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Lek sympatykomimetyczny   Ephedrine sulfate  
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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

DLB ephedrine sulfate Nowa Zelandia
Efedrin Brazylia, Islandia, Norwegia, Szwecja
Efedrin Mylan Islandia
Efedrina sulfato Argentyna, Chile, Ekwador
Ephedrin Szwajcaria
Ephedrine Belgia, Egipt, Irlandia, Tunisie, Wielka Brytania
Hidrocloruro de efedrina Hiszpania
Bibliografia   Injekcje   Bibliografia : Ephedrine sulfate  
Typ Publikacja
319 Czasopismo Hadzija BW, Lubarsky DA.
Compatibility of etomidate, thiopental sodium, and propofol injections with drugs commonly administered during induction of anesthesia.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 1995 ; 52: 997-999.
660 Czasopismo Michaels MR, Stauffer GL, Haas DP.
Propofol compatibility with other intravenous drug products - Two new methods of evaluating IV emulsion compatibility.
Ann Pharmacotherapy 1996 ; 30: 228-232.
1720 Czasopismo Storms ML, Stewart JT, Warren FW.
Stability of ephedrine sulfate at ambient temperature and 4°C in polypropylene syringes.
Int J Pharm Compound 2001 ; 5: 394-396.
3578 Laboratorium Cisplatin - Summary of Product Characteristics
Accord Healthcare 2011
3644 Laboratorium Calcium gluconate® - Summary of Product Characteristics
Hameln Pharmaceuticals 2010

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