Pharm Compound 2012 ; 16, 6 : 513-515.
3410 Artikel Ensom M.H, Kendrick J, Rudolph S, Decarie D.
Stability of Propranolol in Extemporaneously Compounded Suspensions
Can J Hosp Pharm 2013 ; 66, 2: 118-124.
3996 Artikel Dijkers E,Nanhekhan V,Thorissen A.
Updated Stability Data of Midazolam, Oseltamivir Phosphate, and Propranolol Hydrochloride in SyrSprend SF and Minoxidil in Espumil.
Int J Pharm Compound 2017 ; 21,3 : 240-241.
4177 Artikel Polonini H, Loures da Silva S, Fernandes Brandao M.A, Bauters T, De Moerloose B, De Oliveira Ferreira A.
Compatibility of Baclofen, Carvedilol, Hydrochlorothiazide, Mercaptopurine, Methadone Hydrochloride, Oseltamivir Phosphate, Phenobarbital, Propranolol Hydrochloride, Pyrazinamide, Sotalol Hydrochloride, Spironolactone, Tacrolimus Monohydrate, Ursodeoxycholic Acid, and Vancomycin Hydrochloride Oral Suspensions Compounded with SyrSpend SF PH4.
Int J Pharm Compound 2018 ;22,6:516-526

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