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Analgeetit   Methadone hydrochloride  
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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Eptadone Italia
Ketalgin Sveitsi
Mephenon Belgia
Metasedin Espanja
Physeptone Iso-Britannia
Viitteet   Injektioneste   Viitteet : Methadone hydrochloride  
tyyppi julkaisu
224 Lehti Denson DD, Crews JC, Grummich KW, Stirm EJ, Sue CA.
Stability of methadone hydrochloride in 0.9% sodium chloride injection in single-dose plastic containers.
Am J Hosp Pharm 1991 ; 48: 515-517.
1506 Lehti Lopez-Cabezas C, Guerrero L, Molas G, Anglada H, Soy D.
Physicochemical compatibility of high concentration drugs usually Y-site administered in intensive care units.
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Combined administration of opoids with selected drugs to manage pain and other cancer symptoms initial safety screening for compatibility.
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3470 Lehti Destro M, Ottolini L, Vicentini L, Boschetti S.
Physical compatibility of binary and tertiary mixtures of morphine and methadone with other drugs for parenteral administration in palliative care.
Support Care Cancer 2012 ; 20: 2501-2509.
3504 Laboratorio Parecoxib (Dynastat®) - Summary of Product Characteristics
Pfizer 2012
4406 Lehti Friciu M, Alarie H, Beauchemin M, Forest JM, Leclair G.
Stability of Methadone Hydrochloride for Injection in Saline Solution
Can J Hosp Pharm 2020 2020;73(2):141-4

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