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Cytoprotektiv   Dexrazoxane hydrochloride  
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Handel navne er vejledende og hjælpestoffer sammensætning kan være forskellig afhængigt af landet og laboratorier

Cardioxane Brasilien, Chile, Danmark, Ecuador, Frankrig, Irland, Italien, Marokko, Mexico, Polen, Spanien, Storbritanien, Tyskland, Ungarn, Venezuela, Østrig
Cyrdanax Frankrig, Tyskland
Dexrazoxane Ecuador, USA
Dexrazoxano Marokko, Mexico
Razox Marokko
Razoxane Colombia
Rhianta Mexico
Savene Belgien, Danmark, Finland, Frankrig, Grækenland, Holland, Irland, Italien, Norge, Polen, Rumænien, Spanien, Storbritanien, Sverige, Tyskland, Ungarn
Zinecard Canada, USA
Zucordex Mexico
Bibliografi   Injektion   Bibliografi : Dexrazoxane hydrochloride  
Type offentliggørelse
381 Journal Beijnen JH, Van Gijn R.
Chemical stability of the cardioprotective agent ICRF-187 in infusion fluids.
J Parenter Sci Technol 1993 ; 47: 166-171.
1423 Journal Trissel LA, Martinez JF, Gilbert DL.
Compatibility of gemcitabine hyrochloride with 107 selected drugs during simulated Y-site injection.
J Am Pharm Assoc 1999 ; 39: 514-518.
1754 Journal Trissel LA, Gilbert DL, Wolkin AC.
Compatibility of docetaxel with selected drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Int J Pharm Compound 1999 ; 3: 241-244.
1949 Journal Tetef ML, Synold TW, Chow W, Leong L, Margolin K, Morgan R, Rashko J, Shibata S, Somlo G, Yen Y, Groshen S, Johnson K, Lenz HJ, Gandara D, Doroshow JH.
Phase I trial of 96 hour continuous infusion of dexrazoxane in patients with advanced malignancies.
Clinical Cancer Research 2001 ; 7: 1569-1576.
1953 Journal Trissel LA, Saenz CA, Ogundele AB, Ingram DS.
Physical compatibility of pemetrexed disodium with other drugs during simulated Y-site administration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2004 ; 61: 2289-2293.
2201 Journal Kaiser J.D, Vigneron J, Zenier H, May I, Demor? B.
Chemical and physical stability of dexrazoxane, diluted with Ringer's lactate solution, in polyvinyl and polyethylene containers.
EJHP Science 2007 ; 13, 3: 55-59.
2224 Journal Romanazzi C, Sferra S, Campi A, Rabino B, Barbieri M, Castellani S, Sabbatini L, Scanavacca P.
Dexrazoxane: Stabilià in soluzione.
Bolletino SIFO 2007 ; 53: 178-180.
3581 Laboratorium Dexrazoxane (Cardioxane®) - Résumé des caractéristiques du produit
Clinigen Healthcare 2013
3611 Journal Zhang, Y.-P, Myers, A.L., Trinh, V.A, Kawedia, J.D, Kramer, M.A, Benjamin, R.S, Tran, H.T.
Physical and chemical stability of reconstituted and diluted dexrazoxane infusion solutions.
J Oncol Pharm Practice 2014 ; 20, 1: 58-64.

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