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protuupalni   Budesonide  
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oralna otopina
Bibliografija   oralna otopina     Bibliografija : Budesonide  
Vrsta Publikacija
4001 Časopis Ip K,Carvalho M,Shan A,Banov D.
Physical and Chemical Stability of Budesonide Mucoadhesive Oral Suspensions (MucoLox).
Int J Pharm Compound 2017 ; 21:4 :322-329
4101 Časopis Ey C, Hosselet C, Villon B, Mar?on F.
Paediatric formulation: budesonide 0.1 mg/mL viscous oral solution for eosinophilic esophagitis using cyclodextrins.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2018
4104 Časopis Bonnet M, Dermu M, Roessle C, Bellaiche M, Abarou T, Vasseur V, Benakouche S, Storme T.
Formulation of a 3-months Stability Oral Viscous Budesonide Gel and Development of an Indicating Stability HPLC Method.
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy 2018

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