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Research teams - University Hospital Hôtel Dieu, Paris   pdf  
University Hospital Hôtel Dieu, Paris
References   References   (7)  
Stability of 25 mg/mL 5-azacitidine suspension kept in fridge after freezing.
Balouzet C, Chanat C, Jobard M, Brandely-Piat M-L, Chast F. (
Pharmaceutical Technology in Hospital Pharmacy - 2017 - ;2, 1:11-16.
Etude de stabilité d'un collyre de ceftazidime à 50mg/ml conditionné en flacon de polyéthylène basse densité.
Jobard M, Brandely-Piat M-L, El Deeb G, Labat L, Cros C, Chast F, Batista R. ()
SNPHPU Congress 12th - 2017 -
Etude de stabilité physico-chimique et microbiologique des collyres de ciclosporine à 0.5 ; 5 et 20 mg/mL conditionnés en flacons de polyéthylène basse densité.
Mordohay A, Chanat C, Bezia C, Fresneau J, Jobard M, Brandely-Piat M.L, Batista R. ()
APHIF 2017 - Congress 2017 - 2017 -
Stabilité des poches d'azacitidine pour injection intraveineuse (1- 4 et 2,4 mg/mL) conservées à 4°C.
Balouzet C, Chanat C, Jobard M, Brandely-Piat ML, Chast F. ()
SFPO Congress, Nantes, France - 2015 -
A stability study of 25 mg/mL phenylephrine hydrochloride and 5 mg/mL tropicamide eye drops.
Stordeur F, Chanat C, Brandely M.L, Chast F. ()
Gerpac Congress, Giens, France - 2015 -
Stability of tetracaine eye-drops
Chaussard M, Bouche V, labat L, Brandely ML, Batista R, Chast F. ()
SNPHPU Congress France - 2010 -
Liposomal amphotericin B eye drops to treat fungal keratitis: physico-chemical and formulation stability.
Morand K, Bartoletti AC, Bochot A, Barratt G, Brandely ML, Chast F. ()
Int J Pharm - 2007 - ; 344, 1-2: 150-153.

List of drugs   Molecules studied   (7)  
Antifungal Eye-drops Amphotericin B liposomale
Anticancer drug injection Azacitidine
Antibiotic Eye-drops Ceftazidime
Immunosuppressant Eye-drops Ciclosporin
Sympathomimetic Eye-drops Phenylephrine hydrochloride
Local anesthetic Oral solution Tetracain hydrochloride
Antimuscarinic Eye-drops Tropicamide

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