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Echipe de cercetare - Theravance Biopharma   pdf  
laboratoare farmaceutice
Theravance Biopharma
San Francisco
Bibliografie   Bibliografie   (3)  
Stability of Reconstituted Telavancin Drug Product in Frozen Intravenous Bags.
Gu Z, Wong A, Raquinio E, Nguyen A. (zgu@theravance.com)
Hosp Pharm - 2015 - ; 50, 7: 609-614.
Chemical Stability of Telavancin in Elastomeric Pumps.
Sand P, Aladeen T, Kirkegaard P, LaChance D, Slover C. (cslover@theravance.com)
Current Ther Res - 2015 - ; 77: 99-104.
Post-reconstitution Stability of Telavancin with Commonly Used Diluents and Intravenous Infusion Solutions.
Gu Z, Parra C, Wong A, Nguyen A, Cheung R, Catalano T. (zgu@theravance.com)
Current Ther Res - 2015 - ; 77: 105-110.

Listele    molecule studiate   (1)  
Antibiotic Injectabil Telavancin hydrochloride

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