Last update :
Cardiotonic   Dopamine hydrochloride  
Stability in solutions Stability of mixtures Factors which affect stability Compatibility Route of administration References pdf
   Chemical structure  

Tradename   Tradename     

Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Abbodop Denmark, Finland, Sweden
Cardiopal Colombia
Dopadic Iran
Dopadren Turkey
Dopamin Austria, Germany, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland
Dopamina Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Italy, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Venezuela
Dopamine Canada, France, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, United States of America
Dopaminum Poland
Dopmin Denmark, Finland, Malaysia, Turkey
Dynatra Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands
Giludop Denmark, Greece, Sweden
Intropin Egypt
Miocina Mexico
Myofast Colombia
Myotil Texte introuvable (616, )
Paldopa Peru
Revivan Mexico
Zetarina Mexico
Stability in solutions   injection   Stability in solutions : Dopamine hydrochloride     
Container Solvent Concentration Temperature Storage Duration of stability References
Glass NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 0,8 mg/ml 23-25°C Light
48 Hour
Level of evidence D

Glass Glucose 5% 0,8 mg/ml 5°C Protect from light
7 Day
Level of evidence D

Glass Glucose 5% 1 mg/ml 25°C Light
36 Hour
Level of evidence B

Glass Ringer’s lactate solution 0,8 mg/ml 23-25°C Light
48 Hour
Level of evidence D

Polyvinyl chloride Glucose 5% 0,8 mg/ml 25°C Light
24 Hour
Level of evidence D

Polyvinyl chloride Glucose 5% 3,2 mg/ml 5°C Protect from light
14 Day
Level of evidence D

Polyvinyl chloride Glucose 5% 6,4 mg/ml 23°C Light
24 Hour
Level of evidence B

Polypropylen Syringe NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 10 mg/ml 23°C Not specified
84 Hour
Level of evidence D

Polypropylen Syringe NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 2 mg/ml 23°C Not specified
84 Hour
Level of evidence D

Polypropylen Syringe NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 30 mg/ml 23°C Not specified
84 Hour
Level of evidence D

Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 5% 0,5 mg/ml 25°C Protect from light
7 Day
Level of evidence A

Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 5% 0,5 mg/ml 4°C Protect from light
120 Day
Level of evidence A

Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 5% 4 mg/ml 23-25°C With or without light
48 Hour
Level of evidence C

Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 5% 4 mg/ml 25°C Light
24 Hour
Level of evidence D

Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 5% 4 mg/ml 4°C With or without light
48 Hour
Level of evidence C

Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 10% 10 mg/ml 23°C Not specified
84 Hour
Level of evidence D

Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 10% 2 mg/ml 23°C Not specified
84 Hour
Level of evidence D

Polypropylen Syringe Glucose 10% 30 mg/ml 23°C Not specified
84 Hour
Level of evidence D

Not specified NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 0,4 >> 1 mg/ml 25°C Light
24 Hour
Level of evidence B

Not specified NaCl 0,9% or Glucose 5% 0,4 >> 3,2 mg/ml 25°C Not specified
48 Hour
Manufacturer's stability data

Not specified Glucose 5% 0,4 >> 1 mg/ml 2-8°C Protect from light
14 Day
Level of evidence B

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