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đội nghiên cứu - Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology   Pdf  
Trường đại học
Department of Pharmacy & Pharmacology
Tài liệu tham khảo   Tài liệu tham khảo   (3)  
Evaluation of the physicochemical and functional stability of diluted REMSIMA(R) upon extended storage—A study compliant with NHS (UK) guidance.
Young B.L, Ali Khan M, Chapman T.J, Parry R,. Connolly M.A, Watts A.G. (a.watts@bath.ac.uk)
J Pharm Pract and Res - 2015 - ; 496: 421-431.
Stability and compatibility of 5-fluorouracil infusions in the Braun Easypump®.
Roberts S, Sewell GJ. (prssr@bath.ac.uk)
J Oncol Pharm Practice - 2003 - ; 9: 109-112.

Danh sách các chất   Phân tử nghiên cứu   (3)  
Thuốc trị ung thư Dạng tiêm Fluorouracil
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