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Thuốc chống nôn   Rolapitant  
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Varubi Hoa Kỳ
Tài liệu tham khảo   Dạng tiêm   Tài liệu tham khảo : Rolapitant  
Loại Nguồn
3927 Tạp chí Wu G,Yeung S,Chen F.
Compatibility and Stability of Rolapitant Injectable Emulsion Admixed with Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate.
Int J Pharm Compound 2017 ; 21, 1 : 66-75.
3928 Tạp chí Wu G, Yeung S, Chen F.
Compatibility and Stability of Rolapitant Injectable Emulsion Admixed with Intravenous Palonosetron Hydrochloride.
Int J Pharm Compound 2017 ; 21, 1: 76-82.
4061 Tạp chí Wu George, Powers Dan, Yeung S, Chen F, Neelon K.
Compatibility and stability of VARUBI (Rolapitant) injectable emulsion admixed with intravenous granisetron hydrochloride.
Int J Pharm Compound 2018 ; 22,1 :86-94
4062 Tạp chí Wu George, Powers Dan, Yeung S, Chen F, Neelon K.
Compatibility and stability of VARUBI (Rolapitant) injectable emulsion admixed with intravenous palonosetron hydrochloride injection and dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection.
Int J Pharm Compound 2018 ;22,1:76-85

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