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Citostatic   Chlormethine hydrochloride  
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Bibliografie   Unguente   Bibliografie : Chlormethine hydrochloride  
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168 ziar Cummings J, Maclellan A, Langdon SJ, Smyth JF.
The long term stability of mechlorethamine hydrochloride (Nitrogen Mustard) ointment measured by HPLC.
J Pharm Pharmacol 1993 ; 45: 6-9.
2668 ziar Zhang Y, Trissel LA, Johansen JF, Kimball CL.
Stability of mechlorethamine hydrochloride 0.01% ointment in Aquafor Base.
Int J Pharm Compound 1998 ; 2: 89-91.
3074 ziar Ritschel WA, Ye W, Buhse L, Reepmeyer JC.
Stability of the nitrogen mustard mechlorethamine in novel formulations for dermatological use.
Int J Pharm 2008 ; 362: 67-73.

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