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Разное   Faricimab  
Стабильность растворов Стабильность смесей Факторы, которые влияют на стабильность Совместимость Способы введения Библиография Pdf

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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

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Библиография   Инъекция   Библиография : Faricimab  
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4790 Журнал Jørstad Ø.K, Foss S, Gjølberg T.T, Mester S, Nyquist-Andersen M, Sivertsen M.S, Fossum D, Gleditsch E, Moe M.C, Andersen J.T.
Pharmaceutical compounding and storage of faricimab in a syringe for intravitreal injection do not impair stability and bi-specific binding properties.
Int J Retina Vitreous 2023 ; 9:65.

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