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đội nghiên cứu - Bernard J Dunn School of Pharmacy   Pdf  
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Trường đại học
Bernard J Dunn School of Pharmacy
Tài liệu tham khảo   Tài liệu tham khảo   (6)  
Comparative Stability of Vitamin K1 Oral Liquids Prepared in Sterile Water for Injection and Stored in Amber Glass Bottles and Amber Plastic Syringes.
Huffman J, Brown S, Lewis P, Lawson S, Ogle A, Peacock G. (browsd03@etsu.edu)
Int J Pharm Compound - 2018 - ;22,4:340-344
Evaluation of the Stability of Mercaptopurine Suspension Compounded in a Commercial Vehicle and the Determination of an Appropriate Beyond-use Date.
Peacock G.F, Sauvageot J, Hill A, Killian A. (gpeacock@su.edu)
Int J Pharm Compound - 2016 - ; 20, 1: 81-85
Evaluation of the Stability of Fluoxetine in Pluronic Lecithin Organogel and the Determination of an Appropriate Beyond-use Date
Peacock Gina F,Sauvageot Jurgita (gpeacock@su.edu)
Int J Pharm Compound - 2014 - ; 18, 3: 253-255.
Evaluation of the Stability of Acetaminophen in Pluronic Lecithin Organogel and the Determination of an Appropriate Beyond-Use Date.
Peacock G.F, Sauvageot J. (gpeacock@su.edu)
Int J Pharm Compound - 2012 - ; 16, 5: 428-430.
Stability of Ertapenem in an Elastomeric Infusion Device.
Phipps Stephen D, Peacock Gina F, Smith Douglas L . ()
Int J Pharm Compound - 2011 - ; 15, 3: 252-254.
Stability of meropenem in polyvinyl chloride bags and an elastomeric infusion device.
Smith DL, Bauer SM, Nicolau DP. (dsmit3@su.edu)
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 2004 - ; 61: 1682-1685.

Danh sách các chất   Phân tử nghiên cứu   (6)  
Kháng sinh Dạng tiêm Ertapenem
Thuốc chống trầm cảm Dung dịch uống Fluoxetine
Thuốc trị ung thư Dung dịch uống Mercaptopurine
Kháng sinh Dạng tiêm Meropenem
Thuốc giảm đau Dung dịch uống Paracetamol
Vitamin Dung dịch uống Phytomenadione

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