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syöpälääke   Melphalan captisol  
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Trade names are indicative and excipients composition can be different depending on the country and manufacturers

Evomela Yhdysvallat
Viitteet   Injektioneste   Viitteet : Melphalan captisol  
tyyppi julkaisu
4189 Lehti Kawedia J, Ramchandran S, Liu X, Gulbis A, Titus M, Bashir Q, Qazilbash M, Champlin R, Ciur S,
Stability of Captisol-enabled versus propylene glycol–based melphalan at room temperature and after refrigeration.
Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2022 ;79,12: 1011-1018
4701 Lehti Singh R, Chen J, Miller T, Bergren M, Mallik R.
Solution stability of Captisol-stabilized melphalan (Evomela) versus Propylene glycol-based melphalan hydrochloride injection.
Pharm Dev Technol 2018 ; 23, 10: 1024-1029.

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