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đội nghiên cứu - Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Department of Pharmacy   Pdf  
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Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Department of Pharmacy
Tài liệu tham khảo   Tài liệu tham khảo   (3)  
Stability-indicating LC-MS Method for Determination of Stability of Extemporaneously Compounded Buprenorphine Oral Syringes for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome.
Rochani A, Nguyen V, Becker R, Kraft W, Kaushal G. (gagan.kaushal@ jefferson.edu)
J Pediatr Pharmacol Ther - 2021 - ; 26, 4: 395–404.
Compatibility of treprostinil sodium and dopamine hydrochloride during simulated Y-site administration.
Bustin A, Ramsey Z, Hanna B, Kaushal G. (gagan.kaushal@jefferson.edu)
Am J Health-Syst Pharm - 2020 - ;77,8:649–657.
Crystal formation after reconstituting cefazolin sodium with 0.9% sodium chloride injection.
Senholzi CS, Kerns MP. ()
Am J Hosp Pharm - 1985 - ; 42: 129-130.

Danh sách các chất   phân tử nghiên cứu   (4)  
Thuốc giảm đau Dung dịch uống Buprenorphine
Kháng sinh Dạng tiêm Cefazolin sodium
Thuốc trợ tim Dạng tiêm Dopamine hydrochloride
Thuốc giãn mạch Dạng tiêm Treprostinil

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