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Ontstekingsremmer   Ibuprofen lysinate  
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Literatuur   injecteerbaar geneesmiddel   Literatuur : Ibuprofen lysinate  
type publicatie
1985 Artikel Volonté MG, Valora PD, Congolani A, Ferrara M.
Stability of ibuprofen in injection solutions.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2005 ; 62: 630-633.
3879 Artikel Foushee Jaime A, Meredith Pmichaele, Fox Laura M, Grace Edward E.
Y-site Physical Compatibility of Beta-blocker Infusions with Intensive Care Unit Admixtures.
Int J Pharm Compound 2016 ; 20, 4 : 328-332.
4419 Artikel Holt R.J, Siegert S.W.K, Krishna A.
Physical Compatibility of Ibuprofen Lysine Injection with Selected Drugs During Simulated Y-site Injection.
J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther 2008 ; 13, 3: 155-161.
4464 Artikel Garcia J, Garg A, Song Y, Fotios A, Andersen C, Garg S.
Compatibility of intravenous ibuprofen with lipids and parenteral nutrition, for use as a continuous infusion.
PlosOne 2018 13(1): e0190577.
4465 Artikel Foushee A, Meredith P, Fox Laura, Wilder A.
Y-site physical compatibility of hydrocortisone continuous infusions with admixtures used in critically ill patients.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2020 ;77,14:1144-1148
4543 Artikel Senarathna G, Strunk T, Petrovski M, Batty K.
Physical compatibility of pentoxifylline and intravenous medications.
Archives of Disease in Childhood 2018 ;104:292–295.

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