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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Chinotal Węgry
Flexital Indie
Hemovas Hiszpania
Kinetal Indie
Oxilac Meksyk
Pentilin Polska
Pentohexal Niemcy
Pentomer Austria
Polfilin Polska
Trental Austria
Trentilin Turcja
Vasonit Austria
Vasoplan Turcja
Bibliografia   Injekcje   Bibliografia : Pentoxifyllin  
typ publikacja
4538 Czasopismo Campbell A, Petrovski M, Senarathna G, Mukadam ,Strunk T, Batty K.
Compatibility of pentoxifylline and parenteral medications.
Archives of Disease in Childhood 2020 ; 105: 395-397.
4543 Czasopismo Senarathna G, Strunk T, Petrovski M, Batty K.
Physical compatibility of pentoxifylline and intravenous medications.
Archives of Disease in Childhood 2018 ;104:292–295.

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